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Everything posted by Ninja-san

  1. Nah tablet pen wasnt behind the table. Its MIA ... got something in! Excited to see the others as always
  2. I got something drawn out.... I just cant find my tablet pen >_<
  3. It'll feel weird not watching it on Cartoon Network and the good ol' days of Toonami.
  4. I saw this and thought Female Zangief
  5. Congratz FriendlyHunter and Keiii Can't wait for this month's theme.
  6. Freaking can not wait for this game! Was teh only reason I kept my ps2 was to play MvC2. I hope Leon is in the game. I was never too crazy about Chris from teh Re series I can't wait to see the roster!
  7. Got something wipped up for this month. I just hope it fits lol
  8. I really wanted to finish this for the contest but theres no way I can finish it in time. Gah Can't wait to see the entries and good luck to those that enterd
  9. Another awesome idea for a FAC
  10. Not video related just sound mixes but my personally favorite BONK
  11. Great job and love the remix. Happy to see some Marvel vs Capcom love <3
  12. O snap I got something to put in! That is if I can stop playing Tatsunoko vs capcom >_< Im very excited to see other peeps entry's. Great and fun theme
  13. I like this one. Gives me a good excuse to do a Zelda piece :3
  14. That's if your teammates are the teamwork type. The camping in CodMw2 is why I'm starting to go back into World at War.
  15. Probably. I just don't get how ppl can be ok with it tho. For me it just shows lack of skill. I don't care if I get my butt kicked but not by someone just camping in a corner of a map. Just takes all the fun out of a good match :/
  16. Does it even exist anymore or it was never there to begin with?
  17. I cry when I get a mochi or a suezo in Monster rancher 2
  18. I completely and utterly forgot about this >________< We could recycle themes. I would love another Zelda fac :3
  19. Pyro Red team version
  20. I liked having the alphabet category up top. This new system seems more complicated. I don't know I thought the previous one was great. It's gonna be a while to get use to it...
  21. I can't go ): It's the last day of a big framing sale and I can't get off. Have fun!
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