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Everything posted by Ninja-san

  1. This tread dissapoints on so many levels along with that sonic project
  2. This is a depressing move on both sides. Mario and Sonic with thier first face off in an olympic game is just sad (if true). Super Smash Brawl better come out soon for nintendo to regain my respect.
  3. thought of another interesting Fac. The Chrono seris: Chrono trigger and chrono chros.
  4. Black Lagoons a great seris. Everything is done wonderfully form animation to characters
  5. Katamari damacy would be an interesting FAC
  6. Ok. Thanks alot for the help btw.
  7. How do you overclock?
  8. First off i dont know much about computers nor its hardware And the point of this thread. Im trying to install World of Warcraft on my computer but currently I have 792 MHZ and i need 800 to run it. So the questions are: 1) Is there anyway i can increase my laptops MHZ without having to buy a larger processor (which probably cant be done..)? 2) Where i could get a cheap processor 3) how do you install it into a laptop Thanks ahead
  9. Ive been wanting to see that for a while now. Hopefully later today. I heard its like Godzilla vs Little miss sunshine.
  10. Submitted mine. Another filled with excitement for tommarrow.
  11. Yea the game is pretty hard to find. My wallet took a big hit but in my opinion it was worth it.
  12. Will a ps2 be available the meetup? I just got Marvel Vs Capcom 2 today and thought id bring it along.
  13. my katamari's were never big enough to please the king :[
  14. I doodle this up during a critque today and thought id share. Wasnt what i originally wanted to do but i think ill stick with it and hopefully fully finish it by friday. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y266/ninjademongirl/?action=view&current=metroid004jpeged.png (toally sucker for those hearted metroids)
  15. Sooo any bets on what the weather will be like? The last few days have been weird.
  16. With today there isnt a definte line in where art can be drawn. I think i mentioned about this in the Wii thread with that Spores guy. For me art dies when you start to mass produce it then its not longer art but a product. I dont considered video games art nor music or movies. However if a company had made one game and didnt sell the game then i think theres a statement to it and that could be considered art. *edit* I talked with a friend and art needs a statement or public reaction to it. The mona lisa can be used for example. Beatuiful painting techniques but its a horrible painting on other terms. Its a portrait, a bad portrait on those terms as well. The background doesnt have depth and really cheesy. What makes that piece what it is, is the publicity. Every time Lisa gets stolen or theres cultural reference the price goes up. In fact most of those classical paintings arent Art. True art probably started with Manet with his The Luncheon on the Grass Or even Rodin and the Bronze age. The reaction, the scandel of art thats what made it art.
  17. When I saw the thread title I thought of Gundams destroying Hyrule. But yeah my best friend's a Gundam nut and even he admitted the game was bad.
  18. Any idea what time the meetups gonna start?
  19. Mii battle royales would be an interesting one.
  20. Games being pushed as a serious art form isnt gonna happen. The game may have graphics that stun with beauty but its not gonna be considered "serious" art unless theres some kind of bullshit explanation behind it or its totally new. If Your trying to compete with the top notch graphics just as everyone else is its gonna fall into the same catergory and frankly it'll start to get boring and mundane. In fact in my opinion Nintendo touched something new. They took a giant risk with windwaker using those cel shaded graphics. Ive never really seen that type of style used in a game. You dont need the fanciest technology or top notch tools to make art.
  21. Perhaps game companies shouldn't put a realease date out. Just walk into a store one day and there it is on the selves.
  22. Theres alot of things you can pinpoint as a root to one's violence. Video games seems to grab the attention especially with the media since they seem to love stuff like that. On a random note when I was little i beat up my brother after reading a Hardy Boys book. My parents tried keeping me away violent things but didnt monitor books that much.
  23. The senior class that graduated before my class put pink flamingos all over the schools front lawn and side soccer field. Sad to say my class didnt do anything :[ As for the pig prank Ive heard it with chickens but you can do that with any kind of animal.
  24. I can bring a wiimote and nunchuck along.
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