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Everything posted by Zarggg

  1. (Whoops, misread the post.)
  2. That may be, but I'm majorly bummed that I can't upgrade my original $50 pledge to $100 now.
  3. I used foobar2000's File Integrity Verifier. I redownloaded those files, and scanned them right away. They didn't show an MD5 mismatch this time, so it was either an error present from an earlier form of the torrent or one I somehow introduced while adjusting tags and adding to my music library. Sorry for jumping the gun there without full diligence.
  4. I finally got around to adding this to my music library, and I noticed that the following FLAC files flag as corrupt (MD5 mismatch): 2.16 - bLiNd & Ashleigh Coryell - A Ring and a Promise [Lamentation and a Promise (Prologue 2)] 3.03 - Between Heaven and Earth (Isolated World) 3.04 - LuIzA - Forbidden Perception (Taboo Storyteller) 3.06 - Devastus - I'm a Force of Nature (The Power Which Supports the World) 3.07 - E-Bison - Holy Mother! (Dark Madonna) 3.10 - The Dual Dragons - Gunning the Metal Knight (Battle ZEIK) 3.11 - Radiowar - What's Left (Agitation to Destruction) 3.15 - Ergosonic - And So He Flew [Migratory Bird of the Wilderness (Rudy's Theme)] 4.03 - Theophany - Moonrise (A New Moon ~Malduke~) 4.08 - diotrans - The Ultimate Sacrifice ("Asgard Did His Best, Didn't He?") 4.11 - Jovette Rivera - The Eternal Journey (To the End of the Wilderness ~To a New Journey~) Screenshot of scan results for these files. Does anyone know if these files have been corrected, or if fixed versions exist?
  5. Not a bad cover, but I gotta say... I like the original better.
  6. Greetings! Hope you enjoyed the first day of Blip (and second, if you went last night)!

  7. To repeat my FB post when sharing the page link: YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME. I've been pulling for Hyadain to submit this ever since I discovered that he submitted SMWS.
  8. I hate to be a nuisance, but any word on Track 3 yet? :/
  9. 1440x900 is one step "down" from 1680x1050. It's a standard 16:10 resolution.
  10. Hi, just noticed your friend request. Don't recall if we met at that big gathering in Bryn Mawr or not.

  11. OMG, how did I completely miss this? *goes to download NOW*
  12. So glad you decided to accept this one. "Foregone Destruction" is one of my favorite tracks by van den Bos, and this ReMix does it justice.
  13. When trying to do your GUS install, I get the error "Install cannot determine the UltraSound card type installed." Was there something I missed?
  14. Maybe I'm going nuts, but I swear I'm hearing influence from some FF3 (NES) tracks in this. One of the caves, I think?
  15. Lufia 2, FF8, XS3, FF6, and others I'm sure. Also, I can't really feel too much sympathy for people complaining about spoilers when a game has been out for more than ten years. >_>
  16. Yep, that's the one. >_< Thanks.
  17. I'm trying to find a specific website for tracking what games you are playing, have completed, and to what degree you have completed the game (simply beating, getting secrets, complete mastery, etc.) I think this site focuses mainly on retro console/portable games, but I could be mistaken. This has been bugging me like crazy lately. I registered an account on this site forever and a day ago, rediscovered it a month ago via someone's signature link on a forum somewhere (don't recall if it was here), and now I can't find it again, as I never bookmarked it. I've tried Google for a while, but to no avail, mostly because I have no idea what keywords I should be using. Any help would be appreciated.
  18. Wait, really? Somehow I read this as being on Friday. LOL Never mind; apparently I can't calendar. This should work out after all. Btw, I will be driving.
  19. Oh man... I'll be at class at noon. Any posssility I can show up later? (If I go; there's also a party in NYC a friend of mine wants to go to, as it'll be his birthday this weekend.)
  20. Yay! I've been waiting a long time for this one.
  21. This. Is. Awesome. Can't wait. Seriously.
  22. Sadly, since this not on a weekend, I will not be able to attend. Best of luck, Pixie. (Also... the reason I haven't been in the channel lately is because ETG has me banned as a "trojaned machine", even though this is not the case. Posting on their support forums as per network policy has not fixed the situation.)
  23. I am have voted. Yay.
  24. I really hate to be a pain, but does anyone have the answer for this, or could they poke djp to post the info? I've had bad luck with shirts in the past, so knowing this before buying them would make it a lot easier on me.
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