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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Sorry for the wait on formal feedback for this one as well, Ben, but you have a good base here. At 1:56, the bow movements/attacks of the strings sounded very exposed. The sudden rise in volume at 2:16 with the brass didn't make sense either, but you're aware of that. Arrangement-wise, the first 2 minutes were a (good-sounding) super-close cover, but thankfully you branched out into other instrumentation and expansive part-writing to flesh this out. This one suffered from more obvious exposure of mechanical-sounding samples; there's serviceable, but if some parts and thin AND don't sound humanized, it stands out. I'd run this by folks in the Music Composition & Production forums with a rundown of what you used to make this to see what feedback other folks have. It's not far off from where OCR's quality bar is, and possibly could pass as is, so if you were definitely done with this, then go ahead and submit it. But some production refinements would make sure that passing wasn't potentially in question. That said, the arrangement side of this was solid, so that doesn't need to be touched.
  2. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have set it to Completed status, indicating that I think your remix is ready to be submitted to the Judges Panel. Congratulations! If you feel like you still need to work on your track and want more feedback, you can change the prefix back to Work-in-Progress and we'll go through the review process again. If you decide to submit your track, please change the prefix to Submitted after sending your email. Thank you!
  3. Sorry to forget about following up on this. There are still times where it's obvious the strings aren't real, and some later parts where big brass swells sound too thin/clean but that's never been the production cut-off here. Checking this out once again after your revisions, it feels to me like this is solid enough, no problem. I can't say for sure if this would pass as is, but I'd feel pretty confident in, and IMO I'm not making the perfect the enemy of the good, especially in light of the strong arrangement here. Send this on over, and please include a WAV if you still have one available. Nice work, Ben!
  4. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have set it to Completed status, indicating that I think your remix is ready to be submitted to the Judges Panel. Congratulations! If you feel like you still need to work on your track and want more feedback, you can change the prefix back to Work-in-Progress and we'll go through the review process again. If you decide to submit your track, please change the prefix to Submitted after sending your email. Thank you!
  5. Hey Alex, sorry for the wait on a formal review here. That said, as a judge, I'm happy to give you my feedback now. This was melodically straightforward, but you did a nice job expanding the part-writing here, which is always a viable direction, especially for something like BotW's minimalist soundtrack. When the rhythm guitars joined in to fill things out more at 1:40, the soundscape became a bit muddy/muffled, but it wasn't a huge deal, just an area where the mixing could have been a little clearer. That said, you filled out the soundscape nicely, and fleshed things out well. I'm not sure why this was taken down from your SoundCloud, but I'm glad to have checked it out on YouTube. Go ahead and submit this (send a WAV too, if you still have one), and I'll be sure to directly approve it for posting on the front page; this can bypass the judges panel, IMO. Tremendous work!
  6. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have returned it to Work-in-Progress status, indicating that I think there are some things you still need to work on. After you work on your track and feel that you'd like some more feedback, please change the prefix back to Ready for Review and I'll review it again! Good luck!
  7. Sorry for the wait on hearing back on a review, but glad to check this out now. I'm not bothered by anything being "too conservative" here, as you have a lot going on to set it apart from the original song. The lead seemed to be too loud relatively to the rest of the instrumentation, but not big deal. There's something about the backing string stabs and synths that seemed I guess off-key with the lead instrumentation, and made the writing feel unfocused and scattershot. I mean, right from :10 and later at 1:01 and other times, there's a metallic "pang" sound that sounded off-key. A musician J who knows theory could explain what I'm sensing more clearly. The ending was also a let down; probably not enough to mean a NO vote on the panel, but it was pretty sudden and underwhelming; see what you can do for something with a bit more substance, especially with this only being 2:39-long. Solid base here, Damon. Just need to smooth out some of the clashing writing and make sure the ending's fully developed. Otherwise, this is solid per your usual quality.
  8. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have returned it to Work-in-Progress status, indicating that I think there are some things you still need to work on. After you work on your track and feel that you'd like some more feedback, please change the prefix back to Ready for Review and I'll review it again! Good luck!
  9. Hey Catherine, sorry for the wait on hearing back on a WIP review. The main pervasive issue here is how mechanical all of the sequencing sounded. Aside from the hand percussion stuff, pretty much everything sounded robotically timed and looped, and most of the attacks were at the same intensity. You did have textural changes here, but the overall every level remained very similar throughout, so along with the timing basically being locked to a grid, this was a very flat, droning piece that couldn't maintain interest and felt like it wasn't developing in spite of the changes in the writing when you listen closely. The hand percussion sounded the most organic, so that was a nice touch, but the timing and realism issues were a deal-breaker.
  10. First off, sorry for the wait on a review for your piece, H0us3C0rP3. That said, I'm on the judges panel, so I can give you a bit more authoritative of a POV. On the judges panel, this might get dinged on the production side for some of the synths/sounds being plain, as the synths were pretty vanilla, but the arrangement was personalized pretty well, and I think you did a good job using these tools. It's clear a lot of care went into varying up the textures and providing contrast from section to section. More melodic interpretation would have been a plus, but no hate on going for something structurally conservative as long as other aspects were significantly treated with interpretation. Here, the beats and tempo were changed along with the sound palette to help give this a different enough feel. Props on not retreading any arrangement ideas until just a brief reuse of some of the verse material about 3/4ths of the way through. I enjoyed the extended winddown for the close; it seemed like it might just repeat the initial notes from the source until a fadeout, but you changed the lead sounds a couple of times while reducing the volume to keep presenting creativity right until the finish. If you haven't submitted this one already, I can't guarantee it would pass (because I'm only one judge), but this would likely have my vote. Nice work!
  11. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix
  12. To me, that's a non-issue. It may bring into question whether the usage of the source material is "dominant" when taking the Submission Standards into account - and I know DS didn't explicitly say it was that level of an issue - but to me, wholly original lyrics that aren't derived from the source are OK as long as the instrumental adequately provides that source tune connection. For Joey, please resubmit this. Again, for me, this just needs production adjustments; the arrangement itself doesn't need to be touched. Also, please send lyrics for anything you're involved in; whenever it gets passed, we try to include lyrics in the files and on the site for fans to have. Looking forward to hearing this one again!
  13. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  14. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  15. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  16. To me, the tempo and relatively samey pace did have this drag for me as well; this was a flatter/duller energy level than I expected for such a long piece, but that was more of a personal taste thing. Any suggestions for tweaking the arrangement would be more like "nice to have" things rather than anything fundamentally wrong with it. The only thing that stuck out for me that I would have changed was the one spot where the time sigs briefly changed from 2:10-2:26; it didn't serve much purpose and broke the flow of the piece, but I'll live. Other than those crits, this was a reasonably personalized arrangement and the mixing was solid. Great source tune choice, and I like how Patricio gave it a grittier energy. YES
  17. I've added a link in the first post to this mix at 3x speed. For the NOs on recognizability, listen to the sped up version, then go back and listen to the sub and see if it's still a NO-go due to the slowness. But the source is definitely there in a very straightforward way.
  18. In this context, my bad grammar , "gotted," was intentional. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sic
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