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Everything posted by Vig

  1. nothing new to add. not a terribly strong foundation and not enough mixage. NO
  2. some of the vocal clips are awesome. unfortunately this song has very little going on a lot of the time. there's the beat, andmaybe one harmonic instrument playing two note harmonies. there's really barely a song here without the drums. NO
  3. bad samples and little, if any variation from the original. NO EDIT: come to think of it, this is pretty much a rip. NO OVERRIDE.
  4. cool song, and i lvoe to hear more live instrumental stuff like this. i have no problem if htis passes, but there are some things that bug me that i cant get past. 1. the recording is messy. the horns sound too far back. 2. the horns have pretty bad intonation at times. 3. some of the solos are pretty sloppy. i realize i'm being kind of harsh, but it bugs me, so deal with it. best of luck. NO
  5. hyperdramatic from the outset. it's not bad, and there are lots of cool things going on. but frankly, by the middle of the song my heartstrings can simply be pulled no further. you need to mix it up a bit. the song is dramatic but it's always hyperdramatic leaving it flat overall. you need comparison to know something is big. cool ideas, please rework and provide a RANGE of dynamics. NO
  6. a little simplistic. you've got the beat, you've got the melody, and the syncopated rhythm section. there's not a lot of layering or interplay between the instruments. on top of that it's repetitive. think more about depth and texture. NO
  7. wingless said it all. when the melody comes in, it sounds completely inappropriate. the song sounds tacky until the melody cuts out and the pads come in. the best parts of this song are the parts that have nothing to do with the original. NO
  8. this is pretty cool stuff...well built, good suspense, etc. the lead is hurting. too thin, too high. i'd scrap it and try for another instrument entirely. as the song goes on, it becomes slightly less focused, more chaotic. dont loose sight of where you want to end up. that screechy instrument is still killing me. now it's not even doing anything productive, it's just screeching for no reason. some work to be done, but a good foundation. NO
  9. first thing i hear is microphone hum. second thing i hear hurts me much more acutely. later i realize this is intentionally done to make a statement about how the listener is a reprehensible parasite at the mercy of the artist. or something. once the actual song starts, the mic hum is even more pronounced. however, the music itself is pretty cool, definately the best from koelsch so far. the arrangement is cool, impressionistic. unfortunately the recording is really bad. i can hear the hum better than the sax. fix. and get rid of the crap at the beginning. NO
  10. this sounds nice, but it really doesnt do a lot creatively. It's ambient, but without direction, which means it's boring. the samples are nice, but where's the cow-meat food product? NO
  11. perhaps the most melancholy performance on this site. You know if you can break through Vig's icy shell and inject a little compassion into the charred stone that is his heart, you've done good. doesnt even really need to be longer. YES
  12. excellent emotional engineering. There are a lot of different things going on here dynamically and harmonically. very organic performance. The performer is telling a story quite effectively. well done. YES
  13. hmm..this track seems to be one idea repeating a bunch of times then jumping to the next. there's little linear motion. the beat is cool, but the beat isnt enough. the song is made of too many discrete thoughts that arent well integrated. NO
  14. that choral sample is really cheap sounding. the groove is thick and cool, but i'm at 2:30 and i've heard lots of repetition and frankly i'm losing interest. The solo is okay, but nothing spectacular, and by this point the song has been dynamically flat for 3 minutes. definately not mazedude's best. NO
  15. ack...soooooo generic. sorry to be negative but this is straight from the cookie-cutter. generic beat, drum intro that's way too long...melody coming in over simple bass harmony. very little actual arrangement. NO
  16. fairly straightforward, not really adding anything new or terribly creative. Also the mix relies far too heavily on the guitars which sound awfully weak. Need more ideas in the arrangement and you need to thicken out the instrumentation. NO
  17. grr...those guitars are really thin. or are they supposed to be organs? cant really tell. this sounds all muddy and mushy. need to thicken out the middle. horrible artifact at 1:46. nice concept, really weak execution. NO
  18. sequencing is epileptic. the harmony is really thin, that piano line just keeps going like the energizer bunny. there's really no structure to this song. quite random. sounds like there wasnt a lot of forethought involved. probably would have given this the form letter. NO
  19. this is pretty damn cool. good rapping. enjoyed it. problem with this mix is that it doesnt really go anywhere musically. the verse repeats several times. there's one changeup near the middle, but dynamically the song is in the same place the whole way through. it's a problem with lots of rap remixes. i'd like to hear this stuff on the site, but you have to bring the musical creativity up to the same level as the rap. NO
  20. I'm at 2 minutes, and so far i've heard close to zero arrangement. the drums(loop?) are holding up this track. the B section a bit after 2 minutes is pretty cool, but then back it goes. Try to hear this song without the drums. it would be really really weak. It sounds weak as it is to me. 4 minutes, the ELP with the LFO makes some really sketchy note choices. sounds akward to me. the whole song sounds this way to me. a lot of the supporting instruments just seem to be there to take up space, there's little thought or care in what notes and rhythms they actually play. 4:40, the organ plays a major when everything else plays a minor. there are all kids of little sloppy mistakes like this. sloppy overall NO feel pretty strongly about this one.
  21. ah, altered to 4/4. the rhythms are cool, but the structure is weak. the arrangement is thin, as is the instrumentation. on top of that, the structure repeats with virtually no changes. needs more work. NO
  22. the production is fine. I just dont think this has any artistic merit. Sure you can dance to it, but we've many times decided that dancability is not and should not be enough to get a song passed. there is very little depth to this song, and very little keeping my interest. NO
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