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Everything posted by Ninja-san

  1. I know what deleting system 32 will do lol Thanks for the advice guys. Googling the programs seems to work.
  2. Hi. Currently I have about 90 some processes or programs running on my computer. I was told that I don't need all of those running and can turn them off via start up programs, but i have no idea which start up programs i need and don't need. I'm really bad with computer tech and i don't want to harm my computer by disabling a program it needs. So I'm wondering if anyone can help me out on which ones aren't necessary. I have Vista btw. Thanks for looking.
  3. Depending how much a discount we get I'm in. I live at the Symphony apartments thats right next door so if ppl wanna chill before or after their welcome too. I can also get parking discounts if needed
  4. I'm actually disappointed by this. I'm not gonna go into gameplay since i can't say anything about it but art wise that kid is pissing me off. They have this realistic creature and gorgeous backgrounds but then there's this kid that's like a walking ball of light... Maybe he is a ball of light I don't know but I'm having a really hard time watching and accepting these two characters in the same screen.
  5. Saw the movie last night. Gotta saw one of the best films I've seen in a while. Spock's ship when flying is the cutest ship ever.
  6. Nice entries and congratz to everyone. Im sad I couldnt get one in but I gotta finish my thesis ... is that right ? A month for voting?
  7. I'm gonna have so much fun with this
  8. Well yea but thats like 1/5 zelda games that came out since like 2002 that wasn't cel shaded. Windwaker was pretty cool with cel shade but they haven't done anything to those graphics since and frankly i'm sick of "cutesy" Zelda games.
  9. Industrial revolution for Hyrule? When is Nintendo gonna move away from Cel shaded Zelda?
  10. Whoever did the Murloc I love you
  11. Uhhh no sculpture from me this time.... Gravity with ikea furniture is evil But i will get something done!
  12. Ok I think I got what your saying. Thanks for the tips
  13. I'm having a hard time with the Challenge modes. El Furetes my main so I have the moves down but with the combos they want me to do with mode 3 I'm like a mili second off. The move is still in red but when i execute it it's back to white. Any tips with this or is it just a hand speed problem i just need to keep working on?
  14. If this isnt ok to post here im sorry ): but Im selling Resident Evil 5 Collectors edition for the 360. I bought the game and really wasn't thrilled with it like past resident evils. You'll get everything from inside the box thats the game, bonus disc, bag, figure, patch, necklace, metal tin. I guess the price is $70.
  15. Ok Thanks
  16. Not sure if this is the right area to post or someting but here goes. Im selling Resident Evil 5 Collectors edition for the 360. I bought the game and really wasn't thrilled with it like past resident evils. You'll get everything from inside the box thats the game, bonus disc, bag, figure, patch, necklace, metal tin. I guess the price is $70
  17. I just thought new coordinator could might mean new rules...
  18. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet O yea are sculptures/3d models still ok?
  19. Composition and concept is the most important subject in a piece of work IMO. Congratz Bonzai Looking forward to the next theme and hopefully another great turnout!
  20. Win for the first entry being a witch. Great month indeed. Glad to see the competition is still alive!
  21. I think i screwed your messageing up bonzai.... Im really sorry >_< ...did you get it? My internet is crap right now.
  22. I think I have time to submit something
  23. I sometimes get poster/displays from Gamestop. Recently went to each one in the Baltimore area looking for the Prince of Persia display that wasnt claimed and succeed You need to claim it earlier like the day its been set out.
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