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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. There's something about the main drum tone & timing that make it sound programmed, but I could be wrong on them being sequenced; it was a criticism I also had with your Castlevania mix that I evaluated, but overall they sound solid, so it's a relatively small issue. The ending at 3:04 was trite and sudden for me, but we'll live. Good arrangement work again; indeed conservative, but eventually incorporating original composition and more interpretive treatment of the theme to compliment the rock cover approach. I don't think the original writing flowed as naturally from the arranged parts, but it wasn't an awful fit; perhaps other people may have opinions on that. In any case, this sounds fine as is to submit, if you haven't done so already. Let's see what the panel thinks.
  2. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have returned it to Work-in-Progress status, indicating that I think there are some things you still need to work on. After you work on your track and feel that you'd like some more feedback, please change the prefix back to Ready for Review and I'll review it again! Good luck!
  3. Cool stuff, just too short and underdeveloped to be something that would be approved as a standalone arrangement on OCR, since that's the lens I'm looking at it through in terms of a formal evaluation. The genre adaptation is melodically conservative, but the new instrumentation and subtle changes to the backing writing with the piano went in the right direction. That said, it's ultimately 70 seconds of the source tune and that's not enough substance vis-a-vis the Submission Standards here. If you were at all interested in developing this specifically for submission as an OC ReMix, there would need to be more ideas, variation, and development of the arrangement. For what it is, it's a very good listen, and I thought the original section at the end pieced together nicely with the arrangement of the source.
  4. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have returned it to Work-in-Progress status, indicating that I think there are some things you still need to work on. After you work on your track and feel that you'd like some more feedback, please change the prefix back to Ready for Review and I'll review it again! Good luck!
  5. Pretty rough stuff. The backing line that starts at :03 was off-key with the rest of the instruments, the timing of the parts was rigid, and the parts weren't expressive. It basically sounds like a re-instrumented MIDI; was it taken from VGMusic or did you add some arrangement for 1:02's section? The only feedback would be to continue experimenting with making music, asking questions from more experienced people (via our forums, as one example), and getting comfortable with your tools.
  6. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have returned it to Work-in-Progress status, indicating that I think there are some things you still need to work on. After you work on your track and feel that you'd like some more feedback, please change the prefix back to Ready for Review and I'll review it again! Good luck!
  7. Shortening the opening melody we're all familiar with was a nice touch for your opening that set it apart from the original song. Decent base, and I don't intend this criticism as mean, but this got very lazy/underdeveloped/repetitive. Once you got to 2:03, the rest was cut and pasted from :50's section, even down to the little original stutter section from 1:37 being repeated verbatim again at 2:51. The repeated sections are all the same intensity with 0 variation, so the track ultimately plods along. This is a solid genre adaptation for now, but it was relatively straightforward melodically and didn't realize its potential. In this current form, I would reject it on the judges panel, but strongly recommend a resubmission because the interpretation here is well in the right direction. You should be developing/interpreting this further; that doesn't mean you need to add super-pronounced, bombastic dynamic contrast or throw in grace notes and original writing for the sake thereof, but you do need some sort of variations after 2:03 through some combination of tempo, rhythm, melodic variation, additional notes, original countermelodies, different instrumentation, textures, or effects. Thing about what more you can do, even subtly, to further develop this. Keeping your BotW ReMix in mind, you're more than capable of making this DKC arrangement something more.
  8. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have set it to Completed status, indicating that I think your remix is ready to be submitted to the Judges Panel. Congratulations! If you feel like you still need to work on your track and want more feedback, you can change the prefix back to Work-in-Progress and we'll go through the review process again. If you decide to submit your track, please change the prefix to Submitted after sending your email. Thank you!
  9. The piano timing was mechanical, as well as the plucked and bowed strings, so I wish their sound was more humanized. The way you do it is stylized, and potentially could be fine on the panel, but I know I'd ding it for that and have criticized it in the past, because the track has a stilted quality to it. Arrangement-wise, that may carry it. You could certainly consider submitting this as is, and I'd likely YES this in spite of the mechanical timing, but it is something to be mindful of. IMO, go for it and submit it as is if you haven't already done so, but be ready to tweak it (or be proactive and tweak it now).
  10. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have returned it to Work-in-Progress status, indicating that I think there are some things you still need to work on. After you work on your track and feel that you'd like some more feedback, please change the prefix back to Ready for Review and I'll review it again! Good luck!
  11. Sounds like a re-instrumented MIDI. What's good about it is that it's the Gerudo Valley theme (a classic), but there's absolutely 0 interpretation and no ending, so it's really just a proof-of-concept. We all have to start from somewhere of course. The only feedback would be to continue experimenting with making music, asking questions from more experienced people (via our forums, as one example) and getting comfortable with your tools. From that point, you'd branch out into adding your own creative spin to the VGM themes you want to arrange.
