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Everything posted by ThatPaige
CONGRATS!!! this has MADE MY DAY! wishing you both a lifetime of joy, good health, and prosperity together! -p
Famous musicians you just now discovered
ThatPaige replied to ThatPaige's topic in General Discussion
I LOVE the Flaming Lips....especially Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. -
so, i just recently discovered joni mitchell even though i'd heard of her before. i'd just never bothered to listen to her stuff for some reason. now i understand why she's such a big deal. i was wondering if anybody had had a similar experience...is there a musician or cd even that's incredibly famous but that you only recently discovered or started to appreciate?
Just got mine today and its BEAUTIFUL. you guys did an amazing job and i encourage anybody to order--a guaranteed hit for family members, friends, or even to play at a holiday party. GREAT WORK PIXIE AND ZIRCS!
I was gonna recommend that. Lamestealmythunder. It's a great album.
New VGDJ Released (and YES ITS VGDJ) - pg 1 link
ThatPaige replied to Brushfire's topic in General Discussion
I just have to say that if you do a video cast, be sure to include angle six. -
happy birthday darkesword and happy birthday to me too!!! i don't know many people with our birthday, but so far they are all geniuses, including Lady Bird Johnson!
howdy folks. many of you know me as a hayta, but i am quickly becoming a new playa when it comes to ocr (ha. Larry is disgusted with my lizzeet grammxrs). please check out my latest addition to larry's blog "Songs The Lady Likes #2" featuring: *Super Mario Bros. 2 "Gypsy Jazz" *A Yoplait commercial that'll warm your heart, or make you throw up (Larry says this may depend on "whether you have testicles") *A man who knows how to use his hands (ladies, the line starts behind me)
Just posted a review of the first song I ever liked on OC Remix on Larry's blog. Check it out...I promise, Baby Seals are safe with me!
Make sure you bring: For your personal safety---> http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:7reYx3OmGDIe5M:www.allmed.net/mngd/61/111558.jpeg http://www.veridien.com/viraguard/presoak.htm In case you need to distract the Lion so you can escape: http://cgi.ebay.com/Best-of-BACKYARD-WRESTLING-Hardcore-DVD-Uncensored-DVD_W0QQitemZ9115856406QQcategoryZ617QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem http://www.dccomics.com/comics/?cm=4934 Finally...I'll be around so you can always call me and I'll do what I normally do to protect Mr. Liontamer from himself and others: I put this record on and he sings along for hours: http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:NmlINzobzH2LOM:www.giantstepsbooks.com/images/raffi/sunshine.gif If someone wants to help me make these images that would be wonderful
Hell, it got me horny.</VGF70> So for all those wondering what it was that I got for Valentine's Day. Here is how it all happened. 5:00pm: Larry shows up at my house, with an air freshener ("because you liked it so much last year"), this time kiwi scented. "Not the most romantic thing, I know, but very practical." Ever the debonaire gentleman, Larry installs the freshener himself, handing me a Coke bottle that had rolled under the seat. 6:00pm Arrive at grocery store for dinner. "Instead of Campbells, I thought we could try something different for a change. I was thinking....Hungry Man, since, you know, I'm a Hungry Man for you!" 6:32pm: Hungry Man Salisbury Steak with mashed potatoes and green beans and Hungry Man Classic Fried Chicken Dinner with corn and mashed potatoes with Franzia's White Zinfandel. 6:50pm. With dinner completed, Larry had yet another suprise for me: Under Seige 2: Dark Territory. He asked if I would have preferred Freddie Got Fingered, as he almost chose that one at Blockbuster, but I assured him, US2 was a better, ahem, choice. 8:29pm. With US2 over, Larry informs me that he has to update the Currently in the Judging Process announcement. 9:05pm. Larry is still looking for gamer-oriented sprites to put on the announcement. I eat some of the chocolate I got him and go to bed. 10:55pm. With Larry finally done searching for Valentine's Day oriented sprites, he wakes me up and wants to show me his cute Final Fantasy icons. I tell him he can go play with his icons on his own. 10:58pm. Larry wakes me up again, because Red Sonja is on tv. I throw him a piece of my lingerie and say "here pretend i'm with you, i'm going back to sleep." 12:02am. Larry arrives in bed with his laptop, playing Lunar Singing Pretzel OC ReMix. Obviously this means the male lion is in heat. Needless to say, I pretended I was asleep through Lunar Singing Pretzel, Larry's Toyota Disco-Gran Turismo OL ReMix, Vigilante's "Funky Monkey Love-Valentine's Day Edit," and Daknit's Bard of Tarot-"Final Fantasy 7 CoolCatSithe OC ReMix".
Actually Gray, I did help Liontamer write that poll. Pretty much any of the funny options were my idea and Liontamer just coalesced, he's rather complacent that way..after all, he wanted some lovin' so I had him hostage to whatever I wanted...so this time, I got Progresso instead of Campbell's. Here is what I gave Liontamer for Valentine's Day: A hand-painted water-color valentine and strawberries dipped in dark chocolate (which I also did myself). An hour to go to see what I get in return...I'm hoping it's an oil change for my car, as opposed to last year's gift of a passion fruit-scented air freshener. Liontamer said it was the deluxe version because it's the kind you hide under your seat so no one knows where the smell is coming from.
As Larry's signficant other, I think I need to finally speak out about the alleged pubefro. While I refuse to answer definitively whether or not these accusations are correct, as I am a lady and wouldn't know the first thing about Larry's netherparts, I can say that I am quite sure that Larry has the utmost standards of hygiene. I mean, as far as I'm aware, he bathes every week, and shaves every other week. I also know that he uses deoderant on special occassions and lysol+cologne when he's interested in some kissy face. Some might say, "why, paige, is a beautiful sexy lady like you with someone who only feeds you campbells soup?" how should i respond??....i'm hot for DJs.
