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Everything posted by Garian

  1. Hello guys, it's looking like everyone's favourite civilization simulator is ramping up for an update in the next month or two, so maybe we could get something rolling on a succession game or at least share some stories of forgotton beasts and titans! So what is it? For those of you who don't know, Dwarf Fortress is a very deep game that simulates a fantasy world from its creation onward, and the player is tasked with telling his/her dwarves to build a fortress from the raw materials of the land. The world generation is extremely robust and creates many options for play styles ranging from the easy (mountains next to forests, say) to absurdly difficult (terrifying swamps with an aquifer and no metals). The game has an extremely steep learning curve and there is no actual victory... The game's tagline is "Losing is Fun!" and among DF players the most fun occurs when ridiculous events happen, like accidentally flooding the entire fortress with magma that was piped to the surface. The game uses ascii graphics similar to Roguelikes such as NetHack and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, but for softies like me there are graphical tilesets also available! So where can I get it? So you can get the game (for free!) at http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves but if you're not too familiar with it, it's better to just get the Lazy Newb Pack, a collection of utilities and a few graphics packs, and the game itself that was organized by a few of the bay12 games forum users. Once you have the game, you'll probably definitely most likely want to check out some video tutorials on . Setting up your first fortress can take some time, and I had no idea how to even dig the first two times I played (but I was also stubborn and refused to check out tutorials).So now what? A succession game is one in which the users trade the game save back and forth taking turns (usually an in-game year but obviously it could be a different span of time agreed upon by the group). I'd be interested in seeing what kind of wacky hijinks we could create should we get enough interest! We're all insufferable nerds here, right? Guys? Overseers: (in play order) !! (Turned in! writeup!) Moomba (Turned in! writeup on page 3!) Sensai (Turned In! Writeup coming soon!) JadeAuto (Turned In! Writeup incoming) Xerol (Now playing, due Thursday, Feb 16) HalcyonSpirit Ectogemia Super Duper Sombrero Garian Poor saps willing to lend their names to dwarves: Chroxic Triad Orion Hoopyfrood *IMO ReMixer and other community members' names should be fair game, but if someone requests to not be used please respect their wishes. If/when we get started, turns will be 1 year of in-game time, from 1st Granite to 1st Granite. Since it seems we have a mixture of experienced and inexperienced players we should establish some rules regarding our embark site (eg: no aquifers). I would appreciate it if people didn't deliberately fail, although I realize that shit does happen (especially in DF) so if you end up getting invaded by blind cave ogres because you forgot to seal off the caverns, no big deal. Gentlemen, behold! The Planets of Prophecy! The mass of grey on the central continent seems to mostly be savannah and shrubland with some rocky wastes and of course mountains. Xerol gave me some options to check off in the init file. We should all probably use the same settings to help make things easier, particularly the autosaves and backups that way we don't lose any work. Strike the earth!!
