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Everything posted by Brushfire

  1. Sadly no, our record time always seems to run into the hour time frame area. If DJP would stop posting so many mixes a week, we'd prolly be a tiny bit shorter. Think if we did this on VGDJ's scheduling of bi-monthly. Episodes would be 4 hours long, and we'd have maybe two of our five subscribers.
  2. DO IT!! WE WILL BATTLE AT REDICULOUSLY HIGH POWER LEVELS NEVER SEEN BEFORE!! 9 out of 10 Garian's agree that I will beat the ass outta anyone except legends, since legends are for n00bs.
  3. A new mashup album by Team Teamwork, the guys who brought you The Ocarina of Rhyme. It's awesome! I'm loving some of this stuff. http://teamteamwork.bandcamp.com/album/vinyl-fantasy-7 Enjoy
  4. We only record once a week. So yeah, only once a week. We have had a long episode split into multiple parts and then had them released close together. We have had two episodes (8,9) release close together because of Magfest. But other than that, once a week.
  5. I think that he is referring to the cool-down time between shots, Bleck. I really do hate that cool down time too. Gotten me killed so many times.
  6. Our(My) Feed generator is out of the Evaluation period and I am waiting for them makers to email my Key to me. It should be on Itunes at the latest Monday night.
  7. We have recorded this week's episode, and we are hoping that it will be out tomorrow. No promises though.
  8. I would totally get this game, were it not on the Wii. I really wish that this game wasn't on the Wii so hard.
  9. I hate this show. But not because of the show, more of the community that likes (read: worships) this show.I have said once, and I will say it again: NERDS RUIN EVERYTHING!!
  10. All of those games are terrible. Except for Heavy Rain. That shit is Cash.
  11. NEW EPISODE IS OUT!!! IT IS ON ITUNES!! OR ON DIRECTLINK!! AMAZING!! Note that claims of Speedos were made. Standby for further info.
  12. Man alive, Episode 10 is gonna rock! Craig was a great guest, and even though he had to bail half way through due to time constraints, this will prolly be one of the best episodes we have ever had.
  13. Happy birthday to both of you fine folks!! One for each of em.
  14. We record one every week, and for the most part we try to have a new epsiode every week. UNLIKE A CERTAIN OTHER PODCAST THAT CENTER'S AROUND OCR!! NITRO GAME INJECTION!!
  15. Episode 2 http://www.lemonsinseries.com/ocad/Episodes/OCAfterDark%20-%20Episode%202%20-%20Handfat.mp3
  16. We will be getting this turned into an American Folk Song. Thank you, Guru of Musical Inspriation. You are truly a Muse to be reckoned with.
  17. OK KIDS, BIG NEWS!! So I have been in talks with Stuttering Craig of Screwattack.com, and he has agreed to be on the next episode of OCAD. If there is something you would one of us to ask him on air, please post your questions. As far as the new guest list is concerned., we have assloads of folks lined up to be on. Among the buttloads of onsite d00ds, we have Spencer Neilson of Ecco the Dolphin confirmed, Chad Williams of PBC productions, we are in talks with Wes Johnson of Fallout 3 and Oblivion, Magfest showstopper Zen Albatross, and SOOOOOOO MANY MORE. And at some point Larry Oji. MORE TO COME!!
  18. From what I gathered, Stevo sent it to DJP, and the Pretzel Man devoured it.
  19. So, because I am totally amazing and what not, I got banned from our website. Last time I ever try to update your RSS feeds...
  20. If we can get out there, the good ole OCR boys and their OCAD Show will do one on the road for ya.
  21. We are working on it right now Mutey. Give it a couple of days, and you should have one by next Saturday.
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