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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. I am leaving the survey up for now, with the hopes of getting an even number of assessments. But as it is, I have surpassed my expectations and am ecstatic with the response. As of now, there are 88 completed assessments. As for now, I need a couple of interview candidates. I would prefer to do the interview over AIM. Is anyone interested? If you have already expressed interest, check your messages.
  2. I still can't decide if I like this one more than the final fantasy one. So great, I can't wait for the next one to come out. EDIT: These guys are a pretty big deal for me. Because I can listen to their songs on repeat, and I don't even like rap.
  3. Hello, are you still available to do the interview?

  4. Hello, are you still available to do the interview?

  5. Without the hard drive, that is pretty steep. Anything more than $350 is too much IMO, and even that is pushing it.
  6. Wow, thank you for the response this has gotten. I was very afraid I would not be able to get any solid results. I will let you know asap. Do you have AIM? The survey group is being contained to OCR for now, since it is assumed that everyone here has at least played some video game. To be totally honest, I don't want to expand it further. People are just more mature here. I might do that. I need at least one interview for my purposes. Do you have AIM? A note to all: Thank you for your interest and participation. I will try to figure out some way to display the results. I'm sure most of you are not interested in reading my 45 page research paper. EDIT Holy crap. The survey was posted just over 24 hours ago, and I have 77 people who have completed the survey, and 3 with partial completion. In light of this, I might expand on it, since the free survey monkey surveys only allow 10 questions. This is fantastic! Thank you all for participating!
  7. Hello OCR. As the end of this semester comes closer, final projects and papers are looming ahead of us. I am taking a research course where I need to conduct a survey. If some of your here wouldn't mind taking a few minutes to help me out, it would be greatly appreciated. It is ten questions about your video gaming habits. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=nAWTPxe9NjeFqz0hN8ckRQ_3d_3d NOTE: I am not totally aware of OCR's policy toward surveys. If this is not ok, I understand.
  8. ♦Google sketchup model ♦community planning website ♦flash project ♦create research survey ♦philosophy paper ♦Scholarship essay ♦...forgive her
  9. I've made headway on modeling my building (google sketchup). ...><;
  10. It was 24 hours for me anyway. =P
  11. I was getting so frustrated until I realized I was an idiot.
  12. Tomb raider is meh, but the others you have no excuse. Pick one, and start now.
  13. Yeah, me too.
  14. I could never beat the final boss. I plan to try again soon, I recently purchased sonic's ultimate genesis collection. =D
  15. Yeah yeah yeah...
  16. He meant actually navigating to the link. It's not quite in the open.
  17. I have never beaten Ristar. I use a gameshark when I play pokemon (fuck trading). I never finished Chrono Trigger. I have a gamer score dangerously close to 10,000. I sold most of my games, and regretted it. (Including SOTN, and sonic 1,2,3&k, Links Awakening, original Kirby GB cart, etc)
  18. Sale-want thrad informs me you have PS1 memory cards.

    Any of them official sony brand? If yes, how much?

  19. I'm so fukin confused.
  20. It's fantastic.
  21. Re-read my post... It followed it very close..aside from the things it outright cut and that ending. Anyone notice the name printed on the "device" used at the end? "Project S.Q.U.I.D." Clever maybe? I see the novel as a many layered story. The movie removes several layers... and several of them are the wrong layers. It was "good". I cannot imagine how 2 hours of character development and 45 minutes of fight scenes would be impressive to the casual viewer. I think the scene in the novel was much more effective.
  22. It was good. Not great. Good. ...It could have been great. Anyone else surprised at the amount of gore in the film? It seemed very unnecessary for most scenes. SPOILERS: I hate that they destroyed the scene when Rorschach is "born". Turning him from a sociopath into an axe wielding crazy was disappointing. But I nitpick... Yes.
  23. And I won't get to see it until sunday. =(
  24. The cake is a lie. The princess is a bomb. Games these days...
  25. My brother's xbox is one of the original release units. Still works perfectly.
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