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Everything posted by Garian

  1. Aphex Twin and Squarepusher are probably considered the "definitive" artists, surprised you didn't mention Autechre (which is arguably anti-music dada). IDM is really not a thing though, the name was created by music journos as a way to describe the experimental electronic stuff that Aphex was doing, and unfortunately it caught on. There is a vast wealth of material, for me essential listening is Proswell and Kaneel, both of whom are internet musicians that have been active since the late 90s. You should look up the old Camomille netlabel catalogue, as well as Eerik Inpuj Sound (which Proswell curated until this year) and Monotonik (now defunct). Happy hunting!
  2. Pizza power!!! Happy birthday
  3. How about all those spots in Sonic CD where right after a Past sign is a Future sign? Frustrating as all get out, even though the game is terrific. One thing that bugs me about most roguelikes I've played (particularly the venerable Nethack) is how the games are impossible without looking up spoilers and learning a lot about them before ever playing. Not to say the design of the games is bad, but there is just so much stuff and a lot things that aren't obvious in the game at first. Not really "part of the game," just a gripe in general. Oh, the disappearing blocks in Heat Man's stage in Mega Man 2. Seriously. And any game whose ending credits doesn't thank the players/fans, because we ARE customers and it's just a small little gesture to remind us that we're appreciated. Also, how about every Metroid game coming up with some bullshit way of destroying Samus' power suit so she has to find a bunch of replacement parts in order to progress? Why can't I start the game out as a semi-badass and progress from there with NEW items, instead of the same 7 or 8 from before (IIRC Prime 3 did slightly better on this one) I'd say those god awful mode seven levels in Lawnmower Man but that game was actually kinda terrible.
  4. ahaha awesome. I should've probably taken some notes or something but I'm simplistic and straight-forward so hopefully you can see what I was doing. I breached level 1 of the caverns early accidentally, and we need walls before the monkeys become too much of a problem. We also had a kobold sneak up on us so goblins may be next.
  5. just for the lulz: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/59977048/region3.7z
  6. I've been wanting to but have had major fatigue on a lot of games. Also thanks for this necro I wanted an excuse to think about the game, if not play it. What I'd love to see would be a type of concurrent multi-fortress play for people sharing the same game world :V Anyway I have 34.11 installed so I might give this another whack.
  7. Hey Hoopy! You gotta spy behind you! A spy! And it isn't me!
  8. I didn't realize that the gold variant was rare (15% according to the wiki!!). So far I am really really liking the update, it's definitely getting me back into playing. Still not keen on some of the new items in the game but I'm over the shock I experienced last year that kept me away-- playing against hordes of bots seems to help ease one back into the groove of things. edit: by the way I meant the full campaign (all 6 maps completed), not just one outing. I had just been getting garbage items for each mission although I had seen some nice drops too, at least 4 hats. also it's seriously awesome when there are multiple surplus tickets in play
  9. so I've been Manning Up as Scout, Heavy, Demo, Soldier and Pyro, so of course my first tour of duty gets me a Strange Botkiller Gold Knife. Looks like it's time to learn how to sap those bots! We should Mann Up some time, just get in touch with El Brushfire or me.
  10. Yesssssss, me too! If we build it, they will come!
  11. I like ranged carries, I dislike melee carries, I like supporting too, but don't expect me to initiate too much or leave lane unless you are good at telling me what to do Favourite characters currently are Vengeful Spirit and Clockwerk
  12. Yes, watch it. It's really incredible to see how human all participants in the Re:Generation project are. It's also really really cool to follow each of the producers through the writing and recording processes. Thank you for linking, Flik.
  13. I thought about posting this a while back but was intimidated by a lot of factors. I realize I'm late to mention it because we've beaten the Nespergirl issue to death, but I feel that since no one has mentioned this posted mix that was evaluated by the judges' panel it bears mention: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01469/. My memory may not serve as well as I would like but I recall there was at least some outrage that "See Sixty Funk" passed but Nespergirl didn't. In retrospect the right decisions were made, although it feels to me that the precedent led to the current drought of chiptunes, which is now seen as the wrong outcome and people who choose to arrange game songs utilizing purist chiptune standards (and similarly soundalikes) should consider submitting their songs to be evaluated for addition to the OCR collective. Then again, Children of the Monkey Machine's 68030 said it best when he told #ocremix that getting into arrangement just to be posted is like golfing for the green jacket. Make cool tunes and submit them because you want to share, not because you want to have a chiptune posted on OCR.
  14. Thanks for releasing this for free, Brandon. I really dig it. Your tone is really good on your leads, and your picking is really clean. Also love your vibrato/bends.
  15. Yeah, that confused me greatly and is one of the big sticking points I have with the ending. While it's kinda sad that monetizing IP is generally more important to the publisher than resolving story problems, I'm sure there will be material that explains more on that later (probably for BioWare points but I'll take what I can get). I also wasn't very impressed by the sequel baiting at the very end because my expectation was that this is the end of the Shepard legacy. Maybe I should watch some videos of the ending sequence because so far my only exposure is from my first playthrough and memory is not always the best vector for formulating responses.
