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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. Been busy, but I've finally got around to working on this a bit more. The updated version now includes a bit of panning, reverb and other such effects, so I think it has filled out a bit more. I don't know if I went far enough, but I'll let some fresh ears decide that. I tried to concentrate on sound design a bit- I've done some layering, a few completely new synths, and added some new backgrounds to compliment things (I hope nobody minds arpeggios:smile:). I'm terrible with drums, but I found something else I thought might work- I'll definitely want input here. Overall, I think I succeeded (on some small level, perhaps) at making it sound a little less amateur-ish. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks!

    Tindeck link is expired/deleted. Can you reupload?

  2. Solution: add an EXP system to accounts, award EXP for reviewing or rating a song after listening to it ^o^

    But anyone who is a regular on OCR doesn't really skip songs, I wouldn't think

    VGMix 2 much?

    I understand people's complaints that regular mixposts might seems fewer this year considering the amount of albums released. Let's just look at the sheer statistics of it:

    Albums released in 2011 (so far): 9

    Albums released in 2010: 4

    Albums released in 2009: 4

    and it just kinda goes downhill from there.

    As it has been for a while now, anyone who makes an album that is release through OCR, and is approved and QC'd by us through that, has the right to have some of the songs from the album as part of the OCR database proper. This is the nature of mixfloods. OCR Albums are not by-default consisting of all OC ReMixes. The best thing to think about is that an album is a separate entity from regular mixposts. This is why people submit album tracks to be posted on the site proper: just because you're on an OCR Album doesn't make you an OC ReMixer.

    Unfortunately I can see no way to get around the issue without playing some kind of favoritism. We release albums as we get them and have them ready to roll. It just so happens that this past year a lot of albums have wrapped up and we've been trying to release them as fast as possible so that we don't end up with an album queue years backlogged. There's also no way to remove the initial mixflood from the process without it being unfair to anyone who stars or releases an album after that time.

    There has been discussion of interspersing regular mixposts more between mixflood posts, potentially having it all spread out over a few days. It's been on the backburner simply because there are other things we've had to focus on for most of this year.

    Rozo's suggestion of always having a regular mixpost last kinda seems unfair to an album mixpost if that artist didn't have it as part of the mixflood. Same thing with excluding them from russian roulette or the database. That's basically like saying "your song is either part of an album, or a normal mix on OCR. you can't have both"

    Also the suggestion of having staff pick favorites as representatives of OCR is a bad idea. When blogs are implemented, yes that is fine, because then its their person opinion. A trailer of staff picks wouldn't work though, nor would anything over the "official" channels for the same reason we don't allow favorites lists in the forums.

    I'll make sure to bring this up at the next staff meeting though. As I said, it has been discussed before so there's no harm in bringing it up again.

  3. Here's a great tip:

    1) go to reviews forums

    2) Sort by Number of Reviews (Ascending)

    3) review some underreviewed stuff.

    Who knows, MAYBE YOU'LL FIND SOMETHING NEW YOU LIKE. It could totally happen.

    It makes me sad to see any reviews thread with less than 10 replies because of how unique all the songs are.

    Edit: My reviews






  4. This is pretty good! In fact its good enough that I really only have two crits:

    I think you can do a lot more with the percussion here. As much as the tambourine sample is good for keeping it going, I'd love some more typical cymbal work as the genre has. Also a more cutting snare.

    Another thing that could use work is your transitions. Sections change and it doesn't feel like anything is happening. Try to pack a little more energy or variety in how things progress would greatly improve the song!

    I'll keep on listening for more crits but those two are pretty big on my list. Loving the style and production thus far though!

  5. Yeah, this is a bit too unfocused as it is. There's definitely improvement from your first take at it, but you need to work on beefing up the core ideas before moving on. It feels like each section of the mix is JUST getting started when it changes direction.

    The first minute and the last minute should be worked together, the middle section might not be worth including in this particular song. Other things to work on are humanizing the piano (or changing it to a different instrument), throwing in some bass, and embellishing the chords in the progression so its easier to feel the flow of the song.

    Interested in seeing this continue to evolve!

  6. This song helps me get through the drive to work in the mornings during frogger-style traffic. Definitely a highlight of the album. This song goes through some really cool instrument switchups and always has that feeling of moving towards a battle both varied and menacing. The production is pretty damn good, too, though I feel that some sections tend to get a little stagnant without a solid melody (i really wish that flute made more of an appearance, like emu mentioned).

  7. Shame this thread had to get started over. Not familiar with the game at all, or the music for that matter. The song is pretty stock once it actually gets started. The samples haven't aged terribly well and most of the song feels too empty. The drums could have used some work as well. Would like to hear some more from this game though!

  8. You've got some damn funky sounds going on here, but if you're looking for submitting to OCR, I'm afraid this isn't really interpretive enough. It feels more like a funki-fied cover with some neat sounds that make it an enjoyable listen, but this wouldn't get past OCR's bar IMO. As a personal note, I also feel like the lead you've got playing the melody is pretty weak and doesn't really give the listener much to grab onto.

    Pretty much it right here. Also there's some underlying dissonance in some of the chords.

    Personalize the shit out of this and then send us an update!

  9. I understand the need for sidechaining but the amount of volume pumping is a bit on the extreme side. Lessen the compressor about 5db if not more. Also, there's some near-distortion for instruments like the snare and the bass so make sure nothing is clipping anywhere.

    Arrangement is pretty good, though some of the instruments sound a tad generic and a few sections border on the repetitive side, but overall it is quite enjoyable.

    Tweak the production slightly as indicated above and this should be good to submit.

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