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Everything posted by Zarggg

  1. I do have two questions about the tees: 100% Cotton or Cotton/Poly? Preshrunk or not?
  2. I was surprised. I was all, "What's up with you, Juice? VGDJ shouldn't be out yet!"
  3. XL here; my gut is too big to wear a large. (Of course, my VGDJ shirt is an XL, but even that shows my gut a little...)
  4. Or, if you're like me, you already HAVE them all.
  5. Saw video. Is like. Is like a lot! Need more videos.
  6. I want a "something + number button"
  7. MY idea kthxbye. ROFL@that. Is Pixie a trekkie? Yes, she is. Another interesting fact you might not be aware of is that water contains hydrogen and oxygen.
  8. Glad to see and year you all had fun. Sorry I had to miss it, but on Saturday I was riding in a car up to Maine. Y'all come back soon now, y'hear?
  9. Be sure to have fun without me!
  10. It's not as absurd as you may think. It's called "skimming".
  11. Hooray for having a nick that no one can make fun of. And for the record, it is pronounced /zɑɹg/, according to the English IPA. There's a simple explanation for the name on my website, but suffice to say that the name was made up for the web game Alien Adoption Agency and the extra Gs were added to make it sound more alien-like.
  12. Maybe it's because I never played the games, but I actually liked this movie.
  13. And why the hell would a sticker be such a big deal?
  14. Cannot wait for new show!
  15. I am honestly surprised that this image isn't already on the site, nor has been submitted in this thread: (The original Super Mario Bros. mushroom.) And for kicks, the "poison mushroom" from SMB2j: LT: Oooh, I saw Yack's "Doubt" from the Metal Black AST in your sig. Nice choice. Anyway, good stuff with the shrooms.
  16. OK... To change the topic from the current one... My VGDJ shirt arrived today! I'm sporting it now, and one of these days I'll have to post a photo.
  17. That looks so comfy. I bet those cushions are soft. As for a new host... It's something I wouldn't mind doing (and is something I've secretly wanted to do), but (A) I have little time and ( I'd be scared shitless.
  18. OK... Two things need to happen here. I need to read this thread more often. You need to let me know when you're in my state!
  19. Really? I didn't realize it went through Gizmo.
  20. For the sake of our international friends... Why not register a Gizmo account? Free voicemail.
  21. No kidding. I guess it's a good thing I didn't order a male stripper with a case of vodka for her, then...
  22. Personally, I don't mind the intro. Sometimes it's fun to see what random, whack-out shit people can come up with. Vote: YES. The "And then djpretzel said <insert random shit here>" template should stay. Although, I won't cry too hard if it's changed.
  23. What? What? And Wingless, your voice was fine. But your mic sounded a bit muted and quiet in parts.
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