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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. I was gonna preorder, then I realized that there is absolutely no reason to preorder. I'm excited even if I've played most of these games before. It;s the closest vectorman and Ristar will ever come to xbla.
  2. That's a bit much. I'm not threateing the kid, I just remember similar threads being locked. And if I am in the wrong, and it has taken more than a day for the mods to catch this thread: Shame. Also: Jeepers Creepers was a terrible movie.
  3. Bad thread title. Rename it before it's locked. I think "worst" lists count as favorites threads, right? Anyway, I hated tropic thunder. Not that I think it's the worst movie I've ever seen, but it was pretty terrible. Worst movie for me... probably Theodore Rex. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Rex_(film) I can't even imagine what the thought process was that made this seem like a good idea.
  4. I decided. http://www.amazon.com/Sonics-Ultimate-Genesis-Collection-Xbox-360/dp/B001G3AZS2/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1230500288&sr=8-2 Don't make fun of me. Also, to the guy who posted above me: Howard the duck is not a B movie.
  5. The difference is I can only AFFORD one. I would love more, but my options are limited. Although, I could buy several arcade games instead. =D
  6. Sorry, I have no idea. Around these holidays, outside of the gifts I get; I plan to buy one 360 game. Just one. Suggestions? I am considering Bioshock and Mirror's edge. Also, maybe Sonic Unleashed.
  7. I am clearly in the wrong line of work.
  8. Ah, so that's why you wouldn't play with me. I tried the demo for Omega Five. I dunno, I will need to play it a few more times. I think I missed something. Is there a tutorial?
  9. I think I saw one of the XNA games boast of having leaderboards and online play. I may be mistaken though.
  10. They mentioned Artoon again in a recent podcast, but I am home now; and I don't know which one. Regardless, I bought it. I have to say, the demo doesn't do this game justice. I got all A+'s. =D My only gripe is lack of online leaderboards. Now that I have all A+, I don't have anything to shoot for.
  11. Someone play Aegis wing with me. While it's free.
  12. Yeah, I got them all in about 20 minutes as well. What confuses you about the lobby? It's only local, not live if that clears anything up.
  13. It plays like Duck Hunt. You tap the screen to shoot. ... Lame.
  14. Doritos finally released that game. "dash of destruction" is availible in the marketplace for free. Not a bad game, multiplayer is pretty fun.
  15. Too late for that. http://www.intomobile.com/2008/03/20/verizon-wireless-launches-metal-gear-solid-mobile.html
  16. So, I've been wondering... ...What do you think the free XBLA game will be after the live servers are overloaded after the holidays?
  17. Seeing as the only reason products were placed was to fund the project, I'd say odds are good that Microsoft would be willing to pay Konami to port this to 360. But realistically, I think this is an acid game for iphone. But, I'm not giving up hope yet.
  18. I'd be happy to purchase it if it were available stateside. But I just can't justify paying upwards of $50 for a soundtrack. I assume you own it... ...How amazing is it?
  19. Check your notes. Also, the soundtrack is very expensive.
  20. Oh hey, they mentioned Artoon on the 1up podcast. http://download.gamevideos.com/Podcasts/1UY112808.mp3 It's about 50 minutes in.
  21. I caught on to that from other posts. After thinking about it, I think the likelihood of MGS on iphone is better than MGS on 360. The only thing that confuses me is the use of green. I wouldn't associate green with mac anything.
  22. Oh, good call. I am going to laugh at my brother, who told me MGS would never come to 360.
  23. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4193 ?
  24. Would you really be surprised? There was an ipod IN THE GAME. I think this is pointing to MGS on 360. I have no idea what the upside down exclamation point is for though. Also just to make a point; MGS2:Substance on the original xbox was better than the PS2 version if you ask me. I know the 360 isn't as powerful as the PS3, but I think that Microsoft would be as particular as possible with a title like this. If the 360 version is indeed coming, it would be a huge blow for Sony.
  25. I thought this would be about the martian chronicles or something. That's pretty wild, and it's awesome that you were able to capture it.
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