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Everything posted by Garian

  1. i prefer campaign mode over versus, but i'm stoked for l4d2???? am i just the odd egg? (or maybe the community and valve BOTH completely failed when it came to custom content. 96% of community maps are survival mode, which is a ballsack on the eyes, and valve hasn't made a real full-figure campaign in ever.)
  2. happy birthday you handsome handsome devil. can you give me any tips on preventing further hair loss, or at least on comb-over technique?
  3. it's not intuitive AT ALL. from the friends menu, you have to hit A to [A]dd a friend (and if you have any friends online, you can nvite them. Most people have pretty much agreed, using gamespyID is the single most damning mistake for the PC version of the game... But I suppose that since they decided to go with as many digital retailers as possible, that they didn't want to incorporate the steam friends network %^(
  4. no, you can only play with other folks that have the PC version, and then only by using GameSpyID and doing all the same hoopjumping it took to get to play ut3 co-op :S my gamespyid is garianse by the way, and i can reliably host games.
  5. It sure is nice being kicked from #1 because I'm not playing pyro tennis.
  6. ahaha awesome, one of my hobbies is downloading random SPC and VGZ packs to hear music i'm unfamiliar with. I noticed Madou Monogatari and Shodai Nekkutsu Kouha Kunio-kun in your playlist and have to say that you're now my favourite person. I can come up with some more suggestions for you if you like (it'd be best if you came to the IRC channel to talk with me, as I nearly absoulutely LOATHE forumz (except the ocr forums)).
  7. absolutely! by the way, that mongol rocket launcher i found fires 3 rockets at once, but not in a spiral pattern. they kinda just cluster and explode randomly!
  8. we should totally start comparing item cards! mine will appear on my hosting at thasauce.net at http://hosting.thasauce.net/users/Garian/borderlands/
  9. if i'm not playing borderlands, i'll probably be there
  10. i read that as "Valve knows this, and has responded with: 'get a better computer.'"
  11. [12:20:08] <garian> http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1004162 and http://www.gameranger.com/news/
  12. the AI director is just a very very complex RNG. if you dump the cvar list from L4D1, nearly everything feeds the system data or grabs from it in some form or another. That said, there really isn't enough room in the ~1.5 sections to see much improvement, BUT spitters LOVE coming out of the woodwork during a boomer attract mob, so there is evidence that some of the changes are for the better. I'm surprised that no one mentioned how much more optimized the game is now, by the way. Runs smooth at my desktop resolution (1280x1024) on my lower-end video card, while i had to drop down to 1024x768 for the same frames on l4d1... which only really continues to enforce my idea that l4d1 was basically the l4d2 beta.
  13. i thought the second server was going to be a bit more experimental, and was going to have more guys as admins for trying out different things and not necessarily locked down except for when it was called for (such as, say, scrim nights and other events). i guess plans have changed?
  14. yay decrypting the game files now! is anyone else already ready to play? www.steamcommunity.com/id/garianse ))))))
  15. haha guys, i was being facetious. AB is HERE TO STAY!
  16. we can start a "no airblasting" rule if you want
  17. but EVERYONE crushes on sensai~~~~~
  18. http://steamcommunity.com/id/garianse and my email is garian (at) thasauce (dot) net
  19. it works again. i forgot who all had admin but tbh with this kind of game (particularly with in-house games going on) there really isn't much need, if you want 'em just let me know. no sourcemod plugins are installed atm, nor any custom campaigns. IIRC bardicknowledge and scytheful have ftp access, maybe BGC but i'm not certain
  20. yeah, all that was fine, it seems that one of the .dat files was fucked up and it kept trying to download it as a client update from the server, even though valve did a hard disable on downloading from servers. i'm reinstalling as we speak.
  21. i pre-ordered a week ago, when rehevkor mentioned the game on irc. now i wish i had waited.
  22. the server group association has been very unreliable, and for some reason the server hasn't been working since the crash course update anyway. i've been meaning to figure out what the deal is but i cba because i'm more interested in POGEYMANZ :V
  23. kevin you've got money! bgc my server is a normal l4d server, but as soon as they (gameservers) gets l4d2 servers ready, i'll switch it from l4d to l4d2
  24. we need an address to send money to!
  25. if we have any 4pack captains left i'll be able to make a gift of 35 dollars tomorrow!
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