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Everything posted by Vig

  1. FUCK! for the love of christ. what the hell happened?! now the saxophone is way too quiet at some points. is this my imagination? goddamnit! alright. i'm going to give this a conditional YES with the stipulation that you raise the sax a few decibels.
  2. Alright. thought this one over. This is far from perfect. There is a lot that I would do differently. the ELP is poorly sequenced, although the voicings are pretty good. the groove is solid, the instrumentation is good. But it's SOO aimless. it doesnt go anywhere. there are a million tiny ideas shat out here and there that dont go anywhere. I was this close to giving this a YES on account of its creativity and originality, but this just isnt put together terribly well. needs more direction. i dont feel right deciding this one, and i'm leaning NO, so here it is. NO
  3. this is good stuff...i wish i could pass it. I hear the hiss, but it's not a dealbreaker. The way you introduce the countermelodies is also very well done. Unfortunately for the most part, the countermelodies are also straight out of the NSF. TO is flat out wrong about the performance; it is by no stretch of the imagination "quite sloppy," it is in fact, quite solid. The reason I'm giving this a NO is because the arrangement is straight out of the original, and there's no ending. develop the piece to have your own ideas and it's a yes. hope to hear more. NO
  4. yeah this isnt close. it's just way too bare at this point. fill it in, add harmony, etc. NO
  5. Well, it's no Fortnight Megamix, but what the hell. YES
  6. so using a sample of many strings playing a monophonic line sounds bad. this tends to be the prevailing problem through most of the mix. not enough harmony. in the metal section the guitar and bass play the same line. Harmony is your friend. the arrangement has its moments, even if it's rather tedious at times. that chugging guitar rhythm gets an awful lot of airtime without tons of variation. NO
  7. larry is right that the strings in the left channel are far too quiet. i didnt notice them until my second listen. While this track is clearly not a chiptune, it makes use of NES quality synths without sacrificing the overall sound of the track. In fact, this is the first track out of the three recent submissions to use NES quality instruments that does so without sounding cheap. Like the rest of Fatty Acid's stuff, this is concise, relatively straightforward, but also sharply put-together and enjoyable. YES
  8. the melody and structure are more or less the same as the original, but the rhythm guitar does a wonderful job voicing chords that could not be expressed on NES. the solo is okay. The arrangement is conservative, but the performance is good. what has me on the line is the recording, which is a bit shakey. tentative YES
  9. I dont care if i'm the only yes vote. You sampled Terrence McKenna. And that is awesome. The remix is as one might expect to go along with such samples. very shponglesque. YES
  10. DJ Oji? naaah okay this beat doesnt fill me with confidence. the kick is quite cheesy. the beat drops...big suprise there. doesnt get much more generic than this. way too simple, it's just a lousy beat with the melody over it. NO
  11. You sir, are a racist. the track sounds pretty intense In a very cool way. Unfortunately it's a bit rough. some clipping. The active frequencies are all midrange...the track could do with more low and Hi. I think the track is pretty cool, if somewhat underdeveloped. You really ought to smooth out the production and resub. NO
  12. this track is quite sloppy. the piano is dull, the guitars are verby and mushy. the section after 2:30 sounds best, unfortunately there's very little tying the sections together. the guitar section needs to be cleaned up in a big way, tightened up. the idea is definitely solid, but it needs to be more coherent. NO
  13. good drum stuff. the bass is overpowering a lot of the time, particularly in the first sections. a lot of the track is rather repetitive. This could be fixed by using different instrumentations instead of the same one throughout. the ending....there is no ending. NO
  14. the digeridoo (sp) is a cool idea. unfortunately this remix is far too simple and the samples are far to basic. more ideas, more layers, and better samples required. NO
  15. i dont think the piano comping is great...most of the time it only plays whole notes. rhythmically monotonous. Borrows a lot harmonically from Wingless' all the girl in one world or whatever. solid foundation, but it seems kind of aimless to me. i'll decide on this one later.
  16. hmm..the lead synth is making me dizzy. it's way too far in front of the bass and drums. there's little composition to speak of so far. lets develop more. NO
  17. a lot of the instruments are particularly dry and thin. the guitar for instance. the guitar performance is also hampered by the fact that he often hits the notes late. makes the song sluggish. the flute is also particularly dry. and flute without accompaniment=bad. violin w/o accompaniment=bad. thicken everything out. NO
  18. everything is drowned in reverb. for the most part it's a straight cover. the percussion is a bit more driving. the sax sounds really..crunchy or something. sounds pretty bad. lots of production and arrangement issues. NO
  19. my position is the same as on the figaro thing. the decent arrangement doesnt excuse the reliance on crappy sounds. on top of that, the composition is rather plodding. NO
  20. if you want to talk about advanced composition, there's a ton wrong with this song, much having to do with parallel 5ths and 8ths. the way this technical problem gets translated to the listener is that the parts dont sound independant of one another. This is frankly a significant problem, the voicings are all bland. Other than that, Zirc is right in that the composition is also rhythmically simple. I'd say these are the two biggest problems NO
  21. okay, the guitar is very bottom heavy. junk in the trunk. etc. it would be nice to have a separate bass. this song is all disjointed. The transitions are rather sudden and unexpected. instruments jump in and out. at any rate, this is a bitrate violation. NO
  22. The drums dont sound strong enough, given the fact that it's just drums and piano. Sounds to me like the whole track could use more low-end. aside from that, the piano occasionally plays parts that are quite ridiculous...perhaps impossible. Not bad, but i think it needs more than piano and drums. NO
  23. the attack is really wierd on the strings. Yikes the samples are really hurting this track. aside from that, the arrangement is rather repetitive. try developing rather than repeating. NO
  24. NO the samples are quite cheap, and the rhythm section never changes. this is way too simplistic.
  25. Waiting for tonight....WOOOOAH! When you will be here in my arms...waiting for tonight....WOOOOOOOOOOAAOAOAOAOAOAAH! I something something Love for so Long! [/90's dancepop] So...yeah..take away the guitar, and dont get me wrong, the guitar kicks ass, and you've got a very very generic dancepop song. Listening i pretty much was transported 10 years ago to the local skate rink. the track is listenable, but the arrangement has nothing particularly creative going for it. the instrumentation is tired, the arrangement is straightforward. I feel like this track was done to death 10 years ago. gotta bring something new. the guitar is a start, but it's not enough yet. NO
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