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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. Do you have any of these? (unabridged, of course)

    • The Merry Advantures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
    • Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
    • The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
    • The Ethics of Ambiguity by Simone de Beauvoir
    • Meditations on First Philosophy by René Descartes
    • The Free Choice of the Will by Augustine of Hippo
    • The Republic by Plato
    • Les Miserablés by Victor Hugo
    • Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
    • Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
    • The Science of Discworld I, II, & III by Terry Pratchett
    • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
    • Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne
    • Siddartha by Herman Hesse
    • The Adventures of Tom Saywer by Mark Twain
    • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
    • Things Fall Apart by Chenua Achebe
    • The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo
    • Person and Personage by Victor Tournier
    • Infinity and the Mind by Walter Ong
    • The Cloud of Unknowing by Anonymous
    • Musicophila by Oliver Sacks
    • The Three Musketeers (a series of six books) by Alexander Dumas


    Stumbled across this via 1up, and remembered your post.

    Some of the book on your list are included.


    Wait, how does it work? I thought it just meant you were a seller. Sucks since I just bought all of my Christmas gifts from regular amazon...

    Wouldn't mind if it came with the soundtrack, too.

    The soundtrack is available on itunes and amazon. Buy it, and love it.

  3. See, what I was more annoyed about was that my friend's kid brother immediately wrote off the classics because of its looks rather than actually trying the game.

    Lousy kids with their 3 Dimensional graphics and their rock music...

  4. Yeah, ^ game of the year up there. If you don't feel like waiting, pick up Sonic Mega Collection Plus for PS2, Gamecube or Xbox. It comes with a shitload of Sonic games plus oddballs like Sonic Spinball and Mean Bean Machine. And Ristar, which fucking rules. It's much better to pick it up for $10 bucks than to buy all of the games individually for on the Xbox or Wii store, which might cause you around $150 dollars.

    Also, I'm at marble garden zone on Sonic 3 and I already have all the Chaos Emeralds. Woo hoo! Here's for collecting all of them again when I open up the save file on Sonic and Knuckles, which also rocks like AC/DC on crack.

    I've got the PS2 version of the sonic mega collection, but It'd be worth buying this to have them on the 360. Plus, vectorman 1 and 2 are friggin awesome.

    I also HATE the way you unlocked games in the SMC. Bull-crap.

  5. The tofu games were more interesting than the turkey ones, I wonder if they did that on purpose.

    I'm gonna say... "yes".

    I'm sure parents would love if their kids played this to educate themselves.

    My favorite part was the facts.

    "Did you know some places people actually raise turkeys just so people can eat their flesh? It's true!"


    Turkeys have unique personalities just like dogs and cats. Some are social and others are loners. People who live with turkeys in animal sanctuaries report that they even have varying tastes in music.

    If someone wants a spoiler tag on this. Blow me.

  6. I am running firefox version 3.0.4 with the most recent flash player update. Certain websites (Southpark studios, xbox.com) tell me I don't have flash player, while others (homestarrunner, armorgames) work fine. What gives?

    I followed a trouble shooting guide: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Flash+plugin+with+Firefox

    But no results. It's kind of annoying to switch between Firefox and IE just for certain sites.

    Any suggestions?

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