  2. Not sure if troll. The concept is retarded, historically in any type of strategy game, you get a general advantage for killing the enemy, and your units gain commendations for surviving long enough to kill enough units and being rewarded with extra damage or health or whatever. Saying that "last hitting is archaic" for an anachronism such as DotA (and its ilk) is like saying "cheese is moldy milk." The game isn't Monday Night Combat, after all. all I'm seeing here is "wah I can't multitask." If he really wants to throw a pile of corpses against the towers like the creeps do, I'll enjoy reporting him for feeding. The claim that leaving the lane causes one to miss out on farm is legit, but the psychological advantage of a successful gank should outweigh any loss of gold in lane, unless one leaves a hard carry to free farm (which should never happen). The argument against 0cs support is pretty laughable too, because that's merely an expression of highest level efficiency at play. The supports that are chosen are picked because they have some form of interrupt and sustainability without items (it seems to me that most support champs get their max CC duration at early ranks of their abilities, so they literally just have to stunbot or whatever *coughtariccough*), so they don't need to even do good damage if they're babysitting. Which is utterly ridiculous in my opinion but whatevs, so far Riot's design team has been disappointing me fairly consistently since Shen was announced (although thankfully not entirely). The skill-gate whining is really pretty silly, because last hitting is ridiculously easy in the game. It's pretty easy to last hit fairly successfully and harass with experience, although I'm not good at it at all (except in bot games!) . As much as I dislike the concept of masteries and runes, being able to give people a chance to learn the game before getting into serious matchmaking with veterans is a very nice change. IMO, people who haven't learned last hitting should not worry about things such as map awareness or warding or calling missing or other advanced topics like when to take Baron or Dragon. There's always room for improvement provided the game doesn't take backwards turns like removing an active part of the laning phase. As an aside, the whole risk zone thing is utterly retarded. HAY GUISE I AM GONNA PUSH ALL THE WAY IN AND ALWAYS BE AT RISK OF A GANK SEEYA WHEN THEIR JUNGLE IS 20/3 ;) ;)
  3. Not rage at all, and not trying to call anyone out either! ...but people who play at where I am at in matchmaking have no idea how to actually play the game and yet they think that if they follow what the "pros" do then they'll magically do well. I'm what you'd call a casual hardcore player, and find it hilarious that people are bound and determined to reinforce the meta when there are quite a few interesting possibilities that would trip up the other team, and could even work in solo/duo queue (even at the chagrin of 1 to 3 other members of the team). But I've learned that people are generally a lot dumber than I used to think so I just play ranked to try to measure where my personal skill is anyway, not to CLIMB THE LADDER OH MAH GAH. It's funny to see Elementz Tier List Purists rage when you decide to play Supportcrank though. And then go 3/1/16 and feed your carry bottom all the kills. The game is still fun even with the flaws, and I definitely recognize that I'm not very good at it. I just like to have fun and damn everyone else Also you can see your win/loss at the end of every game, FYI.
  4. Re: Doran's stacking: Ancient weapons and hokey religions are no match for skill on your side. It's just like flash; people who are good will use every advantage they can and min/max their build, and a million sheep will follow suit and play horribly in any case. When they die they'll blame lag, a misclick, or their lane mate and not their own stupidity, hurr durr! Obviously this is less true the further up the ladder you go but there is no shortage of arrogance in this game's community so take it how you will.
  5. Nice to see such a talented artist get more exposure I've been a fan ever since Shawn Phase introduced me to his work with some demos of Temp Sound Solutions' "Blast Portable." Thanks for sharing!
  6. Been waiting for this since the NYE show at MAGFest 7, glad to see it's finally here
  7. Guys, we still be playing this game and btw dominion sucks! :V
  8. Hey guys, I'm putting up a 2000 crown bounty on Angelic Helm Recipe and a 5000 crown bounty on Seraphic Helm Recipe ^_____________^ I bought the 5 star recipe thinking I had those other two and nooooooooooope! Poke me on steam or email/friend me in game if/when also, fuck whoever thought that it'd be cool to bind krogmo coin recipes. I seriously don't want to grind a minigame when I already have to force myself to make time to play with my group. Jalovec/Triglav, I may never know ye!
  9. Just wanted to throw out there that we do have a guild still, friend me or send me a message (username is garianse) to get in if you aren't in some other guild. Happy hunting!
  10. Mostly tightening up animations to make him more consistent, but also buffing Bio-arcane Barrage. It's really much needed to make him feel more rewarding to play and to give his anti-tank role more of a central focus. Kog'Maw with Madred's Bloodrazor and any other damage item (my item of choice is Infinity Edge, but YMMV) can nearly 10shot anyone in the game if he catches them solo (4% max hp as magic damage from MBR, another 6% max hp as magic damage from BAB, and physical damage to compensate for resistances). It doesn't work so well against MR heavy tanks, but against squishies/offtanks/armor tanks he does exceedingly well. Also about effing time on the Enchanted Crystal Arrow nerf.
