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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. On the production side, I also thought the guitar being mixed both in such a lo-fi way and behind the synths and beatwork didn't make much sense to me, and the tone of the beats didn't mesh well with the guitar. It wasn't a dealbreaker issue, just something that didn't sound cohesive, IMO, with the beats seeming so tepid while the guitar rocked out. Maybe something with a little more density to it could layer together better (and also serve to briefly vary up the beats). As far as the arrangement, I'm co-signed with Chimpa and OA. The VGM source material should be at LEAST half of the arrangement so that the video game music is the dominant part of the track. We have that rule so that we don't post mostly original writing with small bits of VGM weaved in. Unless we're missing something as far as other Doom themes being used, you're doing your own thing for most of this track and it has nothing to do with Doom except 2:39-3:30. There's nothing inherently wrong with that approach, because it's the music you want to make; it just falls outside of our arrangement/source usage standards. NO
  2. Dat troof! http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=134839993&postcount=15450
  3. Both Shariq & I are out for Halloween tomorrow night, so there's no OCR Talkback episode this Friday. That said, we aim to be back with the show the following Friday, November 7th. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! GO spook some children and give them apples instead of candy!
  4. Just sanity checking the source usage. I didn't recognize some of the stated connections from Jordan, but I could ID just over half, so I'm cool with it. The track was 4:38-long, so I needed to confirm the source usage somewhere in at least 139 seconds of the track for the source usage to be dominant in the arrangement. :00-:01.5, :03.5-:05.25, :07-:12.25, :14.5-:16.25, :18.25-:19.75, :21.75-:27, :29-:30.75, :32.25-:34, :36.5-:41.25, :47-1:16, 1:45.5-1:49, 1:52.75-1:56.25, 2:00-2:01, 2:03.5-2:05, 2:07-2:12, 2:18-2:30.75, 2:32.5-2:47, 2:47-2:48.25, 2:54.5-2:56, 3:01.75-3:05.5, 3:09-3:12.5, 3:16.25-3:44.5, 3:49?, 3:59.75-4:01.75, 4:03.75-4:05, 4:07-4:12.25, 4:14.5-4:16.25, 4:17-4:18.5 = 142.5 seconds or 51.25% The groove was smoove, and the source tunes were bobbin' and weavin' throughout. Pretty cerebral stuff as far as examining the arrangement, but when it comes to the flow, it all melts like butter. YES
  5. Just droppin' this here. I'm DEFINITELY not a feminist, and agree with the rationale of this Onion op-ed. Feminists like Aneeta Sarkesisnans [sic] clearly want to eliminate all men. http://www.theonion.com/articles/i-dont-support-feminism-if-it-means-murdering-all,37301/
  6. http://ocremix.org/info/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Why_aren.27t_the_ReMixes_ranked_by_popularity.2Fratings.3F Alpha nav may make a comeback. We're also (slowly, just like everything we work on working on expanding the tagging system to integrate genre/mood/instrument tags into the site, but that's a ways away. Something randomly promoting new artists could be cool. I'd love to hear more ideas about discovery that aren't best/toplists/most popular.
  7. AFAIK, I don't see the APE tag anywhere in MP3tag, but I've Googled some instances of people complaining they couldn't edit that kind of tag out. Will see if stripping the tags and reapplying them would get rid of an APETAGEX.
  8. Load them in MP3tag, sort by comment, look through the ones where the comments start with http://, then determine what you don't need.
  9. Yep. They're roughly slotted chronologically with when they were first posted (which was back before OCR used ID #s).
  10. Yeah, we'll see if we can find the old writeups before we can add the pages. If djp can't locate the original writeups, we'll add some new comments to go along with the pages. djp just needs some time to search his backups. That said, I'm really hyped that they're all back!
  11. THE NEW TORRENT IS IN CAPTIVITY!! THE REMIXES ARE AT PEACE!!! ReMixes #OCR00001 to #OCR03000 2,876 MP3s spread out over 14.8GB Over 14 YEARS of music! Yours for the low, low, low price of FREE! Changes include: Higher-quality (bitrate) versions of many previous mixes Corrections to artist, composer, game names, and other metadata in the ID3 tags The return of removed mixes from virt, prozax & JD Harding (!!!) GRAB IT NOW & help seed 1 - 3000 @ http://is.gd/ocremix_2014_torrent!!!! ----------------------------------------- You can check out the comprehensive list of recent updates here! http://ocremix.org/info/Torrent_Update_v20141015 If you haven't refreshed your OCR collection since before 2012, check out the vast improvements to the MP3 metadata & files we've done since then at http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41730.
  12. I don't know how to deal with those. Don't dispute it further because if you do and it's rejected, you (wrongly in this case) will get copyright strikes. I don't know how to get a human being to resolve it. We can investigate further at some point, but it's just a point of annoyance for now.
