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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. It will take me a little bit to really comment on the source usage but I'll give production and arrangement crits now.

    First, some really competent drum processing on your part. Be proud of that! However, it is slightly tarnished by the kit being a bit burried and muddy in the mix. If you can separate each part of the kit (Kick, Snare, Toms, Cymbals) and EQ tweak them to sit better in the mix, that would help a lot. EQing drums is a tricky thing to nail but resources online and trial-and-error will really help this.

    Now for the big issue: the guitars. The sequencing is decent, but its too rigid. Adding a slight quantization "random" factor offsetting some notes by a microscopic amount can help it feel more natural. The tone and processing however need a lot of work. It sounds like theres a flange on the whole thing, either that or two distortion boxes in a relay and its making the entire tone suffer. Also the EQ on it is very narrow and too high-end focused. Lastly, double tracking guitars with hardpanning would clear up the center of the mix and widen the sound. I would recommend using different samples or recruiting a real guitarist from the forums. If you end up sticking with samples, you can dual track by duplicating the guitar track and doing a different quantization random offset for each.

    The overall mastering is okay too, but see if it can be improved once the guitar and drum issues are fixed. With some elbow grease this has the potential of being postable! I will post additional crits as I have them.

  2. Slick arrangement. I love the intro with the vintage piano processing (iZotope Vinyl?). This is a really good take on the source, and I feel that it has a good chance of passing. Seeing as you've already sub'd it, dunno how much good my crits are now but I'll give them anyway.

    Only real crit is the arpy synth at :45 sounds bland and generic (in general it doesn't fit). Next time, or if it gets rejected, try it with a bell synth and added a phaser to it. It gets better when it becomes more processed as the song goes on.

    The melody could have been used a bit more to tie in the source and make some of the emptier sections feel fuller, such as the last section of the song before the piano comes back in.

    The song could have also been expanded to really grow and explore other arrangements of the theme. More piano usage and interplay between piano and synth would have been a neat concept to have used to fancy up the melody line. Just an idea!

    Transitions are good, production is good with room for improvement. No qualms with instrument mixing, did a good job there.

    Best of luck with this!

  3. I'm stepping out of line here to answer these qeeeeeestions

    these questions aren't related to the discussion that's been going on.

    1. How would I go about forming an Artist Group? Just for info, i'd like to make a Hip Hop Collective equivalent of The Plaid Muffins. :<

    and, yes, i've been asking around so it is a bit more than 3 people. =/

    2. How could a current wip album project become an official OCR album project? (sorry, i'm at work so if this was answered already you can just link me to the page/post)


    1. Nothing special, actually. When you send in the mix itself, list the artist as the name of your group. Then in the song description, list the members names and individual OCR pages (if applicable). The artist group should automatically be formed based on the information you provide, granted that the mix is accepted. The same thing happened for the Muffins, and I believe the same thing happens for each One Ups mix, Insert Rupee, etc. etc.

    2. This SHOULD be in the wiki for projects, but you should send an email to projects@ocremix.org with a project proposal and link to the thread. The proposal is reviewed and then you're contacted about it.

  4. Can someone tell me how to catch Pokeblu? I beat the elite four five times and tried to use STRENGTH on that truck but it doesn't move


    Okay, I'm done. I don't understand why there's such hub-bub about mostly insignificant things. All this social media has done is made people misconstrue information from others more often and more quickly. Also perhaps the Pokemongray aquisition was also to prevent squatters from abusing and posting something fake? Or it could be code for "Pokemon: Go Ride a Yodeler!"

    Edit: In retrospect, I would 100% buy a pokemon game about riding yodelers. Not even kidding here.

  5. I have to say that OA is now no longer uncontested for his title of "sexiest judge". Congrats, Wes. You're indispensable when it comes to staff goings-on and I can't thank you enough for being diligent, thorough, and completely dedicated to making this community great.

    You've earned this position, and I know you'll help prune the next generation of remixers along with your peers and friends.

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