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Everything posted by Vig

  1. I think i have a slightly different take on it.. The texture is pretty good. i enjoy the synths and many of the more complex segments where the layering comes on thick. On the other hand, i think the harmony, structure and arrangement are severely limited by the source material. the artist didnt stray too far at any point, and what we're left with is a few interesting textures that repeat and never become the bitchin' hofestivals they ought to be. (not sure if that's the correct terminology) at any rate, nice sound, but NO
  2. The worst thing about this song is the encoding, which absolutely doesnt do the song justice. The song rocks, the performances are terrific, however i do feel that medleyitis afflicts the flow of the song. a bit too much jumping around; i would have liked to hear fewer songs further explored. however, there's no reason to say NO, so, er, YES
  3. the sampled drum riff that plays every bar is always triggered a beat early leading to lots of rhythmic confusion in the song. other than that, it's a very enjoyable if not terribly expanded mix, but there's no way in hell this can pass until you push back that drum sample. NO
  4. Alright, I'll say it. Koelsh knows little to nothing about phrasing. He and others try to pass it off as his style, calling it "abstract" or "free jazz." i'm familiar with free jazz. Ornette Coleman comes to mind, being a saxophonist. and let me tell you, free jazz !=lack of phrasing. I think it's fairly easy to hear the difference. free arrangement and lack of key or structure is very different from this, which is koelsh having finger spasms more or less completely at random. This should have recieved the form letter. NO Koelsh, you need to start practicing more and start thinking about phrases while you play. I dont know if you think you are a strong "avant-garde" saxophonist, but this isnt a strong avant garde performance, it's just lousy playing.
  5. this sounds slapped-together. the drums are generic, the rhythm section is random, and it's very rare that the lead instrument is not playing. no rests at all in the melody. everything else has been said. NO
  6. Wingless said it best, the texture here is very rich. Great instruments, synth programming, etc. This song is a tight package, there's lots of funk crammed into three minutes. I was impressed also by good use of the stereo field, and a generally unique sound. While I usually dont bother figuring out who makes these mixes, this one made me think, as larry might, "who is this nigga bro?" and I am thusly impressed, and await further material from Dragonlord. YES scuse me quitting panel afk
  7. This mix is probably the cleanest thing darengen has put out. the drums strike me as particularly crisp, although occasionally the snare will play a triplet fill which sounds rather clunky. The dynamics as a whole sound well thought-out. My overarching comment is that the song could afford to be a bit shorter. there are dynamic changes, but it seems like they come too slowly. each section sounds a bit too long. completely subjective, of course. The ending isnt very impressive; it's not quite a guitar solo, but there isnt another lead instrument playing against the guitar. there's no real point of focus; i'd either make it a full-fledged guitar solo, or beef up that piano and make it interact with the guitar more. That guitar passage everyone is talking about is a BIIIIG oops. Either his finger slipped or his ear slipped, i dont know which. either way it sounds like shit, but it's certainly not enough to warrant a NO on what is an otherwise solid, if not exceptional mix. YES
  8. cute, cheesy, too short, less than fully developed, definately not OCR caliber. NO
  9. this song is very basic. simple two chord progression, basic rhythms, predictable instrumentations. The song really brings nothing new to the table. NO
  10. the groove and the instrumentation sound like lots of fun. however, the composition is really not there. There are wrong notes all over the place, harmonies are spastic and dont make sense. that string hit sounds all kinds of out of place. NO
  11. the introduction to this mix is awesome. very tense and original. the groove is tense. unfortunately, aside from the intro and the melody, the mix is hurting for ideas. it gets repetitive at the 1:30 mark. what you've got is good, but you need to expand it rather than repeat it. NO
  12. The composition isn't bad here..but what's holding this song back is that it's monotonous. the dynamics are incredibly flat throughout the whole song. i randomly skipped around the song and heard just about the same thing everywhere. at this point, the samples are hurting the song as well. this pretty much just needs to go somewhere. it's too flat. NO
  13. The groove is certainly jubilicious, and the instrumentation is functional. unfortunately the mallets play a few bad notes (i.e. :11) furthermore, there dynamics are completely flat until 1:45. Further into the song more bad notes present themselves. it seems the effort in this mix went into the groove and the instruments, while the composition falls flat. NO
  14. I'm pleased with this mix. its not the kind of music i would ever be caught dead listening to, but the performance is tight, the production is solid enough, and the arrangement is satisfactory. the song isnt monotonous, and while it does play the melody a few times, there's still plenty of arrangement for me. the more creative sections are particularly rewarding. YES
  15. I'm very borderline on this mix. It's a fairly cohesive piece. perhaps a bit repetitive and linear, but the piece is fairly solid. My decision is based, then, on the fact that the majority of this mix is a tribute. it's a DnB/metal vamp that occasionally has the mario riff thrown in. I just dont think it qualifies as an arrangement. NO however i wont be torn apart if it passes.
  16. I agree with binnie. The mix is pretty shallow. It's short, loopy, doesnt really develop much. The groove is cool, but the groove is really all there is, and it isnt enough. the vocals, the sfx, all cool, but liek....where's teh beef? I just dont think there's enough here to pass. NO
  17. I agree with analoq completely. The velocities and rhythms are akward. also for the resubmit i would also consider just dropping everything by maybe a third. the key of the song is a bit high and thin in places. NO resub
  18. This is a pretty clear NO to me. The chaos has no purpose and no value. Dynamics and direction need to be mastered in order for something like this to work. This track has no direction. it's just more or less four minutes of headache. the only break, at 2:00 is beautiful, but it's too little, too late.
  19. certainly not unpleasent to listen to, but clearly not up to the bar, either. Solo guitar, straightforward and short arrangement. I or any other guitarist in the community could spend a day recording and churn out six mixes like this. NO
  20. So baby I'm feelin Kinda hot tonight. And maybe I'm thinkin that the time is right. Somebody told me that you like it rough 800 lbs of gorilla; 800 lbs of the right stuff, girl. So come and peel my banana and eat it nice and slow. I'll take a lick of your candy and make you mine for sho. Then baby you and I We'll make monkey love. Yo late at night girl we'll break into the zoo. And there in front of the monkeys I'll make love to you, watch out for flying poo. ROFL.
  21. This mix sounds completely inorganic. There is more going on than two hands can play, and many of the faster notes are in fact faster than a piano can play the same note consecutively. the arrangement isnt bad, but this definately shouldnt be a solo piano piece. add a band, is my suggestion. NO
  22. i think analoq said it best. the arrangement is clever at times, but at other times it sounds thin and underdeveloped. the percussion hurts it, as does the rest of the rhythm section, which in sections like 1:00 sounds just like the preprogrammed rhythm sections in a casio keyboard. it's pretty good, for a resubmit i'd say bump up the drum samples, make the rhythm section more natural, and try to make the mix longer by further developing your ideas. NO
  23. pretty good. i enjoyed it. the mix unfolds well, it's well-paced, it keeps moving while maintaining plenty of dynamic experiementation. there are some issues; the percussion is often too strong..the leads are often too quiet, and the strings often sound weak next to the drums. the composition is good, nothing mind-blowing, but i think this is clearly OCR material. YES
  24. Really predictable, nothing unique to offer, it's the original with a beat, it's only 2:30, no development, and there are synch problems with the piano and the bass. nuff said. NO
  25. this isnt too bad. light and breezy. nothing epic, but there's plenty of variation, plenty of dynamic range, and it never gets boring. here kid, have a YES
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