Too bad I won't be able to listen in to this one. Larry's getting to be an old man. I mean, VGF 71? Don't be suprised if Larry complains about his incontinence, bad back, and lumbego. Just the other day he was grumbling about "those punk kids today." I think I'll discreetly leave out the fact that I am three months older than he. Keep your eye out for December. I'm trying to lobby Larry to let me host a show of the good remixes in honor of my birthday. Of course that might include some he's already played as well, particularly BlackPerson.
LIES! being in a position of authority, while larry's robot status may or may not be verifiable, i can say that he is, for all intents and purposes, anatomically correct.
I have to say, I believe Larry showed me the Rainforest Song as part of a conspiracy to woo me with all things adorable while he visited me recently. It worked. You are one hella talented chica and it showed even then. I especially liked that collab you just did with Gray--one of the few remixes I have asked for Larry to send me for my personal music collection. ::Shh! Now I have to pretend to be jealous that Larry said you were cute:: I mean...uh...wassup biyatch you want some of dis?
My Dear GrayLightning truly has won my continued favoritism with his delicate gentlemanly sensibilities--which i can only assume must correlate to his studly goodlooks. Hence I am pleased to charge him Sexiest OCR Judge Outside of Liontamer, But Who Perhaps Smells Better. I do wonder however, If I am the Queen of Hearts, what does that make Larry? King of Smells? King of Clenises?
yeah...i have to say, i've seen some pretty disturbing pics in my time (being a public health student and all...) and this one ranks as the worst i have ever ever seen. if i were a cat i'd be dead.
As the "lady" in question in the poll, with regards to the poll options of poisonous campbell's soup and fine dining at McDonalds...the only thing poisonous larry has ever given me to eat was probably some chilli with prunes he made last year while we were watching Clerks on television . He might try to vehemently deny this claim, but could you imagine a hot chick like me actually putting prunes in chili??? I mean Larry smells anyway...he has nothing to loose! As for McDonalds, Larry knows that if he really wants to score bonus points, we don't go to McDonalds...we go to Wendy's so I can get a sexual frosty. PS--I could take Chyna down anytime, I have flabs of steel!
Hahaha...I can't imagine Liontamer high on "Dutch tobacco". I've never really seen him even tipsy..damn his high alcoholic tolerance! But for the edification of the community I submit the following re-enactment of a possible conversation with Liontamer were he to be under the influence of any intoxicating substance. ThatPaige: Hey snookywookums, what's up? Liontamer: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy baaaaabbbbyyyyy. ::Liontamer Staggers towards ThatPaige and trips on the carpet:: ThatPaige: Wow, looks like somebody isn't getting enough oxygen to the brain. Why don't you sit down next to me. Liontamer: Meow! Hey, hey! Hey...Hey Baaaaaaaaabbbbyyy if you got any questions for me you should ask me now.....baaaaaaaaabbbbbyyyyyy. Meow! ::Liontamer leans his head on ThatPaige's shoulder and slowly rolls his head towards the wall, banging it slightly:: I would point the audience's attention to the fact that Liontamer would be "meowing" as a small cat rather than "rawwwrrring" like the, ahem, "Lion" he is. ThatPaige: Hmmm. Ok. Do you love me? Liontamer: I loooooooooove GrayLightning. ThatPaige: I thought you loved me! Liontamer: I looooooooooove Chip and Dale's Rescue Adventure the video game! YEAH!!!! ::ThatPaige pushes Liontamer off the couch where he crawls and lolls around on the floor. For the next part of the conversation he is talking facing the floor.:: ThatPaige: I thought you loved me, you bastard! Liontamer: I loooooooooooove Batman! ThatPaige: Fine, go make love to your BatmanTAS dvd collection then. I'll admit it was why I got with you in the first place, but now I see it can only come between us... ::ThatPaige gets up and leaves Liontamer telling the floor all the other things he loves.:: Liontamer: I looooove Funky Monkey Love, and I looooove Gran Turismo ReMix....
i don't know about that, the complex odor of Liontamer's pheromones is strong indeed...i tend to have to spray Larry down with two cans of rose-scented air freshener and wear a gas mask before i can be in the same room with him without being forced to rip my clothes off and feed him strawberries with my toes. I mean a girl has got to have some method of fortifying herself against the sinful seductive scent of Liontamer. Someone should really bottle it, ala Donald Trump Old Gym Shorts move over, there's a new kind of reek in town....Strong, Sensuous, and a hint of sardines.. Liontamer the scent for Real Men Who Don't Bathe.
I must say, I was interested to notice that Liontamer was not even listed as a possibility of a judge to vote for as the sexiest. I must remind the panel that although I am more of a girl than Liontamer aka Atitti the Hun, is, he still is my sexual frosty and that should count for something. But regardless, I would still have to pick Gray as he knows flattery with women will get him everywhere
I must choose between Judge Judy and Liontamer???? Oh cruel world...why must you make me pick between the one...a hot little judge all in black with an attitude to match, and a hot black judge who purrs so sweetly "hey baby wanna hold my gavel?" ::sigh:: out of duty (and any hope of future sumpin-sumpin) I choose Liontamer-- but my heart bleeds for abandoning dear Judy to the Pit of Unsexiness.
You know he always has his hand in his left pocket and I ask him sometimes if he's got something in there, to which he replies "It's nothing...nothing I tell you, I just um...it's something I use to take me to another level...." mmhmmm
my my my Bladiator, now I see where all your money goes--to enhancing the size and firmness of your controller and NewsRadio dvds... such, ummm, distinguishing buttons you've got there. i wonder what larry's controller is like....nope, i've never seen it.