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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Perhaps, but then that's where dark tendency worlds and PVP (ie you invading others) come in >;J, just beware those that use the scraping spear...
  2. Congrats Zircon! See all ya had to do is make some changes in your strategy. Funny thing, Adjundicator kept fucking me up as I was trying to reach it as it kept pinning me with its tongue. Still I did beat him eventually but man, it goes to show how just a few small changes can go a long way; especially if they're not noticeable at first.
  3. I call it cheesing but considering the options and possibilities, I would do it if it meant having a 100% success rate cheaply (souls needed) and having no serious access to magic at the time; heck you used the water veil which practically nulls any damage fire does. When I fought it I barely had anything in a way of magic except curing poison via amulet. The way I see it, the game allows enough freedom to let anyone decide how one faces the monsters and playing style to a degree. Enough so there are varying builds and states. Good luck nonetheless. try the axe or sword next time. Who knows, maybe you'll succeed then.
  4. Who knows maybe you'll have better luck elsewhere for now before coming back. As for the spider you mentioned, there's this spot in the tunnel where his range attack does not reach. Use a bow and have at least 300 arrows in stock, you can cheese your way to killing it without taking a hit and cheaply too. Have you also killed the optional red dragon boss in 1-2?
  5. Hmm, there were also times where the Flamelurker had a delay after making its attacks leaving it self wide open. What weapons were you using? Perhaps a change in weaponry would have helped you. I did it with an axe enchanted rather than a sword like that guy did. You also could have used water veil in the fight as well couldn't you? Also if you still are using the Temple Knight... Recommended Starting Class: Temple Knight (for meat cleaver TK) Recommended Stats: * Vitality: 20 * Will: 15 * Endurance: 20 * Strength: 26 * Dexterity: 12 * Magic: 6 * Faith: 16 * Luck: 7 * Soul Level: 41 Sorry it's not much help.
  6. Very strange as before I had shared this video a while back I had tried to do the same thing as that guy on the video. On a new game with a knight instead and managed to do the exact same thing with success. What are your stats for the melee character, I'm sure you've been raising them right?
  7. I use the zip file to carry the mp3 in it. That way MF wouldn't bitch at me. here use this http://www.jzip.com/ It will open any archive file you may need access to; winzip, winrar whatever. Install and you're good to go to extracting the mp3 I actually find it less bloated than the official programs.
  8. Not promising but perhaps I can find the rest of the tracks... Not from the same artist as I know that track was a one time thing. But we'll see...
  9. Meh it's not that it's falling apart, just the cover fades too easily. If anything it's just for show for now. Speaking of show... Zircon, you can simplify the battle against the Flamelurker by simply having the purple flame shield, a good deal of health items and the magic weapon spell to buff your weapon of choice. Finally you can fight him as a melee character ought to be able to and have it be a fair fight. shown here Make sure the weapon is nothing more than an upgraded version of itself, nothing special like darkmoon enhancements and such.
  10. Funny thing is when I pre-ordered it from Amazon, it had the same price as the current standard version of the game. I will say though I wished they used a better material for the book cover on the guide. In all honesty the game's more fun without knowing everything in advance and simply experiment with it; unless the player is one of those that try to get a perfect run on the first try.
  11. For the sake of accuracy and for others to learn about the weapons, it's called the Scraping Spear and it's specifically designed to break your weapons among other things.
  12. Vampire Snap is the only one that appears in Castlevania IV. Also LostChronos have you already tried downloading that track I offered at the last bit of my earlier post?
  13. You could always go through my personal boot camp and get real good at it... You'll have the choice of going through one of three specific maps. Map Choice Number Two Or if you're feeling punchy... Finally after all that training...
  14. Congratulations~!
  15. At least until you get into null-space, then you're fucked if you get caught in a bubble where they'd either ransom you for money to let you leave in one piece, or take your money and kill you anyways for shits and giggles. I'm still reeling from that news about Goonswarm though.. What the fuck...
