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Everything posted by Garian
Powerlord, golden potato?
holy potato overclocking, batman!
That's what she said. As time progresses I find myself caring less about this silly ARG (which I initially thought stood for "ARGH! RELEASE THE GAME YE FOUL BEAST") and more about actual Portal 2 content. Are we still in a castle in the sky?
I totally didn't see the action in this thread because I was playing other games. I think for what you're intending, 2 and 3 actually look like they would serve the purpose the best, although 2 appears a little disorienting with the unseen unlit areas being completely dark. The HUD (or whatever you want to call it, where the player's stats are) in both of those games are kinda in horrific positions, though. Taking into consideration that you're looking for an "open world" experience, the nethack style kinda feels claustrophobic to me, but that may be because I am so used to seeing the typical dungeon in it. The HUD from this style is clean and easy to read though, so it's hard to neglect taking influence from 1. The stylistic jRPG route is fairly graphically appealing, but if you want a large world then that's a LOT of assets that are going to be needed. Even then it may not "feel" right. From what I remember of Secret of Mana and SD3, the dungeons had massive inflation to cope with the monsters being on screen, if you are using a roguelike battle system then that may be an issue-- in those games it felt like the inflation was used as a buffer for underleveled players to "catch up" to where the boss was as well as to increase game time. My opinion would be to probably run the cartoony graphical style using the interface of NetHack. The graphics would be inviting enough for people who are unfamiliar/uncomfortable with ascii roguelikes without putting off all but the hardcore purists, and the interface would be clean and readable-- all the important information about the character on hand without being in an obnoxious place.
Not sure if it's a weekend thing or what, but energy prices are spiking like hardcore. It was pretty low when I started around 3 or 4 am central, around 3450, but as the day has been going it's gotten up to as much as 3800, and is probably still going to rise because of demand. The Author and I managed to be on a team that killed the King Jelly (u jelly?), now That was fun, except the dying repeatedly because we're still rocking 2-star gear mostly. I'm very close to getting a 3-star Shadow Alchemer though, should be good times Edit: NeoForte: it seems to me that rushing gear is not all it's cracked up to be because of the EN costs. It might be a bit wiser to just buy more energy and keep running dungeons you know will pay well, especially a circuit that has multiple arenas. And as you guys know, a bigger team gets bigger prizes. I've actually promised DrumUltimA I'd go watch him perform on campus, so I'll be out for a while, but later on I'll be back in it to win it.
Thylacine, what's your IGN? I can add you to my friends list and the freshly baked "Ocremix" guild (hooray forced formatting)! Alternatively, you can bring up your social tab by hitting f6, then click on friend options -> add friend, then put "Garianse" in it and I'll get the invite the next time I log in.
I could probably throw you some blue shards. Should we start an OCR guild or something, for the sake of material trading at the least?
Another thing to note is that Crystal energy is actually kinda cheap if you're just looking to go into the dungeon. $0.75 buys you 2 days worth of energy (200 points), and each step up gives you a slightly better deal. I actually went ahead and bought the $2.45 amount earlier just to get a bit more game time, I figured it was the best bang for my buck. It hardly feels like I spent anything at all and yet after 2 runs and crafting some jelly armor (I don't know anything about armor lines what is this), I still have around 550 or so energy. I'm starting to make sure I check the vendor at the terminal for tier 2 recipes, even if it's subpar I'm kinda itching to get into the deep. I can always theorycraft later, right? right??
All I gotta say for now is Fuck the graveyards. Other than that, it seems like a neat game. I'm playing as Garianse so feel free to add me
posting on OCR forum + complaining about elitism = maximum rofl. edit: From what I've seen, we're retreading the discussion at this point. A few pages back someone mentioned that most people who participate in this community are musicians, or at least are familiar with the process, and are able to pick out "tired" preset sounds that a casual listener wouldn't, and I think that right there is pretty much what the OP was looking for.
