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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. Ian Anderson? Anyway... This discussion has turned into something ugly. I think we are little above this don't you? Favorites arguments, Sega hate or love, nostalgia, and scattered pre-launch information aside we won't know anything solid until the game is released. Now I will return to silently watching.
  2. This is frustrating as shit to watch. .... .... But I can't stop watching it. You know... the sonic sprite has bothered me since the first footage came out and I think I just realized why. If you ever played sonic blast (gamegear) you might know what I am talking about. The angle of sonic is somewhere weird between 2d and 3d. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKf48VkxntE Almost like as he is running, you are afraid he will fall off the stage. Or maybe I am just crazy.
  3. http://www.ishopvideogame.com/nintendo-ds-lite-refurbished-green-p-1794.html Refurbished I understand... but I am confused by the way the item is described. It could be engrish... I am hesitant.
  4. I like the music well enough (some better than others) but I more alarmed at the presence of 4 (maybe 5) stages. Even with 3 acts a piece, this will be short. It'll have to be a cheap "episode" to convince me to buy it before they are released as a package.
  5. So... list?
  6. Can you please take down my for sale: And all of my "wants" under genesis (legacy) too. I was going to see if anyone had pokemon blue and or silver for sale, but someone else has it for want already. Anyone know of a place that might sell used gameboy games that is not amazon, ebay, or gamestop?
  7. http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/4962-top-11-mindfuck-moments
  8. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3178251 Wut?
  9. How can I get to this?
  10. Saw that, I was hoping for insight. "Drat man won?" I am trying to not get too hyped, as we likely won't know anything too solid until after the game ships. Multiplayer sounds interesting. I am definitely excited.
  11. I hate you a little bit for getting that camera so cheap. I got the Cybershot H20 recently, but not for even close to that price. Nice camera though, I really like Sony. Lucky me got a free DSLR camera from my brother in law. It's a Digital Rebel circa 2003. It's huge, I can't afford any new lens, and the H20 is better in many ways. But it's a DSLR, and it was free. It's liberating really. Canon: H20:
  12. Pretty sure they need to be jpgs. EDIT: (After clicking links). Nope, I'm retarded.
  13. While I had no intention of creating this thread for a game I don't plan on playing, I just had to share this. http://adweek.blogs.com/adfreak/2010/02/videogame-ads-hidden-in-sites-source-code.html This is a strange world of advertising we live in these days...
  14. Just watched the trailer on ign. ...I hope they have more impressive footage soon, what they show (and pictured above) doesn't look that good. The animation looked clunky... I just hope it was for the trailer and that's not how the game will actually play. I am not disappointed yet, but this hardly gets my hopes up. The retrospective looked nice, anyone notice how they used the beta sprite animation when they showed sonic 2?
  15. My Brother is going on my behalf. If money turns out to be more plentiful, I might see you there.
  16. http://www.chegg.com/ Textbook rentals are relatively new. I have had good experiences so far, but never used this site specifically. Going to the mailroom on campus however, I saw stacks of literally hundreds on boxes from chegg. Call me strange, but I am fascinated from an advertising standpoint. Was their an ad somewhere that I missed which promoted this? Anyone else ever rent textbooks?
  17. There were appearances from the SatAM characters in Sonic Spinball. I remember that being a huge deal to me as a kid. Even if sonic spinball was terrible, it was almost worth playing just to see them (and the awesome sound effects/music).
  18. I was for a long time. I lost interest when the art and story reached a point of stupidity which was beyond forgiveness. Ron Lim was not a good artist, and fitting two half asses stories into one comic really didn't work. I think I didn't renew after issue 150 or so. My first ever sonic comic book was issue 35, which I still have. http://archiesonic.wikia.com/wiki/Archie_Sonic_the_Hedgehog_Issue_35 J.Axer (one of the better artists) in on Deviantart. http://jayaxer.deviantart.com/ I always loved the covers by Spaz (http://archive.sonic-hq.net/newsite/comics/images/spaz1.php) His covers will always have a special place in my memory. I still have all my old Sonic comics. I might pull those out sometime soon to reminisce. Ah... good times...
  19. I hated Sonic advance 2 so much... I never played the others because of it. It was like watching a game more than playing one. Lame.
  20. I hate to brag, but I beat the entire room of omegas in one shot (without saving). Challenged myself. Also did a no heal run through the cloister of the dead. It was at that time that I realized I needed to buy a new game... I don't regard any RPG boss as hardest boss of all time since it's only a matter of the right level or the right attacks. Emerald weapon in FF7 seems impossible at first, but quickly seems plausible once you level up everything. Sephiroth in Kingdom hearts (1 and 2) is difficult but becomes significantly easier with a higher level, but remains a hard boss because it is frantic and depends upon your ability to react. Not to say that Sephiroth is the all time hardest boss, but it was quite a challenge. The honest to god hardest time I ever had with a boss was Galamoth from Castlevania Symphony of the night. The first play through (I couldn't have even been 14) I didn't know about the lightning resist armor, or special secret weapons. This boss kicked my ass so many times I thought I was doing something wrong. I have no idea how long it took me, but I finally did it and it was gratifying to a point, but made the rest of the game seem ridiculously easy. This guy is much harder than the final boss in my opinion. EDIT: ArekTheAbsolute showing how it's done.
  21. Just use a dragon lance to make it easier. I did it without, but it is much easier. Fighting Omega and Shinryu in Dawn of Souls is really hard. I finally beat Omega after my umpteenth try (level 99) and the fight took over an hour. So gratifying. =)
  22. I always liked playing as knuckles to get to the aras sonic couldn't. Mixed things up a bit. Tails was always "meh" though. It made the game too easy.
  23. I'm hesitant to be excited... ...I'll wait until I see some gameplay shots or footage. Also, I agree that having tails and Knuckles in it wouldn't hurt.
  24. So, we are in agreement, or did I miss something? EDIT: I've seen a copy of Super Metroid (red cart) for $50. Someone offered me $40 for my copy of Castlevania SOTN. I have seen Sonic and Knuckles for $30. Etc. I am sure others here have stories.
  25. Good luck then. I prefer things that work and are compatible with most TVs these days. Watch for the price too, you are asking for some pretty big titles. http://www.nintendosforsale.com/?gclid=COOQ-JLvnZ8CFag65Qod9xZFrw
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