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  1. I mean, no. But also yes. But also, go make some music.
  2. Ok, Vague, I'm sorry. But I'm really hoping for something unique here. Something special. I want you (artist, remixer, rebel, crazy motherfcucker) to take any character theme, and bring it to the driving inevitability that is conveyed in say the Godzilla theme, or the Red Wings theme, or the Empire from Star Wars. That sound of hard-pushing strings and repetition that leads to the understanding that whatever force you are standing against is far, far beyond your means. You wanna do this with portions from UN Squadron (snes) or Barbie super model (snes) or uniracers? I don't care. I want to hear that driving inevitability and it's such a rare tone in music (idk I'm drunk as fuck and it's been years since I posted here.)
  3. I'll give it a listen tomorrow afternoon then!
  4. This'd be hard. I'm mighty torn between Vana'diel and Eorzea, they're both gorgeous, plenty of places I'd love to see and experience. Azeroth is up there but maybe a bit too dangerous for me with whatever mega-villain threatening to destroy the world every year. Tamriel could be lovely, I'd prefer Skyrim or the Vvardenfel though. I'd love to see Rapture before the collapse, and of course Star Citizen's earth could be enjoyable just for the options of exploration.
  5. I'm stoked. I don't come around these parts too often. But in the past I'd submitted a couple requests for remixes from this game, because it's a fantastically enjoyable game visually and audibly.
  6. Kouper#1332 hit me up on hots hearthstone wow or diablo. In hots I generally roll support or warrior. Also I disagree, I don't feel like it snowballs that quickly as it's really easy to make up levels with smart play.
  7. No, what I meant was that those games, instead of an actual hallway like XIII had, you'd have a valley with impassible mountain walls or a river, that literally corralled you from event to event till you eventually unlocked an airship and freedom. One thing I see brought up against XIII constantly is the hallways (which it is quite literally 20-30 hours of hallways) but the fact is the old games where very similar, they just hid it. That said I do think opening it up, even disguising it would have been far better.
  8. Ok this is a conversation that I think is permanently tinged with nostalgia. That, and Square stopped hiding how linear FF games are. What? The old FF games are linear? Well, let's have a look at FFIV. You basically go where your told until you get the airship, then you can do a minimal amount of exploring, but the "side quests" that exist don't open up till you open up the underworld a second time, you can go talk to the people but they won't start it for you. Also, there's not a whole lot to do outside of go to Eblan and try and get the giant axe outta the basement while running like a girl from much stronger monsters. Really the game disguises it's "eternal hallway" for the first 15-20 hours when it suddenly opens up, and that's if you haven't done a ton of grinding. FFVI? Hey look at this, there are a couple points where instead of going down one long, carefully disguised hallway, you get to choose the order of which you do 3!!! Basically the same story, this one however you get the airship a little later, lose it, then have to go through just a couple hallways to get it again, this time the game busts wide-open when you get it and the amount of content you can choose to see or skip is impressive. But still, you're a full 20ish hours away from that. FFVII? Hmm this last run through it took me 6 hours to get through midgar, I've played another 7 hours and the only side things I've done are get Vincent and Yuffie, However they where basically on my way through the story and outside of them there's not much to do besides back track to do an early pre-tower-defense mini-game. How about X? Hey look at that, 10-15 hours till you really get the world to open up. XIII? Well, it said, fuck this, and showed us what we've been playing, a long hallway. Only this time they decided not to disguise it and removed towns. Honestly I really enjoyed XIII, and I found it's combat to be the most difficult in the series and the most rewarding at the same time. I also find the intense backlash against it to be sort of hilarious, but at this point I think that's just the internet. Is it perfect? No, not even close. But outside of wanting to choke a whiny teenager who just watched his mother fall to her death a couple days ago, it's pretty solid. The characters are ok, a few great a few not-so much. Great music, solid gameplay.... I enjoy it. I still haven't played XIII-2 I think I'll order that this week. Just played the demo for LR:XIII-3 and I honestly love the combat and the changes to the game. I'm interested in seeing how it does. Also the dressphere like system is not bad at all. Oh, I guess I could point out that I really liked XI-2 as well so maybe I'm just a heretic.
  9. I actually wish I could find that track, it was a track with some music from FFX, there was a heavy didgerydoo (spelling?) like sound through out it, a touch of the crystal theme, and a female voice saying something like Ai wa i ka desu or something like that. It was definitely credited to Ailsean at the time, or a name super similar. But the one I listened to immediately after was Terra in Black, which had the same author credit.
  10. Earthbound, sure, every few playthroughs I lose my shit and a little kid beats me to my senses with my baseball bat, but overall a pretty happy peaceful place. Is it wrong to say Aincrad Online? Morrowind would be alright, as would Oblivion and Skyrim, likely wouldn't reset often because of how much play time is available. A solid choice would be FFXIV:ARR. Beautiful world, lots to do, doesn't reset, so far no major catastrophes destroying everything depending on where you are living. By the same token, FFXI, for very similar reasons. Mass Effect would be interesting and fun till the 3rd game, so I'd choose 1.
  11. I actually started an account here around 2001 or so. Before that, I'd been browsing Limewire or Kazaa for music and came across some final fantasy techno remix by Ailsean. IT WAS BRILLIANT! After that I started searching for Final Fantasy, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, and Mega Man remixes on the service. One of them came with a readme file that suggested I visit this website. I came, made a profile, and posted only a couple times. I moved out of country for a few years and then when I moved back I remembered the site and made a new profile since I couldn't remember the one I'd made before.
  12. I am by no means a great jungler, but I rarely roll 21 defense. The survivability is great at level 1, but Im not ganking till level 4. Let me be Vi, and I'll come in flash and charge outta the jungle. people are toast anyway.
  13. So let's see, Forced installations - Mandatory on some PS3 titles- Mandatory on ALL XBone titles. Blu-ray - Gave PS3 an advantage as far as extra-gaming use as well as certain exclusives remaining exclusive because of disc storage. Your claim about XBL being better than the PSN has nothing there to support it or state why. I'll say this, outside of me having more friends on XBL, it's not worth 10-15$ a month for what you get. Let's look at it, access to other companies servers or other players machines? Access to services such as Hulu/Netflix/hboGo that you already pay for? Access to the internet/youtube? Yep outside of voice chat those are all things I get for FREE on the ps3. Exclusives not being your thing is fine, Im in the same boat I only own a half dozen or so PS3 games on disc, and only a few more from PSN, the PS3 wasn't really my console of choice this gen. The one thing I will say you got right is the ridiculous amount of updates and firmware installs the PSN does.
  14. I will say ARR/2.0 is turning out fantastic. This is the game it should have been at launch... sadly I'm not sure it'll recover.
  15. Yes, yes they do.
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