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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. Just tried that, nothing happened. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  2. Hmm... Well put.
  3. I'm gonna say... "yes". I'm sure parents would love if their kids played this to educate themselves. My favorite part was the facts. "Did you know some places people actually raise turkeys just so people can eat their flesh? It's true!" EDIT: If someone wants a spoiler tag on this. Blow me.
  4. A new trailer. http://www.watchmencomicmovie.com/111308-watchmen-movie-trailer.php Spoilers I guess. I'm not sure where they're going by referring to the Watchmen as if they were a group. I'll hold any real judgment until the movie come out, I've learned not to trust trailers. This gives a better images of what I assume the film will be like. It fed my excitement, I'll put it that way.
  5. Yeah, I've been using the IE tab. I guess I'll just deal with it. My computer is doing lots of stranger things than that recently anyway.
  6. I am running firefox version 3.0.4 with the most recent flash player update. Certain websites (Southpark studios, xbox.com) tell me I don't have flash player, while others (homestarrunner, armorgames) work fine. What gives? I followed a trouble shooting guide: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Flash+plugin+with+Firefox But no results. It's kind of annoying to switch between Firefox and IE just for certain sites. Any suggestions?
  7. Somebody had to;
  8. Good call. I forgot this is essentially another forum I am referencing here. The only thing I do trust are the quotes from Zack Snyder. Spoilers. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/081107k.php
  9. http://www.watchmencomicmovie.com/111008-watchmen-movie-zack-snyder-ending-changed.php Read it again, the article address all of the points you made.
  10. Thanks for the heads up. Also, why one earth did they choose to call this song still alive? Just to confuse people?
  11. Bad news: http://www.watchmencomicmovie.com/111008-watchmen-movie-zack-snyder-ending-changed.php Heavy spoilers btw. This address the ending of the movie.
  12. The music creator for this game looks like it would be fun. Has anyone tried it first hand? It's hard to tell if it's any good, what with the amazing songs shown on youtube. /sarcasm
  13. This game looks good, but I am hesitant. I'll have to download the demo. Based on what I've read, it seems as if the game wouldn't be worth a full $60.
  14. Using all caps makes your point more effective. And no, you were not clear. Typically when someone is confused, you try to use more words to explain rather than fewer. After all that effective communication, you still haven't given a reason. Keep it to yourself now, I don't even want to hear what you have to say.
  15. Chill. You weren't clear. Now that we've established that. can you give me a reason? Or is that too hard for you? (I linked to this on earlier pages) This was shown on spike TV as a "exclusive sneak peak". It's not supposed to be a trailer.
  16. I am having one of those "poor communication days" apparently. I am asking: Is the spiderman 3 movie game as good as the spiderman 2 movie game?
  17. Ok, but you have still to specify which is which.
  18. I thought it was strange the way they chose to advertise this game. It makes it appear to be an FPS. I knew better, with my limited knowledge, but I can understand why some people are confused.
  19. I've seen all the movies, I was asking if the third game is as good as the second one.
  20. Do I need any knowledge of the first two fallout games to be able to play this one?
  21. I played spiderman 2 (movie game), it was really good. Not due to story though. And how was it compared to the third movie game?
  22. Judging by the title, and the information given in the article; it isn't only a prequel, it's a prequel starring Rorschach. Bad idea.
  23. The only redeeming factor I see is that it is categorized as an XBLA game, and "episodic content". Means they can't mess up the story on a large scale.
  24. I have mixed feeling about this: http://www.1up.com/do/gameOverview?cId=3168691&type=game&sec=NEWS
  25. In light of this development... http://www.sega.com/games/?g=592 The games on my want list can be reduced to: Toejam and Earl Chakan The Forever Man Earthworm Jim Maximum Carnage Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure Mickey Mouse - Castle of Illusion Road Rash 2
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