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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  2. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  3. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  4. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  5. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  6. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  7. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  8. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  9. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  10. Hey, no drama or hard feelings here, and we're still taking a look at things, so we'll nudge folks and keep you updated.
  11. Nice work, Adam! The mixing was too cluttered, IMO, but it wasn't anything meaningfully dinging the track, just my observation. It's a distinctly different take on Terra's theme, IMO, since the theme isn't arranged in a melodically straightforward way, so you did a nice job simplifying it and working with the backing parts and chord progressions to retain the direction and feel of the source. Unlike Emu, I didn't feel it this was potentially too minimalist or overly simplistic, but I agreed with him that the variations employed meant you could scan around to any part of the track and feel like it was in a different place. It's got the Christmas/winter vibe and influence for sure, but this can be enjoyed anytime without feeling like you've dove into tropey Christmas music. Nice job for the holidays, and it's always great hearing the community put together great tributes for An OverClocked Christmas year after year, still running hot! Or cold, as it were... ? YES
  12. Bad cop time. I agreed with prophetik on the arrangement dragging some over time but nonetheless being interpretive and developed enough, and I enjoyed the lead and textural variations used to try and keep the presentation of "Chill" fresh. Some of the instrumentation, like the drums and electrosynths, feels very generic/vanilla, so attempting to further personalize those sounds would also benefit this. It's the production side where I think this still need more polish. The drums sound like a plastic bucket's being hit; it sounds better layered with the kick but still lacks oomph and presense in the texture. Also the timing of everything's pretty stilted; sometimes it's not a big deal, but things like the sampled plucked strings (e.g.2:07-2:23), some of the sparser textures (e.g. 1:11-1:28, 2:23-3:03) or synths (e.g. the leads from 3:43-4:07 & 4:07-4:32) felt like bigger offenders in terms of exposing the mechanical-sounding timing. A 1% or 2% tempo increase might mitigate the issues enough; it's worth trying that or adjusting some timings so that everything doesn't sound so rigid, like the energy of the composition's being undermined. This one's well along the way, and maybe the arrangement (which doesn't need to be touched, IMO) can carry the day as is, but this still needs some production TLC, IMO. Nice work thus far, Jared, and good luck with the rest of the vote! NO (resubmit)
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