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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. Oh, actually I mentioned this to Jordan a while back. We didn't realize that Magfest was going to basically *be* your honeymoon, so we booked a room with José instead. You two deserve your alone time; it's the only breather you'll get from hordes of geeky madness! ^_~
  2. The Netherlands is a faraway place! I'm sure it'll get there soon... ^-^
  3. AWWWWWWWWWWW! That is the cutest mental image EVER. Rambo: Yes, to Andy for the amazing ring. I adore it!
  4. We could always look through it in one of the hotel rooms or something. :3
  5. Eeee, thank you guys! What a way to wake up the morning after... So much loooorrrrve in this thread. To answer some questions that have been popping up: - It is in fact a diamond - 37 of them, to be precise! ^_~ But perhaps I'll wear some cubic zirconium earrings sometime... - I plan on taking Andy's last name, professionally as well. Never been a fan of the hyphen thing, and it's early enough in my career that I think people will be able to make the adjustment. - The wedding is going to in July! Andy's family is enormous (11 sets of aunts and uncles), so we'll only be able to invite some of our closest OCR buddies. But perhaps a pre or post-wedding meetup would be in order... YES! I would love to see it.
  6. Thank you, everyone! We're just ecstatic... Seeing you all at Magfest will be a great way to celebrate. Here's a picture of us tonight! And a little movie of the ring... @_@ Yay!
  7. Yes indeed; it'll always be part of my catalogue. :>
  8. Glad you guys are enjoying the album! Feel free to leave a review on my CD Baby page, as it doesn't have any user comments yet: http://cdbaby.com/cd/jilliangoldin2
  9. Wingless refers to the infamous stinger for episode 032. (I think the only reason Andy would smite him is for the first 5 seconds. The rest is just ridiculous.)
  10. Hey everyone! I take it most of you have not seen my website announcement yet, so I'll post it here: ----- The original release date for physical copies - November 25th - has been pushed back to December 10th due to unforseen problems on the part of the CD manufacturing company. In the meantime, anyone who has preordered Through Sand and Snow will be receiving a free digital download of the album shortly! Those of you who ordered additional CDs as holiday gifts, have no fear: all orders will still arrive before Christmas. If you have any other special instructions, please don't hesitate to let me know at mail@jilliangoldin.com. So sorry for the delay! ----- I know this may be a bit of a party pooper... But at least you will get to hear it even sooner, eh? Expect to receive an email with the download info by the end of the day; I'll be working through all the orders. And for those of you that DIDN'T preorder, remember that digital copies are still available today on CD Baby! (They will appear on iTunes as well, but unfortunately there's no way for me to predict when with them.)
  11. Dude, Jordan didn't tell me MAGFest was actually gonna be your honeymoon. You guys should have that room time all to yourself!!! Should we find a different arrangement?
  12. Yeah, my brother and I used to watch The Snowman around Christmastime when we were little. It was so soothing... My mom loved it because it kept us nice and quiet. ^-^
  13. No problem, Wes - I'll just refund you the difference so you can get your $2 off deal. :>
  14. Hooray! Yes, I do get the biggest cut from physical sales since I'm set up directly with PayPal. They only charge a small transaction fee, whereas digital markets tend to take a bigger chunk. :3
  15. Wow, coincidentally... Andy and I were just listening to the Mannheim Steamroller version of "Deck the Halls" over dinner tonight!
  16. Yeah, I wanted to set up those bulk discounts so that people could afford to get a bunch as Christmas gifts! With the economy the way it is right now, I think we could all benefit from reining in spending... :/
  17. Yeah, isn't he incredible? I really lucked out... Since he works for a big design firm, normally they would charge in the thousands for something like this. But as it turns out, he is a big fan of New Age/chillout music! So after listening to my stuff, he liked it so much that he offered to treat it as a personal project! And of course, he's getting signed copies of all my albums for the rest of his life. :>
  18. Yes, I did the art for Origins, but my concept for this cover was too advanced for me to pull off on my own, so I hired Daniel Kvasznizca of iNetGraFX.com.
  19. Ahhh, thanks for the warm reception! I'm glad you're liking the previews, and Wes: yeah, I've heard the nightwish cover of Walking In the Air. It's such a great song that I couldn't resist... :>
  20. Haha, will do... But tomorrow. I's tireds. -_-zzzz
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