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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. Looks similar to Braid. Which is a good thing. I've never played a boy and his blob, but "Cool".
  2. Useless post without link. And I agree with bleck.
  3. No, it looked fine for the most part. I refer more to the platform jumping and overpowered enemies. All of that leading to the final boss just... ...
  4. See, I really prefer console to PC. I don't even have a steam account. Even when this comes out, I probably won't play it. That is unless they release it on XBLA. That would be sweet. Wow, this will be helpful for clearing up anything I might have missed. Thanks!
  5. I really hope this thread doesn't turn into a war about this. I never really liked PC shooters personally. I was happy to find half-life on PS2. EDIT: Yes.
  6. So I've read, it's worse. Of course nobody has anything further to say, just that it's worse. It has a co-op mode that was a PS2 exclusive. I'd love to play it, but that lack of friends thing makes it hard.
  7. -Buy food. -Not hate myself. -Create a "how to" video in flash. -Create a website for the Google sketch-up math applications class. -Get town zoning laws, and ordinances. -Unravel "Braid". -Plan revenge. -Breathe.
  8. Glad I'm not the only one. I also wondered if it was worse since I am playing the PS2 version.
  9. I just beat half-life today. I played them out of order, so I had beaten 2 and episodes 1 and 2 several months before even finding half-life. WTF was up with the last third of the game? It was so good until you went to the alien planet. Gah... Just share your half-life experiences here, I want to know what other people thought of it. EDIT: I wish I had someone to play decay with.
  10. I'm a pretty big fan of this show, but I'm hesitant to pay money for something that is by a different writer, director, and producer. My buddy is also a hardcore fan, and he said it was sub par at best.
  11. No, even with the epilogue it was intriguing. Didn't make much sense... but it still made you think. Reading that thread just dumbfounded me. IF that's what this game is actually about, I will pretend that there isn't a story.
  12. Ha, so here I was about to start a new thread about this. The movie is out, and general consensus is that the series was better left untouched. I haven't seen the film yet. Has anyone here seen it/care? http://www.amazon.com/Dead-Like-Me-After-Death/dp/B001JV5BHQ/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1235959668&sr=8-1
  13. So I finished Braid on Friday... I took a couple days just to think about the ending, the story, and what I thought it meant. Then I started poking around looking for confirmation of my thoughts. Only to find this: [spoilers] http://www.rllmukforum.com/index.php?showtopic=190136%C2%A0 ...What?
  14. Speaking of which, can I expect to see that come out of the FUCKING DISNEY VAULT any time soon? EDIT: I Answered my own question. http://www.ultimatedisney.com/comingsoon.html ...Assholes...
  15. What a cool looking game...

    What does it take from?

    Do I even need to say? =P

  16. I lolled. Really, I did.
  17. And so completes the full ethnic rainbow of Disney princesses. But I'm sure some group out there will be pissed anyway. Maybe she's not black enough.
  18. I've never played street fighter. I'm not one for fighters either, so I'm hard pressed to pay $60 for a game I probably wouldn't enjoy. I bought Sonic's ultimate genesis collection, and Braid. Those will be my video games for the next 4 months or so. Yay for poor college students. =D
  19. Luckily for me, my one month is still around for another week. I bought Braid earlier tonight. Also... I don't have a 360, yet I have gold. What does that make me?
  20. Braid is on sale this week for 800 MSpoints ($10). ...Only for gold members...
  21. There are a couple... But they lack the frantic energy of the song, and the level it's taken from. I almost pissed myself the first time I saw Medusa in that game.
  22. Ristar. I don't often hear people mention it, and there is only 1 remix here on ocr. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57_9qV9WIV8&feature=related And Ecco the Dolphin. Specifically this song fro Tides of time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2CloB_vbCU
  23. I am now quoting my own post. I saw this coming.
  24. Get all 7 by chemical plat. 'weet.
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