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Arek the Absolute

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Everything posted by Arek the Absolute

  1. o u i meant game wise The legend returns is pretty good. Definitely had fun playing it when I did way back. Its ost was pretty good as well. I think I am about 70% done with the game now. I totally feel what Emperor Charlemagne means when he mentions it not being the Lufia II I want to play. If this were a game not related to Lufia at all, I would say that it is pretty solid. The beginning is pretty meh and it takes a little bit to engage you, but the fighting and puzzles are really well done. Besides Maxim and Tia, the characters are pretty well written *I still love Lexis after seeing him as Doc Brown. He even says "Great Scott". Good on you Natsume*. As a "retelling" of Lufia, however, this game falls pretty short. Standalone title: 4/5 Lufia retelling: 2/5
  2. I have this problem of buying anything Lufia related no matter what. I thought RoL was pretty darn bad, but I bought it played the shit out of it anyway
  3. The puzzles are very Lufia-esque and fun. Selan is really fun to play as. Natsume did a great job with Dekar's lines. Lexis is Doc Brown. This game has redeemed itself for the most part. EDIT: I can't be the only one who bought this. I know most waited for comments about the game, but I thought there would be at least one other person besides me who bought it on release.
  4. That would make me rage even more-so than him not being in the game honestly. EDIT: Tia is really annoying and Maxim pretty much has the personality of a younger SNES Dekar. This is really starting to get to me. I actually like Lexus, but I think it is only because he is the most like his original character so far, and that really isn't saying much. ALSO WHY IS IRIS IN OUR TEAM *npc* WHEN SHE IS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE HI IM IRIS IM WEARING A DRESS KBAI IM GONE CAUSE IM REALLY ERIN AND AM DOING OTHER SHIT
  5. So far the combat is the only good thing about this game. DO NOT GO IN THIS GAME WITH ANY THOUGHTS OF LUFIA II ON YOUR MIND. The beginning of the game throws away any feel of this being like Lufia II. I mean seriously, Gades in the opening movie screaming to the world that he's gonna destroy it cause he feels like it is just....bah. There is no build up to the Sinistrals at all here. They fucked up Maxim hard. He is now a generic anime-esque gung-ho brash hero. He seriously says in one of the beginning lines "I'm gonna kick Gades butt!". I know it is Natsume who translated it to make him say that, but considering where and when he said it, I am certain the original Japanese script had him saying something similar. Character relations are all out of whack. Lexis is now immediately with Maxim in the beginning of the game and lives in his town and knows him and Tia. The world hears about Maxim being the "hero" needed to defeat the Sinistrals after Iris tells him. His mission right now is to travel the world and recruit heroes to join him. gahghaghaghahaghaghhgaghghahsdghasdhfsdfasdfeasasdfeasdfadefsjklufjasekljaklsfjklsdjf more later my head hurts YES EDIT: Worst fuck up of all? NO CONVERSATION WITH AREK IN THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME. i swear if he doesn't show up in the game at all i will rage so hard also the world doesnt really know just yet that hes a hero but everyone in his hometown does and hes like YEA MAN IM GENERIC ANIME HERO IM TOTALLY GONNA KICK HIS BUTT CAUSE IM COOL MAN COOL i hate you new maxim oh god i hate you
  6. So I got the game and all I can say from the first 5 minutes of the game is what the fuck am i playing?
  7. am i the only one that likes Hideki Ishikawa's the best?
  8. jack is just writing posts to get attention hes not budging because he wants people to argue with him so he can get some love
  9. i fucking seriously love it when jackkaiser posts every single one is fucking gold
  10. So you can't even stay on your parents couch? Something is amiss here.
  11. To those that you HAVE gotten in contact with, have you honestly told them you are homeless? Have you explained to them the severity of what is going on?
  12. Do you have any relatives you can stay with? Have you spoken to your parents and told them what is going on?
  13. Why did you do the things in bold? Also, I know the job market is not that great right now, but why did you also not go out applying for jobs. I constantly hear on KGO while driving around that jobs are popping up in the bay at a decent rate.
  14. MML3 HUZZAH MM Universe (MM PU2 ++) HUZZAH MM MHX 2 next please?
  15. i am completely shocked this is fantastic! now if the only put maverick hunter x 2 on the 3ds, all will be right in the world
  16. do you even know who gary is? ocr needs more ziwtra. where you been man?
  17. Ziwtra still to this day influences so much of what I do. His awesome work brought me here originally, and still affects me exactly the same as it did 5+ years ago.
  18. i didnt take the time to read it all honestly wudevs
  19. starfox 64 3d donkey kong country returns
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