From what I've observed, people don't necessarily hate presets so much as they mock the people that clearly don't understand very much about the software they're using and their songs come out with very obvious and familiar sounds. The part that gets really tricky is when the person decides to have a bad attitude about it thinking that he's making the freshest beats this side of bel-aire instead of admitting that he's new to the whole digital musician thing. If the song is made with obvious patches for popular synths, chances are pretty good that someone will point it out, sometimes in a less-than-positive fashion. That's not to say that ALL presets are like this, if you're using some custom high-end sample pack for which you just paid out the ass, you are probably not going to need to adjust it as much as say... a pack of Synth1 presets that has been making the rounds on IRC (there is no such pack to my knowledge, just making an example). Time and place, y'know? That said, no amount of tweaking will ever save Slayer Guitar.
The best part is how my birthday was yesterday, but this thread came up so late that everyone's saying so today
))))))))))))))) You guys are awesome. Doug: maybe!
I was perusing the dev team's tweets, apparently lightning striking a pig creates a zombie pigman? Hopefully that stays in when they patch
I heard about this on Ars Technica during the closed beta, they even gave away 50 keys when the article ran. I really enjoyed PSO but never had the chance to play it online so if this game is in the same vein, I might give it a shot. It's nice to see Sega supporting smaller devs, even if they aren't making the most of their own in-house groups.
Hum, is that a result of how they're implementing the storm darkness?
An invitation to play on a server that is actually up is now recruitment? It's kinda disheartening that the administrators of the de facto official MC server are so vindictive when OCR has been shedding its elitist image. Granted, David shouldn't be fanning any flames, but all this snarking back and forth is pretty uncool. Poeple just want to hang out with their friends in a game and have fun. I would recommend that anyone reading any more into it than that see a shrink, because you've got bigger problems than mysterious random griefing on minecraft. As they say in the movies: Be excellent to each other. As an aside, where do those of us who want to discuss the game but do not want to play on your server talk about the game... in this thread?
I said this on IRC already, but an option you might look at is doing the ASCII thing with support for wrapping into a graphical frontend, like what has been done with NetHack (Vulture's Eye makes it look a lot more like Diablo without changing the core gameplay~). Whatever you do for the graphics is kinda back-seat to the gameplay though. A deep open world that has a lot to offer is gonna be a good experience regardless of the medium.
I'm sure there will be the occasional late bolts that occur at the end of a rain that won't get doused, always best to simply be prepared. (my teeth and ambitions are bared~)
you... don't keep backups for rolling back? :confused: Also be sure to start building fireproof roofing because Lightning can and will set things on fire.
A great place to start but the internet scene is far more than just Chiptunes Vincent Fugere (who releases music under the name muhr) reopened his netlabel Camomille last year, after closing it down due to burning out in 2009. There's an interview with him about his departure and return at audiovoltaics.cc. You could also contact the great folks at Soft Phase netlabel, I used to talk with the founder/curator on IRC and would post announcements on ThaSauce promoting their releases when he first started up. He's since asked me not to directly associate his name with the website due to some privacy issues, but I will say he's a well respected net audio musician and I am sure if you contact him he'd be willing to give you some insight into the process and culture. I think that there is a misconception about netlabels due to the fact that many do offer their music for free (as in beer), but there's no rule that netlabels have to offer their music at zero cost. Beyond that, there's evidence that some folks would like to monetize their work if it proves popular so that they can keep creating as means of sustaining themselves instead of remaining a hobbyist, although there are more ways to do so than by charging money for releases.
Argh, I'm going to be making pizza when the event starts. Yes, making pizza. by hand. with flour and yeast and all that good stuff. Too bad my roommate Paul (you may know him as Pavlvs) forgot to get pepperoni last time he was at Sam's Club, but oh well, I can make do. Don't end the event too early guys
I apologize if there are any artifacts, my upstream is pretty unstable and causes a lot of data corruption. I have filezilla capped at 5 kb/s up with extreme burst protection on.
i see! BGC and Brushfire are always asking to use my server because of sourcemod/jetpack, i remember when Bahamut first set up the one with Pav that half the time we'd bump into that one instead of mine. If you guys want to use "ocremix" as an exclusive search key i can always change mine; some people may dislike the possibility of settings not being vanilla 100% of the time (it seems that most standard cvars get reset on a campaign change, but hidden cvars such as gravity don't) =)