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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. I'd say more, but I agree with your breakdown, especially the lead at 2:27 sounding vanilla. Quoted for emphasis; please listen to this advice to add more substance and variety to the picture in both the sound design and the level of arrangement/interpretation. NO (resubmit)
  2. Something about the string articulations/triggering sounds super duper fake, and the lack of realism's taking me out of this pretty quickly. Same with the woodwinds, and then brass during the second half. There's a stiffness to the whole presentation. The two source themes seemed entirely unconnected; besides the drumbeat underneath, there was practically no meaningful transition from "Jib Jib" to "In a Snow-Bound Land" and the changeup at 1:15 was awkward, IMO. There's some notable personalization of the sound given the new instrumentation, but not much interpretation of the source melodies. Lots of relatively muddy mixing that also wasn't helped by the hard panning. It seemed like the panning from 1:44-2:13 (most noticeably) was too drastic, at least in my headphones. 2:13 sounded like a cut-and-paste of :25's section. I hate to have a lot of criticisms, but there a lot of detail-work missing in the execution. NO
  3. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  4. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  5. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  6. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  7. We'll be sure to contact you directly through Patreon (so we have a record there). Thank you for joining in, and helping OCR move forward!
  8. I have most of the episodes. I believe I have one CD that got jacked up of older episodes, and maybe I could see if Species still has them in his archives. One day, I'll drop 'em on Google Drive or somewhere else in order to host 'em. I'll mark it down to do for the new year.
  9. He means this tagging system for genre/mood/instrumentation descriptors: http://ocremix.org/forums/tags.php - It's not complete, but we've been working on populating tags for ReMixes that way. We'll be working on completing these tags for all ReMixes in the actual site database.
  10. Posting it Off Topic lowered the visibility of it. Moving to Community...
  11. Sound design-wise, a lot of cookies were cut. OA's comments about the treble being relentless were on point, and some more dynamic contrast through more textural changes (particularly variation with lead) would have made this better. Not my cup of tea, I'm afraid, so I'll stick with the original on this.
  12. Quality's aged, but hey, it's cool. One of the few beatnik-esque pieces on the site, which is sweet. I'm really surprised we've had nothing else remotely like it, because it's a cool approach.
  13. There are areas where I wish the piano sequencing and beats aged better, and the ending should have been a better resolution instead of the bottom just dropping out. That said, I was surprised by how the deliberate pacing didn't plod for me. The lone cymbal, padding, and airy instrumentation all worked nicely in presenting a relaxing mood. A very solid debut mix by Gray from way back in the day.
  14. Moved this back and added more comments from Txai on source usage. There's soloing he says is from the source and ALSO something used from an entirely different game which wasn't pointed out before. Hopefully this'll take the source usage over the top! Will come back to this soon.
  15. Thanks for pointing this out. I compared and I wouldn't count it myself, but either way way, if it doesn't pull the source usage above 50% for me, it's a moot point. Source tune needs to be dominant.
  16. It was every 500, and the newest ones are the latest 500, so there's no need to list them in the Changelog. Going forward, we'll try to create a separate update torrent once per quarter. Whenever you grab a new torrent set, use a program like Mp3tag to sort by track # to see the latest ones.
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