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The Dual Dragons

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Posts posted by The Dual Dragons

  1. I am wicked excited about this game. I love the artstyle thus far and the music. Here's to hoping we get a decent blast from the past with a little new innovation to create a kick ass new RPG. :)

    Hell yeah man, same here. Gotta love J-RPG's. Let's cross our fingers for something beyond classic turn-based battling though. But then again, if the story is insanely good, who cares.

  2. I've heard it called Grand Theft Horse - is that an accurate description?

    It can be compared by some of the gameplay elements, like ownings houses, Waypoints you can travel to with 'taxi horses' and changing of costumes at your home etc. BUT other than that, no way.. I got the game yesterday and have played it for 8 hours already, it's brilliant lol Very unique, and you have no clue to what's up next.

    Like today, I went to save before planning to turn the game off, then suddenly they were yelling in town, a thief stole the shop keepers money, I ran outside, got on my horse, chased him down, threw a lasso over his head and bonded him, brought him to the shop owner and he kicked the villain in the head like 10 times, cracked me up lol

  3. That is some gorgeous music. Do you know who composed it?

    Not sure, but I guess it's Nobou since they always stick together, although it's a bit too commercial to be him? Not sure, at least it's solid stuff, the theme got me right away.

    And yeah, The LAST Story, FINAL Fantasy, maybe he's trying too hard to connect to the past, although that might be a great move.

  4. Haha, I loved how you said that as if there would be any chance in 1,000 years that Roy Khan would guest on a song. I'm afraid you'd have to be a skinny, redhead goth chick to get him as a guest. But even then he'd expect something in return.

    Maybe you're right hahaha.. but even so, who knows.. I have long hair, maybe I could undergo a make up session ala FF VII and lure him in, we could beat him up and force him into the studio, would be kinda fun.

  5. EDIT:

    Debut trailer out! Looks cool. Not much story reference to us who can't speak Japanese though, but the first impression is pleasing. If you can speak Japanese, does the story have interesting aspects? lol

    Hi, just wanted to say that I checked the official website of this game. Why did I check it? Because it's a Sakaguchi title..

    He may have done a few Game design mistakes in the recent past.

    I personally felt Lost Odyssey had a lot to offer though, I thought the game had a lot of heart and the characters had their moments.


    So open the page, check the fancy logo, listen to the music.

    It's filled with passion and heart, just as I had hoped his next game would be based on. I have high hopes for this title, but that's just me.

    I am not a big fan of the recent WAVE of action games that are overshadowing the whole RPG scene. (ooooo, yeah I said it hahaha)

    I do play a lot of these action games though, a lot of good ones, but .. still lacking in the RPG area.

  6. You'll remix the songs if they blow your mind?

    You might as well be saying that you'll remix them right away. :wink:

    Well, it all depends on what kind of song you like.

    Anyway, I eagerly await a remix. :)

    (As for the quality of the game itself, Radiata Stories, Legend of Dragoon, Rogue Galaxy, Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Mana, and many more games have been knocked down a row on the list of my favorite games.

    You can probably tell by now that I have a very high opinion of this game. No, I'm not... well, I am crazy. :lol: )

    I noticed that a lot of other request threads had particular songs that they wanted remixed, so here are some recommendations.

    Feel free to ignore them, as this is more of a remix wishlist.

    1: We Are the 7th Platoon - No doubt my favorite. It's empowering and compelling.

    2: Fierce Combat - Easily my second favorite song in the soundtrack.

    3: Desperate Fight - It's the first battle song you hear. In my opinion it's a classic.

    4: Crisis Draws Near - One of my favorites.

    5: Valkyria's Awakening - Good song, very epic. Almost reminds me of Sephiroth's theme.

    Not gonna listen to your suggestions yet, want the music from the game first, but I'll be sure to check your list again after playing the game, I have high hopes for this game, Can't wait!

  7. Red Dead Redemption (so awesome) and Dragon Quest IV (when I'm bored at work).

    Man I envy you, I pre ordered my Red Dead almost 3 weeks ago, was supposed to have it last friday, but a rain storm prevented the game from reaching the seller I bought it from, he had to go there to get it, then he ships it to me several days later (on monday) .. still haven't gotten it.. I'm pretty angry. I can't wait to play it!

  8. I want super street fighter 4 as well, but it'll have to wait, got a few hundred hours of RPG gaming to do first, also, have Street Fighter 4, with all costumes bought :( Hate to just throw away all that because of the new characters.. but there are a lot of characters... damn it lol

  9. There are also the mixes of Don't Be Afraid and Find Your Way that you guys did, right LunarHeartHeaven?

    And don't forget about the Black Mages, AJ-enova. They've done The Man With The Machine Gun (TBMII: The Skies Above), Maybe I'm A Lion (The Skies Above), Premonition (TBMIII: Darkness and Darklight), The Extreme (Darkness and Starlight), and Force Your Way (The Black Mages). (Album the track is on)

    Their version of The Extreme is definitely part of the reason my hearing is a little bit damaged. Listening to that track full-blast? Whoo-ee! It's... well, in a word... EXTREEEEEEEMMEE!!!!!

    Indeed, we did those a few years back, we would do a lot more but as you mentioned, a lot of guys covered great tracks, we would absolutely LOVE to do the Extreme, but it's been done by others and I know a few who're working on it now so..

  10. Felt like starting a cheesy topic because I'm bored right now sitting at a school waiting for a few guitar students, so here we go:

    What are you playing right now?

    I am currently playing Arc the Lad 2, BRILLIANT game, played it 2 times before but keep coming back to it.. LOVE IT lol Excellent plot, characters and has one of the best tactical battle systems imo.

    Also playing Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY edition, keep cursing to those damn Challenges I can't do well enough, the other day I finished an 'extreme' challenge in 5 minute. I honestly felt like a pro, then I saw the leaderboard, saw people that finished it in 45 seconds, then I just turned off the damn game lol

  11. Hi guys, noticing a lot of Dragoon remix talk, so I just had to butt in and link to the one we did, if you like more guitar oriented stuff, enjoy :)

    It's a medley, I guess most of you can figure out what tracks we used, just for fun lol

    You can find the mp3 at the bottom of the download section in our Dual Dragons website. Adios!


  12. If I haven't said so already, great job with this track :)

    God of War is such a metal game that it really needed this!

    Thanks man glad you liked it! And indeed, God of War is THE metal game out there without metal in it lol

    Nooooo Jorn Lande

    LOL Good point hahaha. Well, I would love if Roy Khan could guest on a track one day, but hey, he's busy as hell now making it big with Kamelot, love his voice. And Russell Allen is a personal favorite, Labrie.. eh.. he was on Images and Words

  13. Here's an old demo reel. Let us know what you think. It covers a lot of tracks mostly in symphonic styles.

    Everything is original material. You can't pick any of these tracks though, we'd have to compose new stuff for you if you like what we do :)


  14. Thanks for the encouragement. If I may ask, what inspired this remix? :-)

    And who plays bass in the dual dragons?

    Well, I bought God of War III.. and the start screen started up.. it was like the brasses screamed to be changed into guitars. It pumped us pretty much.

    I think the God of War brass-use has always screamed for metal guitars :)

    Well, Kratos is pretty furious at the gods, and the way he angrily killed them one by one was an inspiration too. lol

    And the bass, I'm not gonna lie lol It's heavy sampling haha!

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