  11. It's because of its cost vs how much it provides, it gives quite a bit of health and mana as well as MR and blocking a spell is just a bonus. Force of Nature is designed as a tanking item, not really a good bet for a carry... the BV basically allows anyone to get out of a skirmish if they're lucky to be caught 1 on 1. Also, clutch spell block.
  12. 55 seconds with the mastery, not sure without.
  13. I understand your point, but they're really cheap, 75 gold is what, 3 melee minions? Lighting the map up like a christmas tree and being aware of every movement the enemy team makes is so much more powerful than having an IE/Rabadon's 20 seconds sooner. I would agree that in pub play the support/tank/jungler should be expected to ward, but if everyone is sharing the duty then the enemy will have no choice but to adapt (buy an oracle's elixir) or fail. It's win-win for the team doing the ward spam because they know where the enemy is or the enemy has to delay their items to deal with killing wards. Generally you don't want to go warding in offensive places if anyone is MIA anyway so babysitting a carry that's running off to ward is really silly too, I'd never suggest that... which brings me to my other point, it's never safe to invade their jungle unless 4 of the enemies are visible on the minimap and you're sure you can escape the fifth. Being a tank/support doesn't make a difference because getting caught off guard can seal the deal, but taking 2 seconds to ward the wraith/river ramp or the brush in mid is hardly exposing one's self to danger, particularly if the lane is pushed to their tower. Also I wasn't accusing you of directly trolling me, it is my opinion that warding is something that should be done by the entire team-- Not necessarily aggressively unless there's a bit of map control advantage already (such as having taken a tower recently, particularly mid). It was just a reactionary turn of phrase, nothing personal meant, and I appreciate you clarifying why you have that opinion.
  14. There is so much wrong with that statement why are you trolling me.
  15. In LoL, everyone should be buying wards every time they go back IMO. They're too cheap and offer SO MUCH to not be doing it to protect yourself, if not to keep an eye on Dragon/buffs. Too bad in most pub games I'm the only one warding and the people don't ever pay attention to the minimap anyway so... Yeah.
  16. There are easily too many items with too few uses. Every AD (attack damage) carry gets Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster for damage and Zeal/Phantom Dancer for attackspeed. Every AP (ability power) carry gets Rabadon's Deathcap and Rylai's Crystal Scepter, anyone needing magic resist will get Banshee's Veil. It is rather dismaying really, because there are a lot of items that should see more use if they just weren't lackluster in comparison. I'm looking at you, Executioner's Calling (15% crit and 17% lifesteal with an activate that reduces healing/hp regen by half for 8 seconds on a 20 second cooldown). Morello's Evil Tome is another good example, it's basically Deathfire Grasp without the 30% nuke activate... it offers mana regen, cooldown reduction, and AP for only like 300 gold less. Thankfully Riot acknowledges that Banshee's Veil is too strong so hopefully they do something to it soon. Also be thankful you weren't around back when Ezreal could heal with his W. Those were dark days. Re: Kassadin, his original design was a melee DPS anti-caster carry, and his suggested items used to reflect this. Somewhere along the way, the player base noticed that his ability ratios were insanely high and started building him simply as a nuker instead-- ignoring that he has the highest base dps of any champion in the game at the time (IIRC he's still in the top 3). He has an incredibly high base damage and attack speed, capitalizing on those can make DPS Kassadin a nightmare if played properly. Unfortunately, he takes a lot of finesse to play that way because it requires understanding positioning and paying attention to enemy cooldowns to avoid getting CC'd and focused. Re: Snowballing, if you're getting a lot of kills early, buy a snowball item, or even two. If you can manage to hit that crucial 10th stack, you've already given yourself a huge edge over the enemy and should be able to keep it rolling. This is probably even more critical now since the gold rewards for killing have been reduced (down to 90 for extreme feeding and a cap of only 500 for killing streaks). In top level play those items aren't seen as much because there are generally fewer ganks happening, and losing those stats over a small mistake is a much larger setback than in a game where your team is generally rolling over the enemy. It's not really the best answer but it can go a long way in most of the matches we've played.
