Landstalker will always have a special place in my heart because it was the cover story in the first Sega magazine I ever bought, and when I finally got round to playing it (12 years later!) I loved it. Anyway, Shnabubula's mix takes an already fairly unconventional theme in several new and unexpected directions. It's consistently engaging, challenging and surprising - just when you think he's about to settle into a groove, Shnab brings in a new melody, bassline or beat. As for the "sub-par" samples, I didn't have a problem with them. The focus never rests long enough on one element to expose any flaws, and anyway, I get the feeling it's supposed to sound just a little bit lo-fi.
Some familiarity with the source material probably helps, as does an open mind and an interest in original, unpredictable, experimental music.
Shnabulous (sorry).