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Everything posted by Caster13

  1. I already bought Antigravity (kick ass, by the way). Is there a way to replace Antigravity with a different CD (if so, any suggestions?). I'm a stickler for overlapping deals.
  2. Dude, you should have kept on rolling with it: "That's very clever of you Mr. Professor, but any decent mathematician would know..." *Do Phoenix's pointing pose* "That such and such math thingy is impossible because of such and such math rule!" *Fold arms over chest and stand imposingly*
  3. Oh. WOW. That was hilarious.
  4. Damn. Pre-2:00 was some fun jumping around. Post-2:00 completely blew me away.
  5. I have to say that I've lost a bit of interest in OCR and haven't visited the site in a quite some time. But I am glad as hell I came back and caught this mix. I've been listening to this for the past half hour on loop and I just think it is amazing. I'm not musician or anything like that or even a half-decent critic, the most I've ever done with music is play around with Electrokplankton. But I can absolutely feel the camaradarie in this mix among the five of you. To pull off something like this over a single night is great feat. Great job to all you.
  6. Yeah, this is like the first rap song I've ever heard in my life that didn't have the lyrics at the highest volume and centered out. It's appreciating to actually hear the instruments.
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