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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. I did Lady Gaga, for kicks. (Ew, Kanye...)
  2. Sorry, guys... we have to push the show back again - one more week! Very, very sorry to keep you waiting! Things have been crazy here; one of my co-workers was hospitalized, so I'm taking on his full-time hours plus my own, *and* our car was in the shop for the past 7 days, which meant I had to walk home. I've just been too exhausted to do anything but sleep by 9 or 10... AND it's my mom's 60th birthday this weekend, so she's visiting for a few days and we don't have time to edit! Pease fowgive?
  3. Thank you! By the way, if you have any availability in the next month or so, we'd love to interview you for VGDJ. :3

  4. 43 minutes felt short? Guess time flies when you're having fun!
  5. It's a substitution for real life interactions, yes, but that doesn't mean it isn't also an escape and a distraction for some people with deeper troubles. I think the price tag is ridiculous, but admittedly I *am* glad that the first VG rehab center has been founded. Hopefully with time, the concept will catch on and be improved.
  6. http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1925468,00.html?xid=rss-topstories Interestingks...
  7. Show coming out tonight! Stay tuned...
  8. Thanks, Dyne! I think? We already have all the shows in one folder... http://vgdj.net/Shows/ EDIT: Btw, don't forget to call and leave a voicemail at VGDJ-64-KBIT (i.e. 843-564-5248 ) or Skypename "vgdjpodcast" if you want to be played on the show, everybody! I think the new number hasn't quite caught on yet.
  9. A bromance between Brushfire and Sporknight More FL-watchy goodness Let's play Super Streetfighter II Turbo HD Remix! zomg, somebody online stole Larry's handle! And that's what I gots. (^-^)
  10. More VGDJ Everybody rooting for their preferred mix. That's epicenter on the left; he arrived later! Blowing on the magical RRR die! Watching zircon demo things in FL Studio
  11. Sitting around and playing Mr. Wizard! Ashley balances sticks like nobody's business Lots of shoes in our hallway Gathering around for VGDJ recording of the Russian ReMix Roulette!
  12. More frisbee Velocifero braving the vagina tree And climbing it! Brushfire cops a feel as he comes down
  13. Group hug! Making s'mores. Jen had a rather cool idea with hers... Fire bucket! Playing frisbee in the field
  14. D-Lux, Zarggg, and Sporknight enjoy rock candy lollipops Nice work! (Clockwise from top left: Brushfire, Katsurugi, Velocifero, Dyne, Robert, Xenon Odyssey, Sporknight, zircon, Moguta, Jen, Zarggg, Markus, Sam, D-Lux, Harmony, pixietricks, José the Bronx Rican What are we looking at? VG character poses! (I'm trying to be Kirby, fyi)
  15. Okay, about to make a bunch of posts! Everybody gathered 'round for BBQ-ing. It was a GORGEOUS day: sunny, high 73 pixietricks, Sporknight, Katsurugi, Velocifero, and Xenon Odyssey Sam, D-Lux, Markus, Harmony, Dyne, and Moguta Chefs zircon and Jen with the burger meat!
  16. Your pictures are awesome, Harmony! What is the name of your camera? It's a digital SLR, right? Dang, I need a good one like that... I'll be posting my pics soon as well.
  17. Wooooooo, thanks for coming, everyone! It was awesome to see you all, and to meet some new peeps! I will post all my pics in the thread tomorrow; too tired at the moment. VGDJ episode with our special group segments will come out next Saturday!
  18. Will you be coming up for the VG Expo in October, joe_cam? OneUps are playing, and zircon will be giving a panel and playing in a band as well. :3 Hope your foot heals fast! In other news, if everyone on the tentative list could try to let us know whether they'll be coming, that would be awesome. We're just trying to get a sense of how much food to buy tomorrow!
  19. Hahaha, that's exactly how I felt the first time I met Andy. *blushes* But yeah, same with a lot of remixers.
  20. Sure! Would you be driving or doing public transit?
  21. Congratulations, Karl! :D
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