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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Was always interesting, even made bets with friends on which family would win whenever a show would come on. Got me a sweet $65 out of them bets back then...Nick Arcade HOLY SHIT DID THIS SHOW EVER MAKE ME RAGE AT HOW UTTERLY STUPID THEY WERE. Where's the fun these days..?
  2. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Because it's utilizing actual tools who are classified as "humans" who got nothing better to do. Seriously Sony you could have actually worked on making all PS3's compatible with your old PS2 library via patch or hardware update/trade-in instead but noooo it had to go with this shit.
  3. Why must you ruin your ears like that?! Here, it's much better alternative than phil. Trust me, or better yet here; if you're gonna wreck your ears do so gloriously... But yeah that's another thing about PoFV, a lot of the tracks can get stuck in your head easier where as the tracks in the regular touhou games are varied enough that it doesn't happen as often. Example, Lord Usa's Elemental Flag - Tewi Inaba's Theme versus Not to say it's a bad thing, but moderation is key for a lot of things to stay enjoyable imo...
  4. It's never too late... Nonetheless I'm somewhat surprised he didn't go for instead as that would have lent more variety; Then again I could see why some would prefer FN over LD.
  5. I heard this version from KC way back on DoD May of 09; which was a free month. Nonetheless Sakuya's second theme, , is quite recognizable. When I saw [br00tl] I was expecting a heavier sound than what I've listened to. It's a good, aggressive take on Flowering Night, though personally I probably would have enjoyed it even more if it had been done entirely with live instruments instead of synths. The guitarwork makes up for it though imo. Edit* I will say I'm glad to see someone's taken a stab at the series rather large sound track collection, even if it's just one at a time.
  6. I dare say it's a rather underrated title.
  7. Seriously if it were not that funny I'd swear you're trolling. So yeah classic works fine, GC controller as well. Nun-chucks with wii-mote... need more time with it. (NMH2)
  8. Not to mention Steam will buckle first before the Internet will; unless of course you're still using 56k for Internet access.
  9. Name one, not counting the shovelware.
  10. Huh... So Tales of Graces is confirmed to have a European release by the summer of 2010. Wow it's like Forbidden Siren 2 all over again... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  11. bah, GTAIV blows dead poodles anyways... What I'd like to see is what possible PS2 era titles will become downloadables like their PS1 counterparts.
  12. Well if you want you can direct me to the ones you want/can't get and I can work on making them as high quality as possible. I doubt I'd make them as good as the previous ones ya mentioned but hey, up to you. Besides it'd give me a break from my current task & joy of going through about over 500GB of Touhou albums I've managed to collect and selecting which ones I wish to convert into mp3s for my mp3 player. Rather amazing what one can do on real slow days at work and when no one is around during break.
  13. I thought I've always been one Besides I've done away taking the role of the loner long ago. Which reminds me, I'm having a hell of a time finding those damn "Mint Jam(?)" albums and am about considering my "alternative" solution. Which basically means me ripping off from videos online and using my tools to up the quality as best as possible... OH AND I FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO PLAY "HIoPBM,WDIDTDT?!". I was doing it wrong.
  14. wait what the hell happened?
  15. No seriously, back in the day, the Sega CD's ingame videos were actually considering high tech. They were barely watchable and yet they were considered high tech. :lol:

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  16. At one point no one would have imagine the Internet being able to surpass the SegaCD in terms of video capability, and Sega CD's video quality made Quake 1 look like HD gaming. :lol:

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  17. surprisingly through the magic of Youtube one can hear the huge change between mickey rooney's performance during the 60's christmas specials and the recent one with Jay leno guest starring his voice. :lol:

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  18. Not to mention anything else from NIS and Atlus as well; though DS is an exception... Edit* Konami, a name one does not usually associate with rpgs in general, recently released Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgement. From what I hear it's supposedly good but with the art/graphics being the downside of it, everything else seems to be golden...
  19. Time's too precious to waste these days... Then again I'd happily waste mine on bullet hells, among other things as well. I think I took an hour on the tutorial on trying to create 8 lizard men and still fail. Fucking slimes either keep taking away nutrients from the block closest to allow me to make lizard men or have no sense of spooging said nutrients in a focused area. Haven't touched it since, but I'm sure a relative of mine would like a copy of the game... But yeah I found YU much more engrossing, if not captivating at times. Though the enemy sometimes piss me off in a good way.
  20. I didn't think you'd be serious, well... For some reason I'm having a horrible time with "Holy Invasion of Privacy Badman, What did I do to deserve this?!" Fun game but man I'm so shit at it.
  21. You should've gone with Yggdra Union if you actually bought CGS.
  22. I still enjoy them as well. Mana Khemia on the PSP (restarted out of habitual preference to grinding side quests when they're available), finished P3 (long ago) & P4 (with best ending this time), Disgaea (orig ps2 ver/ 2 (PSP port)/ 3) being done on whims/when I have the time.
  23. Most edible nuts are fine as I've never found myself to be allergic to anything.

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