  12. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have set it to Completed status, indicating that I think your remix is ready to be submitted to the Judges Panel. Congratulations! If you feel like you still need to work on your track and want more feedback, you can change the prefix back to Work-in-Progress and we'll go through the review process again. If you decide to submit your track, please change the prefix to Submitted after sending your email. Thank you!
  13. Sorry for the wait on a review; happy to check this out for you. On a minor negative side, I thought the light warbling effect overstayed its welcome and I felt like I was hearing the same types of effect loop/trigger a lot to the point of sounding repetitive; it's a small issue and that part was a background player. Other than that, the arrangement approach was excellent, and I agreed with Garrett and Souperion's praise. Definitely submit this if you haven't already, and it'll get at least one vote from me on the judges panel.
  14. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have set it to Completed status, indicating that I think your remix is ready to be submitted to the Judges Panel. Congratulations! If you feel like you still need to work on your track and want more feedback, you can change the prefix back to Work-in-Progress and we'll go through the review process again. If you decide to submit your track, please change the prefix to Submitted after sending your email. Thank you!
  15. Sorry for the long wait on a formal review. If you haven't already submitted this, please send it over. Very creative & unorthodox interpretation and it sounds great overall; not much else to add other than I look forward to you submitting it so we can post it to the front page!
  16. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have set it to Completed status, indicating that I think your remix is ready to be submitted to the Judges Panel. Congratulations! If you feel like you still need to work on your track and want more feedback, you can change the prefix back to Work-in-Progress and we'll go through the review process again. If you decide to submit your track, please change the prefix to Submitted after sending your email. Thank you!
  17. Sorry for the wait on getting a formal eval here. This is a pretty nicely personalized cover. The drums clearly sound programmed, but have a solid tone to them. The overall sound could have been a little sharper, but certainly nothing meaningfully dinging the quality of the listen. I was initially worried the arrangement would stay too conservative due to the beginning being more of a genre adaptation, but great job using the middle to do some original writing over the top of the "Wicked Child" theme, and then going even more expansive with the new part-writing over the top of the source tune for the final section. If you haven't actually submitted this one, go ahead and send in on over; this is solid and would at least have my vote. Nice job!
  18. It's a cool genre adaptation with a basic but decent groove, no question. But beyond that, this was too conservative, repetitive, underdeveloped, and dynamically flat for the submissions standards here. The core beats were plain and looped for basically the whole time, and once you've heard the first verse & chorus up to 1:07, you've basically heard the entire scope of the piece aside from some minor textural differences via sweeping SFX and robovoice drops. The energy level did have some subtle changes, but was still pretty flat; there were opportunities at spots like 2:29 to do something more dynamic or varied, and that ultimately didn't happen. NO
  19. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  20. Just noting that I sent Peter the judges comments a few weeks ago so he could potentially address the mixing; he agreed with the feedback on the lack of clarity and was gracious enough to give this another pass. Now it sounds better than ever, all without sacrificing any of the strength and energy of the performances. Thanks a lot to Peter for the improved version!
  21. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have returned it to Work-in-Progress status, indicating that I think there are some things you still need to work on. After you work on your track and feel that you'd like some more feedback, please change the prefix back to Ready for Review and I'll review it again! Good luck!
  22. The lil' "tick-tick-tick" percussion sounds seemed to cut through too into the foreground too much, and the soundscape was pretty muddy from the get-go. From :41-:56 (and again during other retreads of the chorus like 1:44), it seemed like one of the backing parts became out of sync, because the track quickly sounded disjointed; not sure what broke down there. More discordant and disjointed stuff when you combined different section of the theme from 2:41-onwards. Not trying to be mean, but I wasn't sure if this was just trolling in audio form, because it sounded really sloppy. I agreed with Smooth4Lyfe that this was a straightforward (and repetitive) cover, too conservative for the interpretive arrangement standards here. The part-writing was too basic, and while you did personalize the sound, the mixing wasn't clear at all, and the textures & sound design weren't sophisticated. A bit disappointing of a result compared to your Sonic Spinball "Toxic Caves" mix, which had more variation and creativity in the writing, and more competent production quality. It's unfortunately nowhere near ready for primetime vis-a-vis the Submission standards here. Needs a ton of work; not to be discouraging, but it seems like your energy's better served moving onto a different arrangement concept if there are no plans to start from scratch here.
  23. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have returned it to Work-in-Progress status, indicating that I think there are some things you still need to work on. After you work on your track and feel that you'd like some more feedback, please change the prefix back to Ready for Review and I'll review it again! Good luck!
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