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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. I think you are one of the few people who understands how important Fate of Atlantis is to some of us. This was my first point-and-click adventure and was, by far, my favorite. I honestly can't thank you enough for this, checking it out shortly before I get up to my ears in WIPs!


    ...from what I listened to, it is heavenly. Rarely has something given me such a nostalgia trip. I now dream of having the whole score redone like this. IF THERE WERE ANY WAY, I WOULD DEMAND YOU TAKE MY MONIES. Fantastic work, Mr. Beckett. Listening to the rest of it later!

  2. Each new GTA has gotten successively less tongue-in-cheek since the third ones. This one will probably end up feeling dull and taking itself too seriously. I think Saint's Row captures the spirit of the original games better these days.

    QFT. I had GTA4 given to me as a gift when I got my PS3, and I honestly stopped playing at "Bull in a China Shop" because I got so bored. Saints Row 2, however, kept me going for a bit longer simply because it is absurd, colorful, and...you know, FUN.

    I'm one of the few people who prefered the top-down GTAs to the 3D ones. I enjoyed GTA3, and especially enjoyed Vice City (oh, the hours I wasted gunning people down while driving a Vespa) but it all has just gotten very "meh" lately.

  3. Is it just me or are vocal-driven ReMixes getting better and better? First Ska Buffet, then some of Akumajo's NiGHTs stuff, then that Kenya rap mix from Super Dodge Ball, and now this. I'm a happy listener, that's for sure!

    I think vocal remixes have always been good (some hit, some miss on a personal preference level). What we've seen as of late around OCR, with both vocal mixes as well as mixes in-general, is a larger representation of genres and subgenres. They're becoming more adventerous while keeping the quality bar high. And it definitely makes me happy to see that.

  4. Everyone's comments have been so meaningful. Thank you again for all your responses and feedback!

    I finally got ahold of that picture of Yuji Naka and Takashi Iizuka holding Lucid Dreaming. Just look at Iizuka's face. LOOK AT THAT JAW ALMOST HITTING THE FLOOR. That was the instant he was told that this was an unofficial fan-made project. :)!!


  5. I am proud to announce that the OCAD server now services the BLUE LANE railway, going from Val's most confusing Pyramid maze, around the gigantic diamond penis (created in memory of the original golden penis of the first server), all the way to the Sphynx of the sky city.

    There are some ridiculous things going on at our place these days.

  6. Vile and I fought JK last night. There's a number of changes:

    1) He loses his crown after first crazy rage thing (not sure if this is a change)

    2) He may or may not spawn spike jellies if 2 man or less, he definitely spawns them 3 man or more.

    3) At some point (50% health? 25% health?) he spawns six or eight purple Polyps (Royal Polyps, I'm assuming) around the room. It looked like it happened during either the first or second activation of his spin-around-the-room-invulnerable phase. Two top, two left, two right, didn't check bottom.

    4) timing animation is currently off.

    5) seems to have less health, less bumping.

    My opinion: definitely seems a bit easier, but will be running it again tonight so will know then if it was a fluke or not.

    And no, no spike floors :) The battle at least seemed a LOT more fair, with less cornering and ganging up by the cubes. Shield bumping was a lot more effective, and the Polyps provided a nice extra challenge like bump-and-dodge. Dare I say it was more...fun than he used to be?

  7. I can not express how much I disagree with this. Learning your tools should always be your secondary focus.

    There is NOTHING more important than learning how to write good music. Not even making it sound good is as important.

    I made the mistake of focusing on production before arrangement. Now I have trouble with compositional things that regular street performers can do naturally.

    Nothing is more important than the composition of your music.

    But how do you know what to compose if you don't know what to do? Knowing the tools enables your brain to expand its limits of composition, so you are telling him to build a ladder when he doesn't know how to use a hammer and saw.

    Seriously, this thread is derailing very badly so get it back on track before it gets closed, please.

    As for what to do to get better at music, there's three things I do:

    1) Listen. Go just listen to music and see what you can notice, disect, interpret, whatever with it. Figure out what parts you like and why, and what parts you don't like and why. Example: I listened to some chug-tastic metal with massive dissonance to find what dissonances I liked and didn't, and then tried to think about why I didn't like them. As a result, I am slowly learning how to use dissonance in an appealing manner by seeing how other people do it and how the audience responds. I have given a very specific example here but you can do this with about everything and every aspect of music.

    2) Research. Go find books at the library, threads on the internet, videos on youtube about many things. Don't just get one on a specific subject either: watch multiple on similar subjects to see what common elements exist and where people's opinions differ. Not everyone thinks all good electric guitars are mid-heavy with a cut at 500hz or whatever, so see what is out there and absob as much as you possibly can.

    3) Experiment. This is the biggest one of all. Just spending time messing around, tinkering, tweaking, recording, mixing, mastering, manipulating, doing it all will get you acoustomed to a setup and how to get sounds from your brain to your speakers. There are ways to assist by asking for feedback from others and forcing yourself to do exercises, but getting better at music is a voyage primarily of self-discovery. You learn the most by doing it yourself, and you learn the most when you try to do things you've learned or researched.

    Hope that helps!

  8. Wow, this has me kind of stunned. I knew he had a hand in UNIX but I didn't know he was involved in C, which I guess I should have known. Another brilliant mind has passed, but his legacy is beyond that merely of computing genius. His influence has created a whole new generation of brilliant tech people who will carry on that collaborative computing philosophy for ages to come.

    #include <stdio.h>

    int main()


    printf( "This is not the end, but just another beginning. \n" );


    return 0;


  9. I can say this so happily


    Took two rez's on mine and val's part but gigawatt pulsar + vile striker turned out to be a really efficient combination.

    Edit: also, we beat it while listening to the Braveheart soundtrack, and it dawned on me that a Spiral Knights playlist would be awesome. If you all have playlists you use while playing, I'd be interested in seeing what they are.

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