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Everything posted by bananabomberman

  1. I love the timpani's; it gives a more ominous feeling. Now I'm just waiting for the movie that comes with this. And looking forward to the second part too of course =D
  2. Nice beats. Would've liked to hear more variation on the melody perhaps though.
  3. Beautifully done. Simple yet profound. Keep it up!
  4. Nice beats. I can definitely hear the 6.5million BC in there. And drums only is music. If rap counts as music. drums do so much more. However, I can't say I like the title really.
  5. Ahh nice stuff. Reminds me of bunch of other games too Haven't played SMRPG in so long, this song brins back fun memories
  6. Wow. great minds think alike I thought it fit in a movie too. Intro movie or somethin
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