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Posts posted by SoloGamer

  1. ed;256079']Wii Question: If I want to convert a video to play it off of my SD card on my wii' date=' what should I set it as? I know it needs to be .mov, with a resolution smaller than 848x480, but what specific settings does it need? Hope someone knows...[/quote']

    I just use Wii Video 9

  2. I don't see what the big deal is - it's not like it even has to be listed anywhere.

    Then just keep doing what you're doing and change them yourself when you download them. If it's not listed anywhere on the site, you'd still have to download it to determine what genre it is.

    Also, there's this.

    There are many pieces that don't fit nicely into genres or have multiple genres, and putting them in "miscellaneous" and "multiple" categories would be kind of lame
  3. Yeah, those three are pretty obvious, but in Smash Bros. they're clearly much different than they originally were.

    Ok, I was just clarifying because this part of your post:

    yet you don't do anything close to that in any Zelda/Metroid games.

    made it sound like you've never seen Link do a spin attack or Samus charge a shot in their respective games.

  4. The main problem is that moves that fit in SSB's or Melee's fighting style may not fit in Brawl's. Others (Mario's cape swing, Peach's exploding butt thing) seem to have come way out of left field and don't represent the original character AT ALL (correct me if those two particular moves are actually in a Mario game, I'm a little curious ;-) ).


    On the other hand, there are moves like Link's sword spin and Samus' charge shot - they're practically EXACTLY the same in SSB and SSBM, and yet you don't do anything close to that in any Zelda/Metroid games. Seems they've become Smash Bros. staples, but I won't be sad to see the spin attack and charge shot axed (or even better, changed to be a lot more like a Zelda/Metroid game). Call it whining (because it is, really), but I think the characters should get their moves from the games they came from.

    Mario's cape swing comes from Super Mario World, in which he can attack enemies with his cape powerup.

    Link's Sword Spin has been in every Zelda game since LttP

    Samus can charge her shot in all Metroid games after she's found the proper powerup

  5. I also played a finals situation match with solo.

    ok. i don't remember the entire match too well, so i'll just explain what had happened.

    I was down either 3-2 or 3-1

    and i eventually win the entire thing 5-3

    sorry for no details.

    memory block... gotta hate them. D:

    yeah, it was pretty close for a moment there.

    Just played a situation match with dPaladin

    He was beating me pretty good the first four races, despite an early lightning bold in the first race. But in typical fashion, I started pulling victories out of my ass and won the next two races, thanks to a well timed lightning bolt in Mario Circuit, which made him miss the big jump.

    The final race, vanilla lake, was pretty close. I was barely behind him in the final lap, with a mushroom in stock, but I ended up crashing against the wall when I used it and failed to catch up, ending it at 5-2 in his favor.

  6. The Wii controls suck for this, right?

    I don't have any experience with the wii controls (I've only played it once at my cousin's house and I used a GC controller), but seeing him play with the remote looked like fun. The control scheme he used was the one where you hold it NES style, use the 1 and 2 buttons to shoot and jump, and you shake the remote to throw grenades.

    But if you prefer a more standard controller, then you should get the PS2 version.

  7. Hello to everyone! this site is awesome! it was presented to me by a french friend from youtube community! I've a question : is it possible to download the beautiful video game songs from this site? Cause I've listened a lot of songs ( in particular of zelda and castlevania) and really want to have them on my i-pod!

    You are the best

    right click -> save as...

    Welcome to the site.

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