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Status Updates posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. I do actually but under a different name once in a while. :)

    I will say though while I do miss the golden days of the simple TFC/CS gaming. Just so many awesome things been showing up and well, interests change ya know? Heck I don't even find myself much on TF2 at times because of my search for challenges.

    Nonetheless I shall don my old name soon enough when I know I can make more time and be lively back in the Gas Chamber.

    Btw, how's Sal and the others doing?

  2. I don't really mind it if it's in a generic plastic case that you can get in bestbuy or target; what I DO care is the condition of the disc :wink:. Also depending on how you accept the cash may make or break the deal as I hate Paypal with such vehemence it makes Kefka nihilistic views all warm and loving... :lol:

  3. I just now sent you info via pm :)!!

  4. I sent ya a PM for further details.


  5. I used a font called "kunstler script"

  6. I'd tell you right now but I'm currently at work with some asshole monitoring things despite my current position. I'll pm you later on it. :)

  7. I'll try finding them, can't promise I'd succeed though.

  8. I'm also rather surprised out of the four years I've had my account I managed to get one subscriber. :lol:

    I should consider organizing my favorites; though I wish Youtube had a more user friendly way of doing so. You're welcome to be my second subscriber if it catches your interest. :razz:

  9. If ya want the sound track to UFO just ask.

  10. If you need assistance in finding them, just ask :)!!


    It's weird knowing there's no longer private messages on this site more or less :lol:

  11. lawl, if you actually do at least have a PS3, ya may like Yakuza 3. Makes me think of River City Ransom in some ways except incredibly fleshed out.

  12. lol, yeah you can buy it from a shop or... Just get it through other means much like how I got the touhou series

  13. Mintjam sure likes to spread their stuff out don't they? Was a bitch to find them. :lol:

  14. Most edible nuts are fine as I've never found myself to be allergic to anything.

  15. no no Im just wondering, does Windows XP SP3 recognize TB drives? If it was an old bios I can understand maybe flashing it. But aren't they recognize by default OS wise..?

  16. No seriously, back in the day, the Sega CD's ingame videos were actually considering high tech. They were barely watchable and yet they were considered high tech. :lol:

  17. Oh that pic, I would have remembered if I ever seen a flick involving her doing something like that. I believe its origins were either a tv series I haven't seen, or manga series I've not read just yet. Most likely wasted or simply flushed from either embarrassment or desperation.

    If you want something graphic but without the 80's gore though, look for Taimanasagi (Anti-Demon Ninjas - especially episode 3), Dark Love 1+2, or Dark Knight Ingrid(?). Can't really go wrong with them. :lol:

    I will say though the youtube links all come from my youtube channel in my faved section. I've been meaning to organize it one day but never got around to it. In any rate the following are probably my absolute favs right now.




    While there are plenty of GOOD remixes of "Faith is for the Transient People", there are so few for "Invisible Full Moon".

  18. Oh hey over coat poasting in your box now.

  19. Oh I find them from the far reaches of the internet. From 2ch/4chan to mundane regular sites. I will admit I have specific sites upon which I can nearly find anything on touhou; both from moeblobs to explicitly pornographic in nature among everything else I want; this of course though is not restricted on just Touhou related material. >:J

  20. Pfft makes me glad I went for an 8gigger from sony; still I'd love to have some 30gb mp3 players but not mess with apple's shit.

    So was that 6th one you missed out earlier or was it something you had but classified as something else?

    I'll continue keeping an eye out for their stuff as things come by my way. :)!!

  21. Sent you another in response to your second message

  22. So yeah before darksword showed his infamous side...

    Hey got a question for ya, shouldn't Windows XP SP3 recognize TB hard drives..? I was asked to build a pc and he requested that I put in the largest hard drive he selects (in this case a TB drive) Been also trying to figure out whether a particular Intel model of a mobo supports TB hard drives as well.

    As for the OS it's what he wants for now till things smooth over with Windows 7.

    Motherboard in question right here --> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813121314

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