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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. You forgot Alone in the Dark as that had a PS2, PS3, XB360 and Wii edition.
  2. God damn it! He'll be missed... RIP
  3. Not to mention you can go with practically any equipment you wish to go with, just with the hat added as an extra. Been perfecting on an "Iron Knuckle of Terror" build myself.
  4. As much as I prefer the PS3 over the wannabe-pc-360, I can't see myself touching the PSMove; besides I got a Wii already. Another note: Curiously what does a bad commercial have to do with anything else aside from the thing they're advertising? Are you saying that despite myself already owning both a PS3 and PSP prior to the release of that ad I'm now officially a complete asshole upon simply owning said Sony products? Seriously..? The ad's stupid but funny regardless. Not nearly as bad as some of the promotional VHS tapes Nintendo used to send out way back.
  5. Damn, sorry man...
  6. Entirely different from first creating pixel art to 3d models then reverting them back to 2d rather than using as a reference.
  7. Here ya go buddy! And here I did have one other link that explained it more but I forget where it was.
  8. That he did...
  9. Hey anybody had a chance at playing as the 3-3 boss in place of the old monk? Man invading with the Scraping Spear and the Guillotine Axe while donning Brushwood Armor as well as a Dark Silver Shield, not to mention being able to do a barrel roll in said armor, finally taking the role as the Arch Demon of 3-3 would probably be the biggest dick move evar. Man I'd rush in with this theme blaring while I'm at it.
  10. Pretty much as I can't imagine drawing every single drop of oil splashing to be all that enjoyable.
  11. Gollgagh's right, I don't need to ya on what a is do I Prophet..? Seriously though in the end, FFXIII is rather awesome.
  12. I would argue that in some ways it works in favor of Demon's Souls in that it's uniquely different enough from a large variety of RPGs. Now if it were to be implemented in Final Fantasy, Disgaea or Persona then I'd say it's a bad game design for it.
  13. I take it you've never played Demon's Souls... THERE ARE NO SAVE POINTS AS IT'S ALL DONE PERIODICALLY REGARDLESS. nonetheless an awesome game.
  14. Oh I'd say saving manually, or the occasional blurp requesting whether I wish to save or not is better imo. The auto-saving that occurs in Fallout 3 and Demon Souls for example can easily fuck one over... "I didn't mean to save AFTER releasing Yurt! NOOOOOOO FFFFFFFFfFfffff" "Okay so let try this baby out... FUCK got killed by the Deathclaw, no matter I'll reload... YOU GOT TO BE SHITTING ME, THREE SECONDS BEFORE I DIED?! OKAY I'll just load up from the last manual save I did.... TWO FUCKING HOURS OF GAME TIME AGO?!?! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" yeah... I'd turn off the automatic saving every chance I get and welcome the occasional game blurb requesting me if I wish to save; though I do find it funny sometimes how it asks if I wish to save before and after an event scene before I actually do anything.
  15. I think he meant OtSS (Over the Shoulder Shooter) ala Dead Space and Resident Evil 4/5. That said... What the hell, that's some stretch prophet.
  16. He likes going in dry? As for the small sounds, considering how far I'm in, and they're hopping over rather steep mountain sides and rubble I'm not really surprised or bothered. Then again I have a high tolerance for quite a few things. I'd sooner complain about the squeaking noise that El Fuerte makes in SFIV before I start raging about grunts from a woman.
  17. Strangely enough it blew dead poodles. For the overuse of the hero bit, I kinda saw it as something that was thrust upon Snow rather than him actually taking up the role or title and simply masquerading within the role to keep that image up for a variety of reasons; even if it means contradicting himself at times on certain situations. As far as I've played, it just seems he does not know what kind of hero he wants to be, or even be a hero in the traditional sense. As for Vanille, again I'm surprised I'm not even bothered by her unidentified accent. I actually like that as it keeps me interested, though not sure about the spontaneous orgasmic sounds unless we've just have different experiences? I think the biggest reason I'm rather easy going on FFXIII is basically because it's rated for Teens rather than some one in their early to late 20s or even mid 30's that are still gaming and playing Final Fantasy games. Would FF13 be any better or worse had it earned the Mature rating for adults?
  18. But that's no fun, plus it doesn't even touch the alternative I had in mind as well. At the very least the old series actually got some ongoing semblance of a plot.
  19. Oh I find them from the far reaches of the internet. From 2ch/4chan to mundane regular sites. I will admit I have specific sites upon which I can nearly find anything on touhou; both from moeblobs to explicitly pornographic in nature among everything else I want; this of course though is not restricted on just Touhou related material. >:J

  20. It's very mild, if not tame compared to the alternative I had in mind; and that's an understatement considering said alternative... Nonetheless I do wonder how the future of gaming heroines will turn out. By the time some of us reach the 80's demographic, will they have become much more better or worse..?
  21. watch the old "La Blue Girl" series, problem solved as you'll get over it soon enough.
  22. I was already disappointed in no real joke cars like the dinky smart car on display, now you're telling me this?! God damn it!
  23. You're not as I agree.
  24. Moar leik amirite? But yeah I have no serious preference. I enjoy the likes of Alyx Vance just as equally as the over-the-top Bayonetta. Hell I've even taken a shine to Vanille despite how overly... optimistic she can be.
  25. Just don't tell them and you'll be fine. I'd know as I used to admin some TFC servers back some five or four years ago and generally I remember a lot of the admins "unofficially" regarded any one younger than 20 or 21 as shit or one that needed to be supervised. Sadly often times they were right in watching over them as a lot of them who got banned from the servers were the under 20 crowd and mostly because they couldn't take the ribbing or couldn't understand why we wouldn't allow things such as racism or certain asshattery such as mic-spam... BGC you used to be an admin along side with me dude remember?
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