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Everything posted by Ninja-san

  1. You dont have to limit yourself to just using that. How bout without the use of fairies to revive or enhanced magic.
  2. Master quest wasnt that much more challenging. If you want the games to be harder you could always just make challenges up for yourself. Like limited health or a time limit to defeat it.
  3. Ooo Catfight :3 Thinking about the whole promotion thing with TP and what not they didnt have a cool freebie with the game unlike Windwaker where you got the masterquest game. Or was the Master quest just some gimmick to get ppl to buy Windwaker?
  4. I know ebgames and game stop say TPs garunteed but i dont know if thats with both version. All i know is if i go to ebgames the day its comes out and they dont have copies left theres going to be hell.
  5. Ill probably stop reading the thread for fear of spoilers
  6. Or Soul Calibur 2 We mustn't forget the cd-i games. Just forget about a stupid time line. All of those are non-canon. How bout the tv show? now that was canon He's got you there. As far as Nintendo goes, they're trying to forget the show. But its a classic. It made children everywhere smile and fanboys cringe. It had a ninja riding pegasus for godsake!
  7. Or Soul Calibur 2 We mustn't forget the cd-i games. Just forget about a stupid time line. All of those are non-canon. How bout the tv show? now that was canon
  8. Or Soul Calibur 2
  9. Title reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus which i think has been mentioned before...
  10. I liked it. But i wish they did put more of the wolf in.
  11. Article is a nice read, has spoilers and the link links to the second page. Im just expecting one of these articles to just blurt out the ending instead of their review but most havent even gotten to the third temple :\ Howling tho makes me excited
  12. If your're that concerned about the relationship then just play the gamecube version. Hes a lefty there since its the original.
  13. 38 more days for gamecubes
  14. Ganon took them. This is what the story is about: to get the triforce earrings back. Next zelda, he'll probably steal the dress... Im gonna go with Ganon taking the teria shes wearing next.
  15. I just noticed Zelda doesnt have those giant triforce earrings that could kill someone. That makes me sad
  16. supposedly if it even exists This makes me feel unspecial to Nintendo
  17. So the Gamecube owners of TP are left out on this secret?
  18. Not sure if this has been put up yet but heres a quick review http://wii.ign.com/articles/744/744044p1.html Bunch of nice picutere but SPOILERS if anyone cares
  19. I just thought they were making the stuff up as they go and confusing the hell out of people with a giant ocean.
  20. Has nintendo mentioned who the composer will be for SSB? The trailers music got me all excited for Uematsu.
  21. I thought it worked with WindWakers style. Just not a typical zelda ost
  22. Holy shit whats up with that ps3 commercial with the baby???
  23. If nintendo gave Wolf link throat ripping action then its a golden one in my book.
  24. Sea otters!
  25. The HoloHolo Bird in Baten Kaitos Origins. Theres no end in sight fighting against him.
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