  13. It's all a matter of degrees, yes. Game journalism does have ethics/transparency improvements it needs, so Gamergate will help in that regard, but that movement is overall less helpful and more misguided due to the other fears that have been too much of a part of it. The other stuff that's being protested -- women/minority developers and fears of "social justice warrior" progressive changes -- the people against that can't stop it, they'll only hasten it by reacting with fear, threats, and harassment. Being remotely anywhere in the ballpark on only 1 out of 3 core points is pretty bad. To me, Gamergate here would would be like a bunch of people coming into OCR, claiming 1) the judges are all corrupt and only approve the ReMixes they like or are from their friends by quoting positive/negative judging comments, and 2) the judges approve "objectively bad music like dubstep/rap/metal" to pursue an SJW all-genre inclusion agenda, then also complaining that 3) the submissions take too long to be judged. And those people harassing you and staff to "fix" our judging policies. Well, one out of those three issues has a point. But if you base an anti-OCR Judgegate movement assuming all three things are right, and a lot of vitriol gets used on points 1 & 2, well...
  14. http://www.clickhole.com/article/summary-gamergate-movement-we-will-immediately-cha-1241 IMO, The Onion nailed it. Gamergate on the whole is getting nothing productive done so far. Also, I saw about Dale North leaving Destructoid. I'm sure we'll hear more about it at some point, but I dunno if he's leaving over that guy that was fired a year ago, even though that blacklisting claim against Niero seemingly has some legs to it given the letter of Florida law as claimed by whoever put up that information. Seems more like Dale left over interpersonal things, but it's only a guess. If Dale still wants to do gaming news, he'll find somewhere like Polygon or Verge or whatever, I don't doubt that.
  15. Why are you using that line on me? I don't believe it's 100% trolls/harassers. I don't know how large the group is, but there's definitely a segment of GamerGate supporters who: 1) aren't harassing people; 2) aren't threatened by female game developers or more diverse depictions of women in games; 3) want a higher standard of ethics in games journalism. But the ethical people in GamerGate who have had 0 to do with the trolling and death threats should probably ditch #GamerGate as a hashtag and move to #GamerEthics or something new so that they can continue that effort without the baggage of the trolls who use it as smokescreen to harass. I'm sure it's out there, but I haven't really seen anyone gather a big list of issues to fix re: payola/unprofessionalism in gaming journalism (and proven examples of corruption in action). I'd love to see a good one. TotalBiscuit's talked about broader issues like exclusive advance reviews and stuff like that, where there's much more pressure/incentive to rate a game highly. And there's of course the Jeff Gerstmann controversy from a while back. Does anyone document the number of exclusive advance reviews various outlets have, or how outlets have rated games they had ad campaigns for, and keep track of other metrics like that?
  16. That's stupid and conspiratorial. He should probably shut up about it.
  17. Agreed with Vinnie with his concerns on the lead vocals. Also, the piano sounds extra unrealistic, and the dynamics are pretty flat for such a short piece due to the texture always having the same overall intensity. Is that brass or strings for that part at :53? Either way the sample there didn't sound realistic either, though it wasn't a dealbreaker since it was just accenting things. If you can't get the voice triggering to not sound so rigid, you can see if XPRTn00by would wanna provide more stuff. It sounds like a good WIP/sketch of an unfinished mix as far as mapping out the structure, but it ain't a contender yet. Needs more realism and dynamics FTW. NO (resubmit)
  18. No way! DAT ORIGINAL THO. ------------------------ Shut the door. S'over. https://twitter.com/PaulMcCartney/status/523084349215109121
  19. Argle just can't admit I'm like a bald, chocolate version of Vega. Mighty fine. P.S. "Bald Chocolate Vega." I smell OLR mix title.
  20. True. Dave did find a couple of minor discrepancies in the MP3s we're corralling for the next torrent. No cred there.
  21. I'll frame it in different terms. I don't believe cultural criticism is equivalent to fighting for equal rights. However, justified agitation and provocation for better treatment is the common thread. Thanks for the clarification. She's definitely not Malcolm X. I don't think she has the weight, scope, or impact of the civil rights leaders mentioned or that she's a civil rights crusader; X and Friedan are merely very famous examples of social agitators. But when you make the implication that Sarkeesian's lengthy analyses will be forgotten in the gaming community, that's less likely to be true due to YouTube and digital distribution. Students of the '60s didn't have it, so they couldn't reach the number of people that, like it or not, she's definitely reaching. Obviously, critiquing fiction is smaller potatoes, but in gaming she has the potential to have a meaningful, positive impact on the overall depiction of women in games, even if it's not immediate and not on her terms. That's why I don't mind if her approach or conclusions are imperfect; other smart, insightful people in games can apply what works and discard what doesn't. Sad as it is to say -- as I believe the threats are mostly terroristic bluster (that need to be taken seriously for safety's sake) -- let's ALSO hope she doesn't get shot like Malcolm X. It's unreal, almost absurdist, that it's gone this far with the nature of the threats.
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