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Everything posted by Brushfire

  1. So deleting every one of those folders Powerlord pointed out seemed to fix the problem. It survived a play on Well and Yukon, so it looks like it works just fine now. Thanks much.
  2. You got a flight yet? lemme know which one, so I can try to get on that one.
  3. Why wouldn't you pick Minnesota? I mean it has so much to offer... Like... Umm... Uhh... Hang on a minute...
  4. So you aren't staying at my house?
  5. I have done that twice. To no avail. But that does seem to help for about a week.
  6. Last troll for serious. Does anyone have a fix that actually works to get rid of the waffle fire. cause try as I might, it just keeps coming back.
  7. Did you still need a place to stay Jose? What day will you be arriving, and do I need to pick you up from anything aside from the main gate?
  8. Happy Celebration of Escaping the Womb!! Enjoy your cake day, you fine human being!!
  9. Even though Escariot hasn't put up the new link, we assure you that it is up. I had alot of fun this episode. Now if only Larry wasn't so busy, it would've tooken everyone for a ride.
  10. I am aware that I contradicted myself. It would be naive to say that this has never happened in the military. I prolly should've clarified that it was not sanctioned by any command, that is why most offenders end up in Levinworth. And no the military is not blameless. It is just that implying that this is what the military does this on a regular basis, is down right wrong. As far as what I do, the short answer is a Computer Maintainer. The long answer is something I cannot discuss. Life is strange like that. Also, I totally agree that America has a habit of supporting the wrong guy. As far as Multiplayer goes, unless a game is designed specifically for multiplayer (UT2K4, TF2, L4D, etc), I usually dont play it online. I prefer a story focus, and none of this online rank/clan/tier crap that mucks up what could be a fun game online. Plus TF2 is the best online shooter. So there.
  11. Maybe B-Fire's house? I dunno he seems like a cool enough d00d.
  12. Wow d00d. Just wow. While sometimes this may happen, it still makes the people who do this war criminals. Everytime it was reported, those involved were prosecuted under the UCMJ. This game is telling the general public that the US will not only condone terrorism, but actually participate in it. Just so you know, I am in the military. I know all too well about the reality of war. You know what the front line it like? D00ds standing around and occasionally getting a mortar fired his or her direction. Most folks that aren't Infantry or Security Forces are more than 60 miles from what could be conceived as the "Front Line." Also you point out that it is inevitable for collateral damage. Commanders have to take that into consideration.I do not know what the magic "acceptable" number is, so I can't go on further. It is always tragic when one of my brothers in arms die from roadside bomb, or other similar tactic.
  13. I just noticed that I really suck at drawing headphones on Judge Judy. Makes me sad.
  14. That reminds me, what would be a good time to have the LAN party at. I mean what times would people actually want to come out? I have the community center for the entire day, so really it is no worries on my part.
  15. Law of Armed Conflict. "Unlawful deceptive acts can include false surrenders, placing anti-aircraft artillery in hospitals, and misuse of the Red Cross or the Red Crescent. In a broader sense, the principle of chivalry incorporates basic concepts of morality, military honor and human decency, whether or not specifically articulated in custom or treaty. " By putting a US Army soldier in a terrorist cell, with the full knowledge that the soldier would be commiting terrorist activities against noncombatants, the entire command that that soldier was working for in subject to punishment under the Geneva Convention of 1949, which in the real military is punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Now I may be looking into this a bit much, but still. The fact remains that this does not happen in the real military. At least the US one.
  16. Gunstar heroes as your avatar, lame d00d.

  17. I really wish this game was more realistic. I really hate it when game devolopers put in levels that violate LOAC. Like in MW2. The level where you shoot up helpless airport people. Yeah that doesn't actually happen in the military. Kind of offensive there. Also Snomobile chase wasnt that bad, but still.
  18. So episode 4 is currently going through the editing process. Stevo has said that the episode may come out here Sunday night or Monday. Also we will have some shownotes to have for you soon too. We swear. Click teh logo for joy when that happens.
  19. I fixed the photo. Larry called and told me there wasn't enough OCR related things in the Logo.
  20. Come on our Podcast and pimp your wares Mr. Adler. We love what you do! I would pay upwards of 15 Damn Dollars!!
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