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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. DAW: Reaper

    Library being used: QLRA

    In the project I'm working on (which was playing back perfectly yesterday), my Play instruments have stopped working. They're completely silent.

    When I go to adjust the settings and click the "Streaming" tab, there is a red note at the bottom saying "This engine level setting has exceeded your available system resources. Try lowering your engine level or your audio buffer size, or contact tech support."

    Even when I set the engine level all the way down, I still have the same issue. I have 3 gigs of RAM, (actually 4 -- but one of the four sticks apparently isn't functioning), and this project does not have a huge number of instruments. Playback was working fine yesterday, so I suspect that isn't the problem.

    Any ideas?

    1) have you updated the play engine to the latest version?

    2) check your system resources utilization (task manager): how much ram is free, and what, if any, are other big processes that you can stop?

    3) you may need to freeze tracks and painstakingly work them one at at time, freezing and unfreezing, if you're getting the issue. Try freezing all the tracks except for one of the play VST's, and check if it works then.

    4) just for good measure, disable any active antivirus scanning and hard drive indexing while doing work on the project.

    Also, are all four sticks of ram installed but only three are showing up? You're on Windows 32-bit or 64-bit?

    Edit: oh, and before I forget, unless you're using the 64-bit version of Windows, the 64-bit version of Reaper, and the 64-bit version of Play, I believe Reaper and/or Play is limited to 2GB ram usage total.

  2. ¡¡Viva la (chiptune) revolution!!!

    Indeed. We need to keep a pin on these fellas, or else we will live in a world where gameboys evolved from men, and men are slaves to the gameboys.

    It's ProtoDome. It's a semi-spastic mesh of styles, synths, and smoothness. On top of that, it's a version of Zelda's most iconic tune. While I myself was never that into the Zelda games, I am definitely into the music. You just keep making awesome stuff, dude. Just don't run out of chip sounds!

  3. Now that you're posted, it's hard to complain about you not being posted. :|

    The most common complaint on the site, bar-none. But reaching that point where the complaint becomes invalid is a sensation all the sweeter.

    This track is fantastic, through and through. The style you did this in, which is also a style pervasive in nearly the entire album through all your songs, is simultaneously nostalgic and fresh. You pick your sounds very well. Perfect track to kick off a great album.

    I don't know how you did so many great tracks over those two years on top of this one, but my hat is off to you. I never played the original but I'm still diggin' this. Congratulations, you lemon-lime non-carbonated beverage.

  4. Is OCAM an occult social-event involving OCAD & friendz, that happens after midnight when it's really dark outside, and you shouldn't be feeding the Gremlins anymore?

    Also, if anyone could confirm in roughly how long the EoL party will begin, that would be much appreciated.

    I've been trying to figure out the proper EST (EDT) time setting from my location, but I thought it would be more reliable to ask you guys. ;)

    I have no idea what OCAM is.

    The listening party will last roughly 2 1/2 to 3 hours. The album itself is about 2:20, from what I hear. Will have a bathroom break in the middle of the listening party.

  5. OK Palp and I have booked our hotel from Aug 7-10. Do you think it would be a good idea for us to rent a car, too? Do we know how many people with cars will be there?

    Yay see you there!

    OH MAN, AMY AND VINNIE ARE COMING?! This meetup just got 10x sexier.

    I know this is probably a HUGE hassle, but can we update the OP with how long some people are staying? It's probably impractical but at least then we know when to get really big stuff in.

  6. Alright folks, got some new info to throw at you:

    1) In an effort to further encourage people to get their final tracks in as soon as possible, every remixer who gets their track in AND approved by me/project staff as final before the Final WIP date (December 1st, 2010) will get a free physical copy of the project when it's released. This doesn't mean you can turn it in at 11:59 PM on November 30th and just have it called final. I would recommend starting to submit "final" tracks around the beginning of November so that me and the rest of the staff have time to review and approve. It also gives time for revision if there are changes that need to be made. I really hope this encourages mixers to meet the deadlines for the final stretch.

    2) Any submissions received after the final deadline will be deal with as they come. However, as soon as the final deadline has passed, the staff will focus on QUICKLY reassigning any unfinished tracks so that all the tracks are done by the point of no return (April 2011).

    3) There will be a special something from this project being put out on July 5th of this year to commemorate NiGHTS's 14th birthday, and in anticipation for the full release next year.

    Keep up the good work, folks!

  7. Mmmmm.....so chill. Reminds me incredibly of Ulrich Schnauss, except a little bit more upbeat. Soothing pads all the way, and very appropriate processing with the delays, reverb, and of course, the reversing you put on some of the sound. Chimes are gorgeous, and effective glitchy stuff in the middle. I'm pretty sure that's a live guitar I'm hearing in there at parts, and it's smooth as butter.

    Added to my "Chill out vibes" playlist. Rock on!

  8. I totally forgot I wrote that paragraph of mine lol. Shows how bitter I was when I subbed that but still thankful at the same time. My perspective on things have changed a whole lot now. After comin to a realization that I suck it's easier to take criticism especially good criticism meant to help me lol. So thanks for the comments everyone although some things were said, looks like everyone's enjoyin it so far keep the comments comin ^_^!

    It's fine, 9 out of 10 people go through that stage. Just like everyone is a forum n00b at one point or another, it only took you time to get where you are (and it DID push you to keep pushing yourself harder and higher than your original expectations, didn't it? Did the same for so many others). And I'm really glad you made it to this point!

    While I can hear some issue with compression about midway through (the bass is really powerful and is causing a meshing of all the sound when all the song is going full force), I'm definitely digging what you've done here. Also gets a little repetitive at times but that gives it the feeling of background music. The synths are cool though.

    I'm looking forward to seeing where you grow, musically, from here. Congrats and nice work.

  9. What do you get when you mix two of the chippy-est remixers together for a track? Well, usually you end up with a lot of empty potato chip bags, but that's not the case here. As always, great use of stutter and glitch effects throughout, and really appropriate choice of leads and pad support. Production couldn't be better for the feeling I believe the remixers were trying to evoke. A perfect blend of the two peoples, since I can't tell who did what, and even if I could, it doesn't matter anyway.

    ....umm...good job!

  10. This is a beautiful source done in a really creative and fun way- there is no way this song is ever leaving my playlist. :-)



    :puppyeyes: Please, sir, can I have some more?

    I don't think I have much else to add besides this. The vocal clips are awesome, and this is just...I have to call it FRESH. What you got here is a FRESH mix, fresher than salad. Me likey.

  11. Mmm thems is fine gritty drums der. Purdy!

    You know, I always thought that the underground theme was better in SMB3, because I could actually understand the phrase now that it had a beat. Cool pick for the version of the source.

    Can't say I'm the biggest fan of such an abrasive middle-focused guitar tone, but it sounds a lot better once it has the low-end covered after the first phrase. The synth accompaniment is pretty catchy, reminds me a bit of some of Pitchshifter's work. Nice wanky solo. The drums sound a little bit too weak when every instrument is going full throttle, but that's not enough to take away from the mix as a whole.

    Nice industrial rocks feel. I enjoyed it!

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