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Arek the Absolute

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Everything posted by Arek the Absolute

  1. no link to said song no link to said remix bad thread
  2. twas me merely jesting, good sir and yes i do!
  3. Definitely still going to try for it. I reallllly wish they would port this game to another console and add online mode for amazing bomberman 64 multiplayer shenanigans
  4. Half the matches are really bad just like brawl while the others aren't TOO bad. I want to play YOU as lagless as possible so we can really get some good stuff in. If you want to play tonight, though, to test it out, then I am in!
  5. I try to snap in Sentinel asap, especially if the guy is really bad with the other two characters he chose since that means he is just banking on a lvl 3 x-factor sent victory.
  6. Is 40 the official going price for 3DS games? If so, my wallet is going to hate me in the coming months.
  7. This really makes me want to dust off my 64 and get hoppin on this. It has been so long since I played Bomberman 64. I think it is about time I hop back on it. Sucks that they haven't made a game similar for the next gen systems *or have they*
  8. i had someone rage at me for snapping in phoenix oh god i love this game
  9. I didn't even realize the game was out! Buying it today when my local gamestop opens : )
  10. aw i was having fun with him not realizing that way to ruin the fun
  11. just faced a 5th lord who has a record of 3 wins 9 losses can someone explain to me how these rankings work, cause he was absolutely terrible
  12. isnt that more reason for it not to be on your bandcamp album?
  13. take down eat your beats its going to be free to download very soon and im sure there is no reason it should be up and being a pay-to-download song i wont speak for the rest of the people who have their songs up there, but im certain they will agree that this whole situation is really stupid
  15. Grats to The Damned and to all who worked so hard on the music for this great album!
  16. Got my 3 teams ready! team our themes are legit: Wesker/Dr Doom/ Dormammu team dante's a pimp: Dante/X-23/Trish team "what?": Hsien-ko/Amaterasu/Tron
  17. new team in the works team tricky derrit will not approve
  18. after doing all of captain america's missions, i must say that i absolutely hate him the most in this game they were not hard to do, i just really hate the way he plays in this
  19. diagonal down dash after jumping to do quick air attacks -> ground combo is practically impossible to do in online matches thats it, gettin better internet for sure now
  20. you just salty i beat you with your own team
  21. gg's derrit so many messages @_@ ill play someone else next time olol
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