  17. There is a Minecraft corpse here, do you want to eat it? (y/n) y This Minecraft corpse tastes terrible! You choke... You die...
  18. Riot's already stated that they're going to remake both Nasus and Veigar's Q spells because the farming mechanic is uncapped and have some pretty fierce anti-patterns going on-- with Nasus it's more apparent because he either does really well farming, or he gets zoned hardcore and can do no bonus damage in the late game. With Veigar, the +1 AP is not insignificant but can be made up for with items to an extent, so even an underfarmed Veigar can still be an asset to his team.
  19. At the E3 reveal, they said that Leona was going to be a "Sun knight," which led me to assume she'd follow the Paladin motif like Taric-- her armor in the concept art was similar to his. IIRC Valkyries in video games are lightly armored and excel at ranged combat, not very conducive to tanking. To be honest, I'm more excited for the next champ in the pipeline, the crystal scorpion, but I'm probably going to buy Leona next Tuesday anyway.
  20. Yes, I agree, but Zileas is a goddamned liar
  21. Has anyone been following the Dreamhack 2011/LoL Season 1 championship? Pretty exciting stuff, although I think part of the game design encourages too much passivity early on-- Particularly flash summoner spell, the chance for ganks to fail due to such an accessable escape discourages early skirmishes. Buuuuuut, once the action gets started, it tends to get really epic really fast.
  22. 450 IP: Nunu (AP/Tank that can jungle very well), Ryze (machine gun caster that builds all of the mana items, making him very durable), Ashe (Ranged DPS that can kite better than nearly everyone) 1350 IP: Morganna (Strong support/caster-carry hybrid), Annie (Facerolls QWER for 9001 damage), Janna (Has a shield+steroid that synergizes so well with laning with powerful melee DPS champs), Tryndamere (One of the hardest carries in LoL, melee DPS with a 5 second ignore death ult) Also be sure to like LoL on Facebook to get Tristana for free with the Riot Girl skin ^_____________^ She's my favourite ranged dps in the game right now even though she's not the strongest. My advice would be to play with all of the free champs, see who you like and try to build your champ collection up based on that. Around summoner level 10 you might want to focus on building a rune page with level 1 runes for the characters you enjoy playing to keep up with other players. The best bet with runes is to use level 1s until you can afford to replace them with level 3s because the ROI is greatest at level 1. Another note, Nunu is going to be nerfed in the next patch, but I don't know how yet. He's kinda silly powerful right now though so I kinda expected it. One of my biggest gripes is how Riot tries to manipulate the metagame of LoL by affecting it with every patch. Currently the beefy DPS champs have been very powerful, and they really have been ever since the AOE meta from last autumn fell out of favor.
  23. One of my friends plays Jungle Mundo now, it's effing awesome, although he thinks he'll burn out on it soon. Mahon: I wouldn't say HoN is superior in ALL aspects, but yes the graphical design is definitely much much much better, and I have a gold shield so nyah. Try to keep HoN vs LoL to a minimum, I enjoy both games and would like to see people give both an equal chance relyanCe: Bummer, do you have any verified info? Also, if anyone wants to queue with me some time I am comfortable filling most roles, the only champs I seem to absolutely fail at using are Irelia and Trundle, but that may just be because of lane matchups when last I tried them. That doesn't mean I'll be particularly GOOD with just anyone, my primaries are Anivia, Tristana, Nidalee, Cassiopeia, Jungle Nunu (AP), and AP Gragas... That is to say, I can generally carry if I'm playing one of those champs :V
  24. It's no big! Everyone had been playing the game 24/7 and tensions were running pretty hot. Everyone seems to have mellowed out on calling each other out since then so it's all good
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