  16. Although I am disappointed by the ending, I am invested in the fiction of Commander Shepard and his/her crew (and, subsequently, the universe) and I am receptive to DLC/sequels. The air of condescension and cynicism in those tweets is rather disheartening considering that the series has had some of the strongest story writing with a narrative that is personalized to the player's own experience. I think that the gaming culture at large does nothing but benefit from the successes and failures of the Mass Effect series, what they did right really shines and the flaws help to remind us that there is always room for improvement. Could the ending have been better? I'm pretty sure that the answer is a unanimous yes. But the ending from the other two games could have also been better, too. Or some of the character writing could have been less one dimensional, or more tropes could have been subverted, etc. There really is no need to be so divisive.
  17. Spoiler alert, This is somewhat of a reaction but take it how you will. The ending is not very satisfactory, but I am curious as to how it is "plot hole ridden." I still haven't quite fully taken in the ending, but it reinforced my reaction to the game being "Depression Effect 3." My assumption as to the form that the Catalyst took was to be familiar with Shepard and the player (note the foreshadowing of the nightmare sequences, where Shepard is chasing duct-rat around, culminating with the child being consumed by flame, then later Shepard witnesses him/herself joining the child in a later sequence). The paragon and renegade choices also seem to have massive ramifications for the entire galaxy. Should Shepard choose to assume control over the Reapers, then there is a possibility for the technology to rebuild the mass relays and the Citadel. The renegade option is far darker-- all synthetic life is destroyed, leaving the fleets of the galactic civilization to fend for themselves in our Solar system with very little chance of returning home at "conventional" FTL speeds. I took it to mean that even entities such as EDI would be destroyed when I decided to follow the path of destruction, but I felt that it was the better path. Self-determinism is a very difficult concept and I have been repeatedly impressed by the writing of ME to address such philosophical discussions. I believe it was somewhere in the second game that a character posited that the evolution of galactic civilization was distorted because of the Reaper technology guiding life down a specific path, which was revealed at the end of 2 to be harvesting to create an "ultimate" expression of genetic and synthetic evolution in the Reapers (which reminded me greatly of Lavos, I must add). The Catalyst believed that the Created will always rise against the Creator, and the Quarian/Geth conflict certainly reinforced this belief... Is there any way at all to reconcile the two? I had to replay the Reaper mission on Rannoch because the first time through I chose Legion because I believed that his sentience was important to disseminate among the Geth. In before hurr Tali , I recall romancing her mostly because she had the most likable/relatable character in the game which made the reality of her suicide all the more numbing. The game is an interactive story that is accompanied by a fun (though sometimes frustrating) cover shooter with an amazingly rich science fiction backdrop. TL/DR: I'm really interested in whatever is next for the franchise, and I don't really feel like the backlash is necessarily warranted. The ending felt dissatisfying, but it didn't seem nearly as bad as it could have been, and pretty much the entire rest of the game has powerful writing.
  18. Critical Thread Failure. The OP reeks of "hey guys do my research for me," when if he had merely followed some wiki links he could see who is reported as man or woman, let's not even include google or just going through the list on this very website. That said, there have been a lot of good mentions, here's one more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinuyo_Yamashita.
  19. My suggestion is to make extensive use of the www.project2612.org and www.snesmusic.org archives, winamp's wave out plugin is a great way of recording the audio from games and you can then encode the .wav files to the format of your choosing-- If you don't have Advanced Busterhawk GLEYLANCER from the Genesis you're surely missing out, it's a fantastic sidescrolling shooter. Other Genny shooter suggestions I have are the iconic Zero Wing and MUSHA Alest. From the SNES archives get Axelay, Gradius 3, and the R-Type games for sure. I'm not exactly sure what "non-pop" means so I'll withhold any further suggestions for now
  20. Hey guys, virt just tweeted that FX4 sales/donations are now going to pay for Nugget's vet bills. Please spread the word if you can, and be safe everyone.
  21. I was watching the live stream from the LA launch party, and after that ended the BioWare Pulse thing started up and they actually went over that. Apparently the sound designer sampled an anti-bear trash can to get that sound. They didn't really get into the specifics of how the sound was made but still it was awesome to get a glimpse into the process.
  22. minusbaby zinger zan-zan-zawa-veia I mean really the timing of this thread felt a little disingenuous, but there is a lot of good music out there so maybe I'm reading more into it than I should. There are a LOT of great artists out there waiting to be discovered and I don't think we've even scratched the surface yet, and I'm really surprised that while the title says fresh I'm seeing names that are already pretty well known for the most part. Granted everyone I've listed is pretty much required listening anyway and generally considered legendary in their own rights, and I haven't really been keeping up with the chip scene of late anyway so a pox upon me also.
  23. So this is what you've been doing lately! Thank you Richter
  24. http://www.archive.org/details/mtk086 and http://www.archive.org/details/mtk060
  25. Yessssssssss, the jm flava returns.
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