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Arek the Absolute

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Everything posted by Arek the Absolute

  1. Most of the bonus content is done. The rest of the project is already done, save for Usa's songs, but he is always good on his word. This project is just about out and ready to be given to the public. Estimated release date : June 07 Estimated date to be sent back to site projects : May 07 The reason why I took it out of siteprojects was that this project had a major standstill. Nothing was being produced, so I didn't want it just rotting the site project forum. With this almost ready to be released, I figure that when I get some more stuff done, it will be site project ready again. Anyhow, the release date is estimated for June, but that doesn't mean that it WILL be released in June. I am waiting for Kyle's project to be done before sending this out, so that means if his isn't out in by May, then this doesn't come out until his is out. Why May for his? Simple. I want to give his project at least a month of shining time before this hits the light. Having two projects released at the same time is lame.
  2. birthday former judge cool remixer guy talks a lot in ppr happy birthday NINJA VANISH EDIT: BLASPHEMY I saw no thread for this prior to me creating mine! Whoever merged mine with this is a better ninja then I am....
  3. Oh hell no, I will not be pushed out of my second place spot. People, get ready to finish up your matches with me cause I am taking back my spot.
  4. Whoaaaaaaaa, I am totally digging this tune, and a cumshot! Ahaha, nice. Jeremy (Geoffreytaucer) taught me the ways of the cumshot, so that is how I know about it. Great mix here homeboy, kirby bias aside *not meant as negative towards kirby, but rather me saying I like it because I like it and not because it is kirby, which I dig*.
  5. olol someone told me about larrys post so decided to comment i quit offtop, as can be seen. still doing tourny thread and mww, but easyp is taking over tourny thread after this so ya. plus i had to make thread cause i liked movie probably due to the fact that we had a sweet crowd go. you guys wont have said crowd more than likely so you wont like said movie nearly as well. sucks for you
  6. Went to see the midnight showing. Crowd was great. Movie was sick. Mako's last movie : ( Good stuff all around. INPUT TIME
  7. I saw the new TMNT movie at the midnight showing earlier today, and this just makes my day even better. There is only one thing that you have to add in here to make it absolutely perfect. You HAVE to add in at or near the end "aaah, shell shock". That would be the perfect ending for this. Great stuff through and through. And I am serious about the shell shock part. Add that in and this is pure gold.
  8. I cannot grasp the humor that is in your joke. Which part of that was supposed to make me lol
  9. I'll worry about unstablehamster. You go and make sure Jullie stops hanging out with those emo chicks so he can friggin save time for a match or two.
  10. we already have an "ocr goes techno". it is called 60% of ocr's music library
  11. You are kidding, right? Stop persisting until you get an AIM sn.
  12. Arek vs Sega : 2-0 Great set. Nice matches. You got game, don't you worry.
  13. arek vs keegan : 2-0 you made my head hurt haah nice matchs
  14. http://youtube.com/watch?v=UEDC5GunTxQ Guile owning shit on cvs. Guile has two specials, while everyone has around 4 or 5. Dude holds his ground just fine from what I see. o-o-o-opinion breaker
  15. Arek vs Hemophiliac : 2-0 Fuck, the first set was holy shit intense. Good fucking stuff.
  16. Arek vs dPaladin : 2-0 If next game is SF2, I am pretty much certain you will kick the posterior.
  17. Arek VS Broken : 2-1 Holy fucking shit that was close. EDITED FROM EARLIER RESULT
  18. ya just wanted to pop in to say about the special move thing dude guile has only two special moves compared to everyone else who has around 4 and he puts up a fight just as well as they do
  19. agreed But god do I miss the guy... We were really close, and I was THIS CLOSE to meeting him.
  20. Arek VS Epicposter : 2-0 Woo, you had me going. Great matches man!
  21. Arek VS Axel B : 2-0 Fun stuff. Keep up the nice work.
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