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Everything posted by Vig

  1. this is really enjoyable. it sounds clear and polished. the arrangement isnt amazing, but for what it is, it's well-done. two relatively large problems i have are that the bass isnt loud enough and the click thing in the left channel is too loud. i'm gonna give it a yes if we get these things fixed. for now i'll see if people agree with me.
  2. there seem to be problems with the samples. the attack isnt fast enough on the lead, and the strings playing the backing rhythm line sound unrealistic...i think a strict brass patch should have been used. the arrangement is pretty good, i think the time sig changes work really well. most of the time, however, i find myself wishing one instrument were louder, or that a different patch were used. (usually on that rhythm line). the mix could use more low-end. i'd say boost the low. NO
  3. i'm more or less in agreement. the recordings were clean, the solos were alright..nothing special. the muted guitar bothered me, as did the robotic bass. my biggest problem is that the arrangement is under-exploited. the harmonies in the end work. maybe do more of that. it also could have used a B section. doesnt have to be anything fancy, but anything to mix up the rhythm section a bit. NO
  4. this is a Wily stage theme...cant recall which one. What's here sounds pretty good. you really shouldnt cut it off at two minutes, tho. this could make a decent intro for a song that is three minutes longer. play thru the melody again, feature the strings maybe, have a solo...etc. apart from that, you probably should beef up the midrange. NO
  5. the ambience in the beginning is great. i think the cutout is too sudden when the strings come in. not a huge deal. it never develops into anything too complecated, but it's a very well-done, relaxing remix. YES
  6. this is a solid remix all around. it's got some nice sounds, i enjoy the flute. there are lots of instrumentation changes to keep it interesting. it never gets repetitive. there's lots of depth and texture. it isnt exactly over the top, but there's plenty here of interest. YES
  7. thanks dan. and regarding larry and everyone else who mentioned the "thump" ending, i'll repeat what i said in #ocrjudges: The thump in and of itself doesnt bother me in the least; it's the fact that there is a thump where song should be that bothers me.
  8. or maybe discodan can go out with a bang?
  9. Yeah, recording quality was about as much an issue as the empty and undeveloped arrangement. performance didn't bother me so much. I think the performance was passable. I think some of you are being a little too lenient with the song because it is guitar-only...just my perception, but i highly doubt this mix would pass if the instrumentation were different.
  10. I know i'm late and whatnot, but i want to note my dissent. First off, it's not a "solo guitar" piece. there are two tracks. not that that is reason to reject it. I think the recording quality is a little too poor for it to be the only instrument. the recording sounds flat. If that's the only instrument i'm listening to, i want it to be crystal clear and vibrant. i'm no recording expert, but my guess is that the mic was too far away. there's no low end at all. it also would have been nice if he had played with the panning or tone or something to differentiate the two guitar tracks. as for the arrangement...c'mon guys, is this really a passable arrangement? once through verbatim, then a solo thing? where's the ending? where's the dynamic build, or barring that, form. it just dies at the end. i think the remixer should put a little more thought into his song. it ain't done yet. NO
  11. i certainly enjoy it so far. nice instruments, if completetly predictable from sir nutz. however i think the instruments have more texture than his previous work. there seems to be a good amount of variation. i like the flute solo. i think it's a very solid mix. cant think of any reason to reject it. Shit, even the ending is pretty decent. YES
  12. i enjoy the groove very much, the lead is also quite cool. the biggest problem with this mix that i can hear is the rhythm section. as soon as the piano came in i knew it would bug the hell out of me. jazz pianists dont repeat the same rhythmic pattern. in fact, they often dont even repeat the same chord voicing. mix up the rhythims, mix up the voicings. try some inversions, try some riffs. also, the piano chords dont change with the melody. the harmony is therefore oversimplified. i really like the interludes, they worked quite well. the solos need some work tho. there's also no ending. you might either go with a fadeout vamp or come up with an alternate chord progression taht resolves itself. could be an easy resubmit. just fix the piano and lead sequencing. NO
  13. I really wish the bass in the beginning and the drums didnt have that low-fi effect, i think it detracts from the mix. moreso on the drums. the mix itself is very creative, and better executed than i think i could have done it. to have such a chaotic mishmash of ideas is not easy to execute in a way that doesnt sound like a three-year-old hitting buttons. with that in mind, this is done quite well in this mix. it sounds like the sequencer goes in and out of sanity, there are segments of seeminly forced reason, broken periodically by the inner virus, as insanity takes over and everything goes haywire. i think the drums are sequenced very well, i wish it didnt have that lo-fi sound. you're damn right a lot of OCR listeners wont swallow this, but that's why we are voting on it and not K-Wix and OMGTEkNoFAn69696969. YES
  14. that's a ridiculous and terrible reason to reject a song. if you follow that logic, we have no purpose at all, and OCR should simply become a democracy. This isnt VGMix. Reconsider your vote or at least give a reason for it.
  15. bad notes at 1:28 and 1:31. pretty anemic for the first 1:30. no strong instruments. more bad notes at 2:18 throughout. the chord progression is very common, i woudlnt say it's fromsomething else. the devopment is quick and shallow. song is too short and repetitive. NO EDIT: it's the same chord progression as "when a man loves a woman", BTW.
  16. the piano that makes a brief appearance should be louder. Okay, so this is a good pop song...skating rink techno. but then again, would "blue" make it on OCR if it were a remix? idunno. lots of bad notes in that song. regardless, the song is nice, the sounds are good, the production is solid, but there is absolutely NO development whatsoever. the song is 2:30 long, 2:00 of which sounds exactly the same. it's just too superficial and underdeveloped for me NO
  17. I enjoyed the lengthy intro. i think the piano needs more reverb. i think there are some slight mastering problems, the leads arent loud enough. the remix really isnt long enough given it's intro. make the body two or three times as long. NO
  18. nice sounds, nice groove. mastering issues, i can barely hear the flute at all. The dynamics never change in the mix. it's overcrowded due to bad mastering, and it never really develops. NO
  19. the song is exactly the same throughout. the groove, feel, dynamics never change. the lead changes, and it sounds pretty sloppy at times. NO. go for variety.
  20. is this the first-ever submission from a sports game? maybe there's a reason for that. the remix sounds harsh in lots of places. the transitions are particularly rough. the softer sections sound pretty good, but that jarring synth is really akward. i'd focus on making your dynamics more subtle. NO
  21. thanks again, folks. just forgot to mention something: the abrupt beginning is there kind of on purpose. what happened was when i mixeddown the song there was that noise you hear at the beginning, which was NOT anywhere in the waveform. i think it's leftover delay from the sax at the end. sonar was acting odd with the sax in general. anyway, i thought it sounded really cool so i decided to keep it. oh, and as for the CT, Metroid, Zelda in the ending: They are there. I like them there; i think they provide interesting countermeoldy for the focus of the piece at that point, the vocals and sax. I didnt premeditate them being there, but that doesnt mean i'm changing it. I'm not. i like it. they stay. deal. thx.
  22. the theme is there from the beginning. unfortunately the vox sound like a buzzard choking on rancid meat. the drum groove made me laugh when it came in. startlingly inappropriate. OMFG WHERE"S THE BASS? did i miss it? the soundquality is just not acceptable. it's GM. i heard a few bad notes as well, and the arrangement really doesnt do much above the original. I listened to it one more time fo tha bass, but it just wasnt there. NO
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