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Everything posted by Gnam

  1. This song rocks! Anyone who played Final Fantasy 1 will remember the original battle theme that was the base for all that came later, and this mix does it much justice with great guitars and drums. I thought the original theme was annoying with its crappy NES sound system, but this mix takes the song and really makes it kick ass. It also stays true to the original arrangement of the song, which not only allows you to appreaciate the original more, but really distinguishes it from other battle theme mixes and avoids confusion with battle themes from the other FF games as well as by other remixers.
  2. Not only is the instrumentation and style great, but I gotta give em points for choosing a song that WASN'T THE HYRULE THEME. Instead it's the dungeon theme, probably the most 'Zelda 1-ish' you can get. The original song was memorable, but rather crude and unpleasant in some ways (especially when you're stuck in the same dungeon for a long time) but this mix makes it relaxing and chilled out.
  3. Not only is the instrumentation and style great, but I gotta give em points for choosing a song that WASN'T THE ZELDA THEME. Instead it's the dungeon theme, probably the most 'Zelda 1-ish' you can get. The original song was memorable, but rather crude and unpleasant in some ways (especially when you're stuck in the same dungeon for a long time) but this mix makes it relaxing and chilled out.
  4. LOL. I like the title. Dance Richer Dance. It gives me a mential image of Richter Belmont in his little blue tunic and 1980's "medeival" haircut dancing to techno in the middle of a stobe-light-lit nightclub. Anyway, catchy. That's about all I can say about the mix. Not that it's bad, but there's nothing to make you listen to it a second or 3rd time. The main thing that makes it catchy is that the tune of the original song. The techno stuff makes it catchier, but it gets boring after a while. Maybe with a track of synthed strings to give it a light "orchestral feel" in some parts it would hold up better.
  5. I like this song. It's funky, but it works. I've been waiting for a while for someone to do some guitar mixes of Double Dragon songs, but the funky synth sound of this song matches the original DD music perfectly. Parts of it sound very similar to the sound of the original NES music, but also the way the distortion, beat, and other instruments like the piano come together with it, it becomes a finished peice of music. It sounds like some cool music that was meant to be listened to, not just some old crappy videogame tunes. It rocks, it stays true to the game it came from, and it's original. Good job, and I hope to hear some more like this.
  6. It's a good song, with a wide range different instrumental effects. My only complaint is the excerpt from MAP09. After Gothic Sandy, that tune feels like it's been beat into the ground, and even though the mix has very little to ground it in the original song, I think it would work better without the Gothic Sandy part.
  7. This song was a mixed bag for me...the distorted rockin industrial beat is excellent. The instrumentation on the main tune that goes overtop of the beat isn't. To me it's just annoying, and it sounds like it got recorded directly off of some bad NES game. I wish the song were either redone with new instrumentation on the tune/melody, or that it were just the industrial/distorted/beat part with nothing over top.
  8. Good concept, not so great instrumentation. To start out, the piano is nice, but the synth guitar (I think that's what it's supposed to be, maybe a flute?) carrying the main melody of the song is pretty weak. Also, the piano rythim is a little too slow compared to the original version, and seems to make the tempo of the song contradict itself. Considering that the first minute or 2 of the track is a straight-forward true rendition of the song, merely done in new instrumentation, the fact that the instrumentation wasn't too good made the song seem fairly boring. Things pick up about 1:40 minutes in when the drums come in and the "real-sounding" electric guitar comes in. Its still sounds a little synth, kinda like the guitar in the OST version of the Lavos Final Battle song of CT, but I didn't really mind. It also becomes more interesting since he begins taking liberties with the original composition and doing new things with it. Unfortunately it didn't seem to do anything specific with it, it just kinda fooled around with different variants of bits of the tune. Pretty good instrumentation, but not much substance. The length is nice, and it's cool to see how he tries different variations on the composition throughout the rest of the peice, it just doesn't seem to build up to anything. The melody feels like it's been cut up, shuffled and then hastily glued back together. I think I would have prefered it if the track was about half as long, and mainly consisted of the composition from the begining portion of the track paired with the instrumentation (especially the electric guitar) of the middle of the track. This way it would be more on par with the likes of Ailsean's Terra In Black and Steve Pordon's Mystic Forest. Sorry if I seemed a little critical, just trying to be honest and give some sugestions.
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