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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. Which kind of pad?
  2. I have this: and Step mania for PC. I have bought 3 different converter boxes. And none of them have been compatible with the pad (simultaneous button press issues). I know someone out there plays step mania with a pad. Can you tell me EXACTLY which converter box you play with? I am not buying another one claiming to be compatible with DDR mats, but end up not.
  3. Really? I thought cliche would have been if there was a happy ending, or if Dr. Horrible had a change of heart at the last minute (became a good guy). I was genuinely surprised at the ending.
  4. Late on the draw, but I just stumbled across this series. I thought it was amazing, and was happy that the ending was not cliche like I thought it would be. Excellent.
  5. http://www.amazon.com/TWIN-Video-System-Great-Games/dp/B0011DLPOK I wouldn't recommend getting it from amazon, but I've tried one, and they work great.
  6. You ever have one of those games you sold, or traded and will kick yourself forever for doing so? Sonic 3&k Ristar Earthworm Jim ...D=
  7. I have one of these: http://www.retrousb.com/index.php?productID=116 And an NES controller of course. It's really responsive, I was happy about my purchase.
  8. http://www.retrousb.com/index.php It's a start.
  9. I beat portal in about 38 minutes yesterday, and I even took some time to dick around. I've beaten sonic 2 in about that much time as well. The only time I actually did a speed run, with a stopwatch and people watching me was playing through s3&k (all emeralds). I think the total time came to just under 1 hour and 30 minutes.. I'll have to look for it, but that seems about right. edit: Damn, I thought my 7 hour run was good. O_o I've always wondered, do the cut scenes add to your total?
  10. I've got my genesis hooked up right now. Good times.
  11. Mac? Thanks for the link, I'll be sure to check it out.
  12. Check your PMs.
  13. Is there any need to switch from firefox to chrome? Looking for opinions here.
  14. I'm a junior at a state college. For what it's worth... ... What is this thread about again?
  15. Sig shoppe for sale. Who wants it? I thought the thread disappeared ages ago, so shame on me.
  16. Play championship mode. Once you beat level 5, you can do anything. I can't make it passed level 3 in adventure mode, so don't feel bad. That aside, I need an xbox. I am going through video game withdraw without it. Too bad I am a poor college student. /whine
  17. Better value than a re-release of geometry wars. But then again, I didn't like the first Geometry Wars very much. I like Galaga legions because it seems to have the perfect difficulty, and is a good pick-up game. The five levels are hard enough to be challenging without making you want to cry (Ikagura). As for castle crashers; It was fun. Like a faster paced Golden Axe, but not worth the price tag. Like Braid; I'll be waiting for the price to go down.
  18. Are you referencing XNA?
  19. But still nobody seems to like Galaga Legions. D=
  20. If you post again, you will forever be a tool. This post signifies the end of the thread to you. If you are still watching and responding; don't. /thread
  21. Very civil. =\
  22. Wow... What a douche. That's prolly the nicest comments you'll get on this situation, and you shoot it down. If you can't take the heat, stay the hell off the internet. Keep your movie, and stop bitching about criticism that you basically asked for by making a thread about it. PS: Seriously, what is up with you and not using caps? It's not a big deal, but that's a strange habit.
  23. So. He's an insane clown. Deep story.
  24. Can somebody confirm this? I don't care enough to read up on it.
  25. Regardless of anything mentioned before. It is clear that pocketman does not take criticism well. Also, since when did twisted metal have a story?
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