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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. You're dejecting us British? >:[ We made that showcase really important, you American bastards!

    jk, congrats OCR on your 12th birthday! Let's see what the future brings eh :D

    I agree with everything here except this:

    If? IF?? We put on a show for you, you slimey ungrateful gits! Not to mention it was the first international OCR appearance EVER. So you should count us! :D

    Seriously tho, not a bad year overall, well done everyone! :D

    Fine, I changed it to hopefully make you happier :)


    Wow, ten albums. I knew we had more than usual, but ten? Is that counting Bad Ass, it just came out?

    No, it didn't. Now its 11.

    Someone stole money out of your shirt during a panel?

    No, that's the amount of people who stuffed money down my shirt during panels.

  2. OCR was formed on December 11th, 1999. In a few day, the ol' girl turns 12 years old. I thought that I was blown away by how awesome the 10th year anniversary festivities were. I'm now looking back on this past year and can't help but think HOLY SHIT did a lot of stuff happen.

    So I'm thanking everyone who's taken part, be it as staff, musician, artist, videographer, forum member, listener, or whatever. This community exists and grows because of you all and it wouldn't be the same if even one of you weren't involved.

    Here's some statistics I could pull together for you all to mull over.

    From 12/5/10 to 12/6/11:

    • Mixes posted: 200
    • New artists posted: 60
    • Albums posted: 11
    • Conventions attended: 6
    • New forum members: 2493
    • ReMixes with at least 1 more review: 1004
    • Original Albums released: 2
    • New Staff Members: 3
    • New Judges: 3
    • Amount of money shoved down my shirt during panels: ~$114
    • Hammer sandwiches eaten by Larry: 0

    Notable accomplishments:

    • Switched IRC networks (for less banning and great justice)
    • December is Reviews month started
    • OCR's 20th & 30th Album posted within a year of each other
    • First PSP remix posted
    • First Sega Pico remix posted
    • OCR Live! formed, performances at 4 conventions (3 if you don't count the Brits. TAKE THAT!)
    • Considerable progress has been made towards the next forum revision (we swear blogs will eventually exist)
    • $7514 raised during Support OCR Month alone!
    • OCR youtube account suspended and brought back in less than a week
    • Interviewed Nobuo Uematsu at Distant Worlds
    • Chipamp updated for the first time since the invention of sliced bread
    • Inbox Queue burned through to within a month of submission. Judges and Workshop Mods struggling to keep up. :wink:
    • OCR's FIRST international panel at the UK London Gaming Con.

    I'll be adding to this list as people give more noteworthy things. A special thanks to all staff members for making this one of the most productive years ever. Though a lot of the work is invisible, you can not be thanked enough for your tireless efforts.

    *sniff* I love you guys (and gals)

  3. I might as well ask just out of cat-slaughtering curiosity (apologies to any cats who might be reading) - how can I be sure? I downloaded it from the developers' official website...

    On a similar subject, for those who emulate, what in your opinions are currently the best ems for NES, Super NES, TurboGrafX and Sega systems? (If this is a touchy/forbidden question, feel free to ignore me and please limit flames and trolling to a minimum.)

    You can be sure by going back to the download site and seeing which one you clicked. The one with the executable is called the "binary" version. This has many alternative names throughout the dev community: compiled, executable, release, etc. The other version is the source code, which is basically the raw programming used to create the executable and dependent files. Due to how computers are designed, many languages do not allow direct code execution on a CPU. They are High Level Languages, and computers only understand machine code (this is probably not 100% correct but for sake of our purpose, consider it so). So source code is for people to tinker and make changes on their own and then compile it, which ain't what yer doing!

  4. I honestly don't get the hate on Will's drums. I don't think they sound realistic as such, but they're punchy, sharp and perfect for the genre.

    I like 'em Will, and I think this was one of the best songs on the Missingno Tracks! :D

    Yeah, trust me, I don't get it either. It's just one of those personal preference thingies. I wouldn't say they are BAD or even ADEQUATE to any extent, they definitely work. They just detract from my personal enjoyment of the mix in-total. It's the old To-MAY-to vs. To-MAH-to argument.

    That being said, this was definitely a highlight of the album.

  5. I cracked such a guilty smile when I heard that genre-specific percussion panned hard left during the intro.

    I really like everything about this song. All of the rhythmic elements here are sweetly layered and it all just works. The source is taken in a nice new direction. Honestly my only qualm is I would have personally loved if some "live" touches were given to it (eg. crowd ambience, banter from the various people playing the instruments, slightly more realistic room reverb and slapback). Again, a personally-desired touch to be sure, as what's here is solid as adamantium.

    Sweetness. Delicious and tasty LATIN.

  6. Ahh now THIS is definitive Mazedude. You are working those samples, son. Loved the vinyl intro and the transition into the song proper, and how you kept those lowfi sounds coming back. This is all kinds of retro. The sound design here is so damn good that I just lose myself in it. So much warmth and bitcrushing and reverb and GAH its really hard disecting everything in this thing. Indeed you have achieved the feeling of frozen with this.

    Above all else the percussion in this song is a fucking all-star. Give yourself a pat on the back from me because it has left my jaw on the floor.

  7. I love everything about the sound design except the drums for some reason (then again, I've always been iffy when it comes to your drums, and I'm getting the feeling its just a personal bias). The kick and snare inparticular are standing out as just not sitting well in the mix. The bass also isn't very present on either my headphones or my monitors. That's normally your style though.

    Everything else is kickass though, as usual. Great solos and top-notch production. Keep up the good work!

  8. So excited to see this. If it wasn't for the final tracks being due so soon I would certainly audition for one of those free tracks. Having said that, if you are wanting more tracks Fishy, just let me know and I'll russle something up. If what I come up with isn't polished enough, no problem, I'll still have a track at the end of it.

    Does this mean though that with the end in sight that there will be a trailer on the horizon? :D

    Jumping in here about the trailer (sniping you, fishman). Unless the director has someone specifically selected to do the trailer before submitting the album, the trailer falls to OCR Staff, specifically José the Bronx Rican. With a plate as full as his, we normally wait until very close to release to put the trailer up.

    Interest in an album due to the trailer stops peaking about a week after the trailer is released. If an album were not out in that amount of time, we lose some heat for it as time goes on. Also other mixes get posted in the meantime which draw attention away from the trailer. (rightfully so, regular mixposts deserve dat love, but its cannibalising our own attention to something else we're putting out)

    At least that's my take on it, hopefully that makes sense!

  9. This track is another one to mark on the favors that I know owe the OA/DA duo. The track was originally slated to another artist who, after nearly a year of working on a track, ended up being unable to finish. Not to slight the first person's attempt in any way (I know that if they were able to finish it, it would have been very good), but this track is absolutely perfect to end the first disc of Lucid Dreaming and in-itself a very good embodiment of the feelings which dreams produce.

    If I remember correctly, the title of the track was a mistake being correct in a conversation between the two, and it kind of stuck out as being a good descriptor for the emotions behind the song. This is a love ballad in everything but words, because it doesn't need any. The crisp, shimmering guitars lead as the gated pad and dreamy vocal work from deia carry the song. This is some of OA's most out-of-box guitar work to date, and it shows he's comfortable with his guitar being more exposed and less processed. Deia's vocals are haunting and ethereal, a perfect fit for the song.

    Overall this is my favorite piece of work from you so far, Andrew, and I mean that with as much of my NiGHTS bias removed as possible. I can't wait to hear what your next collab with Deia sounds like!

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