  16. Oh wow I started with the temple knight as well before! Prefer going a winged spear and axe personally as that axe just bursts through their damn shielding. I also find it much easier to riposte with the axe for some reason. Speaking of which, while you may not find it worth while on the mooks, it can really save your ass when you're dealing with stronger foes. Not just for quicker kills (and better chances of good loot imo) but also it practically makes you invincible from any other attacks while you're in that animation. Sure as hell saved my ass from multiple knights... As for the MP on the temple knight, I see it as nothing more than utilitarian. Build up what you need and leave it at that. Though on them I'd go no further than say, 14 or 16.
  17. What ever you do, just save the souls you've collected until you find some real substantial equipment, or at the very least for ammunition like arrows; better yet you can use them along side certain items to upgrade your equipment instead. Also what's your playing style? Do you prefer keeping things at a certain reach with a spear or go melee with fists flying? If you get real good at parrying the enemy, you probably could do without the shield for longer periods at a time. Sure helps with stamina to also switch out to no equipment when you really need to run.
  18. I'd call it a good while and the only ones I've ever seen ever talk about HoN are those on these forums, seriously. TF2, mostly a lot of jokes along with some strategy threads elsewhere. Nothing wrong with wanting to talk about it but last time it was attempted not many were around for it. I'm not aware of this high horse you speak of unless you mean me breaking your equipment with the scraping spear? Would like to see it happen eventually >:J Also the subject of DS did occur on the PS3 thread so yeah... Curiously did you get the extra edition that Atlus throws in a game guide and sound track or just the retail copy? Also some advice, and this took my by surprise, simply try breaking anything within your surroundings, even the least likely thing you'd expect to break from a swipe of your sword or strike from an axe, it may cause something good for you to come around, also get a bow asap... I MEAN IT GET A BOW ASAP REGARDLESS IF YOU THINK YOU'LL NEVER USE ONE JUST GET IT.
  19. Chances are you wouldn't enjoy it, even less so with the chance of other players invading your game. By the same token though you can summon blue phantoms who are other players in their soul form to aid you in combat. They can even aid you in fighting really tough bosses as well as black phantoms and once defeating the boss they are rewarded their own bodies back once again.
  20. Why not get both as I did? Seriously though... If you're really in a mode for "Berserk" combat, lots of deaths caused by nearly anything and everything, black phantoms invading your game when you least expect it (though you will get a warning that some one's invading you I forget), then DS is for you. At the same time though, if you want over the top action with a faster pace of action with the death caused only by your weak reactions and slow thinking, slightly fan-servicy combat with taunts thrown in, torture techniques that require good button mashing on occasion. Bayonetta is for you. I say get them both but if you can only get one, I'd say Bayonetta if you still feeling that DMC-ish itch. If you want the dungeon crawling feeling where you can't traditionally save, stakes being very high upon your survival then Demon's Souls is for you.
  21. Dude no offense but it's been out for a good while, heck there's still quite a few threads over at /v/ as well with players raging against particular sections, "Guts" vs practical builds and other things. There are a few of us on OCR that play Berse-I mean Demon's Souls. I've been playing it offline though for certain areas as I want to be able to get through then first without having to deal with invading phantoms of other players just yet. You can get the best weapon you can think of but if I get close enough to you Zircon I will shatter and break anything and everything you can chuck at me. Unless of course you're really good at using magic... otherwise... edit* When I say "Guts" build, I really do mean Guts build And that won't save you from me. Really, the Guts build is more often than not a GAR mode where you'd better think fast when you're facing heavy magic users. If anything so long as you're capable of casting an anti-magic field you're fucked. Heck I'll even admit my Scraping Spear tactics are not without flaws. It's meant to break your shit before I start mushing and stirring up your insides with the meat cleaver which drains your health as well.
  22. This does not bode well for you... In any rate, foobar2k does the converting just as easily. Just need the .dll for the mp3 conversion and you're good to go. the .dll is also quite easy to find on google.
  23. I've never felt forced to memorize the layouts though, same with bullet hell games; at least for me that is. Just something you find yourself wanting to when you play them. If that happens, isn't it a sign that the game is actually pretty good game?
  24. Didn't they fix that in Megaman Powered Up..?
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